The Gossip Bakery

Votes given by Gosplvr

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    QUOTE (PigmentedContourSwatch @ 5/13/2024, 06:31 PM) 
    QUOTE (CathyW55 @ 5/13/2024, 06:25 PM) 
    I guess we could, but this is a gossip site, so there’s that 🤷‍♀️

    Calling anybody a "slut" is inappropriate.

    It may be “inappropriate” to you but sounds fine to me and the next guy. As long as the board monitor finds nothing wrong with what is said then all is good. If you read something and don’t agree with it for whatever reason the best thing to do is just keep scrolling.
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    QUOTE (PigmentedContourSwatch @ 5/13/2024, 09:23 AM) 
    Look, there is a lot that we can discuss regarding her character and "scheming" without having to resort to comments about her body or using derogatory names. That just feeds into the "we are all just jealous haters" narrative she will spin this into without actually responding to the (hundreds) of legitimate complaints.

    I guess we could, but this is a gossip site, so there’s that 🤷‍♀️
  3. .
    Yep! Lisa has never used those "loving" phrases before. Just recently she started, but it was all part of the scheme. I like how she is answering all of her IG comments NOW. When she thought she was worth 25 a month it was not that urgent to answer them. Posting pictures is so FAKE! All she is "trying" to show, is that, all is well with her. The "haters" can keep "hating", but they wish they could wear a bikini,and have a husband/life like mine. LOL she will keep that head up and keep on smiling. Reality does not exist in Lisa land! That conference fed her ego like no other.... All lisa does is "research" on the computer, read a book or two, then she feels so knowledgeable. ANYONE can do that........ hello news flash!! Lisa has no education,she knows NOTHING about nutrition, never went through any difficult times. She has beat that divorce story into the ground!! She literally thinks people need her advice to survive. Lisa has such a HUGE ego its scary!! I mean I have several friends I talk to and give advice. They call me Dr. Phyliss. That's what GOOD FRIENDS DO............ FREE OF CHARGE!!! :)
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    She's been on youtube for 15 years and cannot get a consistent lighting setup (or any lighting at all), cannot edit, obviously struggles to come up with interesting (free) content and yet she thinks people are going to pay $25 to watch her "figure out" (which she won't) a new platform? She couldn't even clearly explain how to subscribe to her own channel and turn on the notifications ("google it").

    This is so typical for her, she watches a video (or in this case goes to a conference) and then is full steam ahead on some new hair-brained idea (plants, home decor, kibbe body type, etc.) and since none of her ideas are ever actually fully fleshed out ahead of deployment it all fails and she goes back to the main point of her channel: shopping.

    it is so telling to me that the 3 thing she took away from that conference were: Chalene's shoes, Chalene's lotion and... how to grift your audience. Lisa is the most entitled individual I think I've seen on youtube (and that says alot) she thinks she deserves the finest things in life just because she is LISA. This is why she has a bug up her butt about Hermes (and you can tell she is SO bothered that none of the Hermes SAs give two sh!ts about her). In her mind why isn't Hermes just throwing bags at her?! She is LISA!!!

    To anybody else this would be a humbling experience but in Lisa's twisted mind (and thank god we do NOT know what's going on in there as she suggested in this video) but she's gonna twist it somehow to justify her ridiculous and low-effort attempt at scamming the audience she so often waxes poetic about.
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    gawd I hope this woman's entire youtube channel tanks and she makes NOTHING from social media at all. She's always bragging how they are SET FOR LIFE. Great, then why bleed the subscribers who made you for xtra dollars. She's just a hick with zero education yet thinks she's so wise because she went thru a divorce. pfft..
    It would be so satisfying if the Patreon flopped and died and it took her down. Even five bucks is too much to hear her talk about whatever is on the top of her pea brain. Such grifters!
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    Even though she pulled this right after showing $25,000+ bags, etc., if she had only charged $5.00 I doubt she would be receiving this kind of backlash! It’s the greediness of asking $25 in this economy that was finally the last straw!
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    She’s probably in complete denial about what’s happening. Her whole life is fueled by delusions, after all

    Overall the comments aren’t even mean-spirited. And it’s not like the nose job. This is much worse. I hope the Patreon is a huge flop!
  8. .
    I can't believe that she thinks eating 2 quarter pound burgers with cheese from McDonald's every day is a healthy diet.

    Since Jawn doesn't like to travel, and they all hang around the house or go to Five Guys, what are all the obscenely priced handbags for?

    She didn't get the memo that conspicuous consumption and haul videos have been out for years. Does she realize even top tier Only Fans models charge 25 bucks per month?

    What a waste of time and resources. I can't imagine having enough money to spend on all that junk yet never take vacations. You know if Jawn would agree, her greedy long ass would be in the Dubai mall buying shit up.

    She's such a hick. Trying to impress other people with her luxury crap while going to Walmart and fast food places.

    Edited by Poopiepants - 5/13/2024, 12:28 AM
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    Greedy horrible woman! Grab the money as fast as she can to run or fly to the Hérmes store and buy more shit she doesn’t need. All that gullible subs are paying for her pleasure. How stupid can they be 🤷🏼‍♀️
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    QUOTE (Penelopy @ 12/5/2024, 10:46) 
    I take it that Lori is no longer her friend. I checked and it’s the real Lori’s account.

    I love this for her too. :mocking_smiley_emoticon:
  11. .
    Ohhhhhh Lisa, Lisa,..your head must be spinning or exploding now !!!!!! Asking mommy and daddy for advice how to control the damage.
    Ohhh sorry, you are a DEEP thinker so you will hustle your way out of this train wreck, wow this is hilarious :flcvoy01:

    Edited by Blondie3613 - 12/5/2024, 18:48
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    Does anyone remember how elementary schools used to have a big assembly before sending everyone out to sell magazine subscriptions, chocolates or wrapping paper as a fundraiser? The kids would leave excited and pumped up and ready to get out there and sell, sell, sell! We just witnessed the adult version of this as I think this is the type of conference Lisa attended with a bit of religion thrown in for good measure. SELL, SELL, SELL! I can’t wait see what happens next…
  13. .
    "Struggle bus"???
    She dared say this? If this doesn't show them all how sick and wasteful and empty she is, then all hope is lost.
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    In her second "Don't Worry About Me" Patreon 5 second clip she says she and Jawn are on the struggle bus. I guess this will be like her stupid thumb nails to tease you into case you are dying to know what they are struggling with. And of course it' s never about what it is presented to be. This is the mystery topic you will be privileged to learn about. Yours...all for 25.00 a month. :show_me_the_money_smiley_emotic I just hope she receives the comeuppance so due to this egocentric, narcissistic hillbilly.
  15. .
    Just suffered through this ungrateful privileged video. Basically, what she is saying is that she wants to show off her "wealth" and brag about herself and not get any blow-back for it. Not going to happen, Lisa. You cannot go on-line in this struggling economy and brag about buying 3,482 lipliners, Chanel, Dior, etc and then begs for money so all of the "HATERS" on YouTube can't see you do it because you are on a more private forum like Patreon. Not possible Lisa. We are all way smarter than that! We see you for what you are and who you are and you just lifted the curtain for your minions that were clueless to see as well.
    Way to flush your boring channel down the proverbial toilet, Lisa
11808 replies since 30/7/2016