The Gossip Bakery

Votes given by Two!muchstuff

  1. .
    CheapAssMustard “hoard on or hard on” snickering: Same thing for her, isn’t it? Yah, she does look constipated in that pic!

    Cornflake Queen LOL, brilliant! :clapping-hands-above-head-smile

    I’m with you on that Hannah1984 her rush is to get back to the couch in front of the TV with her somethin’ somethin’s and vodka.

    Watched today’s video. :20130930101758-5e972761: Far too busy (lazy) to chop some onion. Not too busy to shop, write things down multiple times and nap but 2 minutes for an onion…that’s a big nope. 🙄
  2. .
    I knew the pasta would boil over. 🤣
  3. .
    May 10, 2024 Cook Dinner With Me Baked Sausage Ricotta Pasta

    Gee, what an interesting name for PASTA SLOP. That's what this is, pasta slop she will feed Andrew for a week. Of course she is capable of making him a fresh meal every single day, but Darlene hates Andrew & EGGspecially hates cooking for him.

    If she has to take some time to assemble this pasta mess, she's off the hook for a week.

    LAZY. This is Darlene, LAZY.

    Oh, to the surprise of no one, in the thumbnail the pasta bake is way overbaked bordering on burned. That should be good reheated 5 times. :yucky:

  4. .
    Once again the magic kitchen bench is working, producing more leftovers than was actually made.. Im sure she made that pasta dish and Andrew had to eat it every night for the week..
  5. .
    She’s repeating the same boring content…

    Good thing she scrubbed her channel…now she has room for these duplicate offerings

    Always rushing with nothing to do and really, nowhere that she has to be…still can’t cook worth shit!…that pasta stew/glue is a disgrace!…yeah, Steve is rushing home for supper (sure Jan)…I’m halfway thru …

    She is exhausting :20130930101758-5e972761:
  6. .
    Take a drink every time she says ‘honestly’ and you’ll be drunk before you know it.

    What’s with the constant time crunches and needing to get dinner on the table quickly? She’s home all day and we know Steve picks up Andrew from RISE. How do her viewers not question this?

    They eat dinner really early! I’d be shocked if they’re not snacking later in the evening.
  7. .

    More butchered recipes! More like Chefs kiss of death. She sure loves controlling those portions lol. Of course with those toddler servings, everyone will be looking for supmin' supmin' by 6pm. Idiot!

  8. .
    Here we go again.

    To think Darlene shills herself as a homemaker and cook when she couldn't be much worse at either. Okay, so she's not good at anything else and even her "journey as a woman" is full of lies, but no one needs more of Darlene's dinners. She's a walking (well, hobbling) disaster in the kitchen. That destroyed pan said it all and I vote for it being her thumbnail pic . . . :yellow-laughing-smiley-emoticon

    Both of today's recipes were easy, relatively quick to cook and not new at all but pretty much what we've seen her throw together many times before, yet she still couldn't be bothered to make them properly. Instead, it was the usual slapdash attitude and rush, rush, rush "to get dinner on the table" . . 🙄

    Too much time spent shopping, napping and sitting on her fat behind in front of the TV, have always been the real reasons Darlene can't get even the simplest meal ready in time. It's certainly not down to coming home from a busy job, running around after her family, or from being busy with any of the things many women do every day. If it were, we'd have seen the evidence long ago.

    Having said this, I also suspect she often hams up the idea of being in a rush because it adds to the illusion of Myhusband heading home for dinner, when really the only rush is to get back to the couch and take the weight off her feet. Andrew has usually eaten his reheated slop by then and I highly doubt Stupid would care if he had to wait another ten minutes for one of Dar's dinners, even when he is there. Constantly waddling and leaning on surfaces for support, is indicative of someone who simply can't stand for long.

    The forthcoming coffee chat will be fun. Cutting down on what were already tiny portions of bread, potatoes, rice and pasta, all so she can still eat plenty of crap, is a classic mistake but I'd expect no better. Junky snacks and desserts or loading sugar into dinner recipes, means her food is calorie dense but not filling for long. If Darlene is losing weight, it won't last with this diet. Not that she won't know this, having repeated the same nonsense many times before. That's why I don't believe she's at all serious about "a healthy relationship with food". Otherwise, she'd be weaning herself off sugar and avoiding junk more and more.

    So true, WF. I like how cast iron cooks but only have a couple of pieces - I'm quite small and find them heavy to lift once they're full. Years ago, I thought about investing in Le Creuset, knowing they'd last a lifetime (except if you're Dar) and because I love their shade of burnt orange. I was young, but luckily not quite stupid enough to dive straight in. Despite the sales patter, including a good discount on a complete set (and that lovely burnt orange, lol), I somehow managed to drag myself out of the store having bought only one large casserole. Fast forward through almost thirty years of regular use (Mr Hannah or son usually get it out of the oven) and the enamel is still going strong, having never been anywhere near super high heat or wire wool.

    Darlene's impatience and lazy carelessness has ruined more pots and pans in the past eight years than most women own in a lifetime. Even today and so soon after the last debacle, her pan was starting to burn again, this time when she added dried onions and garlic to a sticky, already used, very hot pan.

    As for Hunter, poor thing. He looked very wary in the burnt pan video and was the same way today. Most of Darlene's lies and behaviors are just ridiculous to the point of often being funny, but how she treats others including her dogs, is what makes her truly odious.
  9. .
    QUOTE (Trixie27 @ 8/5/2024, 14:15) 
    I’m pretty sure you’re not supposed to use SOS pads (steel wool) on enameled cast iron, I bet she’s ruined the finish so that’s why everything is sticking and burning. That was really bad.

    I have a beautiful lodge enamel cast iron and today I pulled out the instructions (I doubt dar reads instructions for anything).
    You are correct, no metal utensils or metal cleaning tools. Also, you should always cook on low or medium heat. We all know dar cooks on high because..quick and easy.
    I wondered what she did to that Dutch oven her mom gave her because it's ruined as well. Now we know.
  10. .
    :154: New video tomorrow! Get out the Pepto, the video is under the playlist, WHAT’S FOR DINNER? :yucky:

    Lord, more burning of food? Is this the pasta bake she warned us she was making Andrew? Maybe the burgers they had on Saturday night?

    No matter, none of that is food. Quick & easy Darlene never puts in the effort to make a decent meal. Frozen burgers slapped on a grill on cardboard sandwich thins. Why bother buying good ground beef, adding some seasoning & making the burgers yourself when frozen from last year are good enough. Eat up! :yucky:

    I’d be finding an errand to go on & stopping someplace for decent food.

    So, there it is, more food. Man, this is brutal. See you tomorrow! :goodbye_smiley_emoticon:
  11. .
    QUOTE (Socalgal @ 5/9/2024, 03:07 AM) 
    Great recap Kayla and Chortle. Indid capture a glimpse of Linus. He's there. But I think Chortle is right, he hates Darlene. :yellow-laughing-smiley-emoticon

    This is around 13:50 in the lower left corner.

    Thanks hun, I thought I saw him when she was giving the dogs cucumbers, but it was getting late & I didn’t want to back up the video to look again. :yellow-laughing-smiley-emoticon

    Isn’t it weird how she doesn’t show him & told us we would only see him every once in a while? What is that all about? She is so weird.

    Eyedunno Thinking of you today :hug:

    Hannah1984 You are so right. Grocery shopping is off limits, but she will bore us to death in the pillow aisle of Michael’s until we scream. Darlene always hid food. Buying & eating. We didn’t make up #BrownieGate :crying:

    And yes, why can’t an outing have a few minutes of where you’re going? Or what you ate at a restaurant? No one else has to be shown, because she’s done it before. Plus, she’s the one editing. Just cut them out.

    Well, we all know the reason. ‘They’ aren’t going anywhere. I believe when she’s not out shopping, she’s watching tv.

    I never understood why Miss Produce Is Like Candy never started a garden. As you said, she buys very limited produce & what she buys is very easy to grow. Cucumbers, peppers, beans. Even the squash Stupid loves is simple. She has an entire yard that’s nothing but a dogs toilet & it doesn’t look as if it will ever be anything else.

    Gardening is good exercise & while she tells us she will be moving more, I’m not seeing it. To me it’s the same as her saying ‘I’ll be making this from scratch.’ So far, she hasn’t moved or made anything from scratch.

    In the 8 years on you-tube, I still don’t know what her interests are outside of shopping & food. She used to be consumed by planners & sticker books, but with this (fake) new content, it’s not shown anymore. She mentioned redoing her closet (office) but that hasn’t been shown once this year. In fact, she hasn’t shown the dungeon where Andrew spends his life in a very long time.

    I find that basement area to be nothing more than a firetrap. The room where the freezer was had dangling wires & over loaded sockets. Even her main floor has limited outlets.
    I keep wondering where everything is being charged. Didn’t Andrew have at least 3 iPads? We never see them anymore.

    So much is weird in that house that I could spend hours listing it all.

    SophiaPetrillo The drink you make your husband looks delicious. I’m going to make it for my hubby to take when he plays golf. I think he needs something more than water out there in the heat for hours. Thanks for sharing it.

    But, Darlene make a drink? :crying: Unless one of the ingredients is vodka, I wouldn’t count on it. Quick & easy Darlene just buys crap off a store shelf.

    I keep laughing each time she’s showing those stupid protein drinks she mixes with coffee & now whipped cream :disgust1: & needing sports drinks with electrolytes.

    About that whipped cream she uses now. She said in the video that she couldn’t be bothered to buy a frother to make her own foam, but didn’t she have one? It was a gift when she had the Nespresso. It made foam cold or hot, so what is she talking about? And where is the Nespresso? Haven’t seen it in a year. When she got it, they were buying the pods for it constantly & she even had the Nespresso advent calendar.

    It & the frother are gone? Did they leave with Stupid? :yellow-laughing-smiley-emoticon

    CheapAssMustard DarAthlete :crying: I’m dying.

    Have a nice day everyone. I’m going to be in the garden getting everything ready for planting & I have the pool guys coming. It’s hard to get them when the heat begins, so I booked early. I’ll check back later :goodbye_smiley_emoticon:
  12. .
    THAT PAN . . then the "complete lifestyle change" . . . . . . :hearty-laugh:

    Bit behind and can't wait to hear what everyone thinks of Darlene's ridiculous commentary on yesterday's debacle! Why keep showing such repetitive garbage when according to Dar, life outside of food and shopping is just peachy?

    No one, least of all boastful Darlene, would bother filming such awful footage to the exclusion of all else, if "everyone" / "everything" were truly always "good". She'd have better content filmed, edited and uploaded faster than she picks up "fresh produce"!

    That old line about enjoying family time away from the camera wouldn't add up even if she weren't a YTuber. Most folks have some kind of camera to hand, even if they only ever take the odd pic or two. Besides, who said anything about having to film family?

    Darlene could still show snippets of HER 'journey', or bits of her busy, busy, busy day and not include anyone else. Filming the odd clip here and there would take seconds and needn't be intrusive whatsoever.

    As she's food obsessed for example, let's see how this "complete lifestyle change" fits around the coffee and cake or lunches out she must be having when she's meeting up with her many friends most days. Or, as food shopping is a mainstay of Darlene's journey as a woman, why not take viewers with her? If she can show endless shopping in Winners, Giant Tiger and Value Village, etc, how come grocery shopping is off limits?

    Hmmm . . Hiding much, Dar?

    Darlene can talk the talk, but can't walk the walk by magicking up footage of what never really happened in her day.

    As for food shopping, Darlene doesn't film herself instore because it would highlight how she makes a beeline for processed junk and doesn't "shop the perimeter of the store" for longer than the few seconds it takes to grab the tiny amount of the same old fresh produce she always buys. Showing these sections would expose the lies about Canada's limited availability of fresh produce too. If Darlene filmed herself food shopping, we'd also see her cart filling up with the extra junk that's hidden by the time she shows hauls.

    I noticed the weird picking at that bag of frozen fries the other day too, Chortle. It was the same movement as if she were reaching out to eat cooked fries with fingers. The anticipation of what's to come must be so overwhelming in Darlene, it manifests in a physical reaction. Just another version of the constant pawing and patting she always does, I guess. But sure, everything is different this time around!
  13. .
    Here's a delicious and healthy electrolyte drink not filled with junk. I make it when my husband goes on his runs. He burns a lot of calories on his runs and comes home dripping in sweat. Only other people I know who needs to drink electrolytes are doing Keto. Darlene is not doing Keto. I used to be an advocate for Keto because it stopped my migraines. Sadly to aggravates my Hashimoto's and RA.
  14. .
    Great recap Kayla and Chortle. Indid capture a glimpse of Linus. He's there. But I think Chortle is right, he hates Darlene. :yellow-laughing-smiley-emoticon

    This is around 13:50 in the lower left corner.
  15. .
    May 8, 2024 Food Prep- New & Improved -Meal Prep -Organization

    Let me say this, nothing & I mean nothing is new nor improved. Darlene is saying this because she deleted all her old videos that show the same things, recipes & failures.

    At 50 years old & bragging over being a SAHM for 25 years, Darlene still can't cook, hates to clean & basically knows nothing about running a home. She is a failure at being a homemaker & a parent. That's nothing to brag about.

    We begin by looking at some cut up strawberries she couldn't fit in all her containers. And we hear about those Rubbermaid Fresh Works containers for the 500th time. Then she shows chicken with cut up peppers & onions all packed together for one of her quick & easy meals. It's a Saturday night. What's the rush? And someone tell me why this small family of 3 can't work together to make dinner on a Saturday night. There's no schedule, no one has to be anywhere & you can start earlier in the evening.

    BECAUSE no one else is allowed in the kitchen, EGGspecially Andrew. He's lucky she allows him above ground to eat.

    Wait. That's it? What happened to the dinner? We only saw Hunter, no Linus again & then all of a sudden it's Sunday. You know what that means. Darlene was alone on Saturday night. The chicken she had in the bag was not going to be cooked, she got take out. She ate alone in front of the TV.

    Prove me wrong Dar. Until then, you're a liar.

    And we get to see her cabinet with all her containers & measuring stuff. It's a mess with one big plastic basket just filled with random crap. Then she tells us AGAIN about the 2 new glass containers she bought at Walmart. Darlene, I've seen these containers 20 times. I don't need to see them again. This is not new.

    The house is a disaster. There's a random laundry basket by the table, she just finished up the dishes from the night before & says they had a KIND-A brunch, there's stuff in the sink & random crap around.

    The timekeeper tells us it's 1:58 & that her stove circuit board is not working again. She says they fixed it once already in an 8 year old stove. Well Dar, don't buy Samsung appliances. Looks like a new stove is coming. Does that mean she won't be getting a new freezer? Lately it seems that money is pretty tight except when it comes to food. Since they did some stuff over a year ago, they haven't replaced or fixed or painted yet. You'd think Miss Moneybags who buys pricey items would just go pick out a new stove. And that she would already have a new freezer.

    In fact, why isn't there a crew changing out the sink, faucet, countertops, backsplash & flooring?

    To prove my point that Darlene can't cook, she adds peppers & the onions she just cut (badly) into her cast iron enamel pan that is so hot, it may melt. The peppers started burning immediately. By the 'time she said she sauteed them, the bottom of the pan was burned black. Oh, don't worry, the peppers & onions weren't burned black, just the pan.

    Oh please. This is shades of burned pizza or sweet potato fries where we were told the black parts were flavor. That burned bottom will flavor the peppers & onions. It will make them bitter.

    No, I'm wrong as Darlene thinks they're just fine. She's even using tongs she got at Walmart. Not sure why we needed to know this. To me the important part is that you burned that poor pan black & are still going to serve food from it.

    If I were the Dawn Powerwash company, I'd tell this dumbass that not only do you never spray it on a screaming hot pan, but it's supposed to be sprayed & left alone.

    As I'm watching her lean on the sink waiting for hot water, I think her faucet is leaking. Yes, I went back to look & it's definitely leaking. She should look under the sink immediately to be sure it isn't seeping underneath.

    Now she's just doing busy work that is meaningless. But for anyone new, Darlene is at a new stage of life & meal prep is different than when she was a Military family. OMG, not that story again. Darlene somehow needs to look busy so she cuts an onion & red pepper to store in a glass container.

    This is ridiculous. How long at dinner does it take to slice an onion or pepper? 2 minutes? But she's so super duper busy she needs to have a container with an onion & pepper all ready?

    She tells us about the Walmart 94 sale still going on & how she bought so many cucumbers. But it was a pick up order & they were too big. So Miss Wasteful takes a bunch of paper towels so she can cut out the seeds. To throw it all away? Doesn't she tell us all the time how she composts? Why can she just cut out the seeds over the bowl?

    Darlene wastes paper as much as she does plastic.

    She making a (fake) Greek salad & tells the story of how her mom would cut cucumbers in quarters & cut out the seeds.
    OK. I believe Pat could still cook rings around Darlene with one hand tied behind her back.

    And we have to hear the same story AGAIN of her JA Henckles knives she bought at Canadian Tire. They are really nothing special & the proof is that she will put them in the dishwasher. You don't treat good knives like that. But Darlene is LAZY.

    She's going to cut a red pepper, but goes to the sink to check to see if the Dawn worked it's magic. Not yet. She uses her cool girl Scrub Daddy & nope, the pan is still black. More Dawn & back to the pepper. I have no idea if she washes the Dawn off her hands. But, she is holding on the counter as if she is about to fall down.

    She's either holding onto the sink, or counter or stove. Can't she stand without assistance? From what I see, no, she can't.

    In a tribute to Pat, she is cutting another cucumber with a paring knife. The first one she cut on the board, but in this tribute she's just showing you what she knows.

    Yes, we've heard this story before when she's peeling potatoes, but Darlene doesn't buy potatoes anymore. Only frozen & I assume instant. Darlene LOVES instant potatoes.
    So, this is also not a new story.

    She throws Hunter pieces of cucumber & says 'the boys' are getting cucumbers, but no Linus. What boys?

    And of course this (fake) Greek salad from the woman who keeps telling everyone how she is going to make food from scratch, shows a bottle of dressing she bought a while ago at Farm Boy. Of course. Darlene make dressing? Never happen.

    As she does the voice over, she really wants to show us another thing her mom used to do, but she is adding the Feta cheese first & then on the video moves the bowl aside, so doesn't show using a plate over the bowl. We'll see that later.

    She still has that bacteria breeding ground cutting board on the counter that now holds a container. How much stuff has been put on that board she is using for food?

    I bet she never cleaned that board properly yet & should stick to plastic. It's gross.

    She is going to blend the cottage cheese smooth, we hear the story about the Ninja blender again & says she is going to add a Ranch seasoning packet. Why? It's all salt. Plus, she put the smooth cottage cheese in another glass container & then adds the entire packet of seasoning mix! Who does that? You never just dump in everything. Add some then taste. I bet she could have used half & been fine. Not her. NO RESTRICTIONS Darlene used it all.

    This is the problem with all of them. Unless food is highly salty or sweet, they won't eat it. That's a problem & it should be addressed in this NEW LIFESTYLE CHANGE.

    This part is going down memory lane of every kitchen gadget Darlene owns. She goes over all the cheese graters she's had & this simple handheld one she bought at Walmart is her favorite. Sorry Stupid, we know you bought her one for the Kitchenaid, but Darlene is too lazy to use it. In fact, if she used it once I'd be shocked.

    Even the one a sub sent her & she never once used her name to thank her, she never used correctly & it's gone. So this cheap Walmart one is her favorite.

    We hear how now she buys cheese at Costco that's portioned out & not shredded already. Portioned out means nothing if you take one each time you open the fridge.

    Now she's jumping around with half way telling a story. She made a protein coffee yesterday using her husbands Coor's light glass & wanted to use it again, but it was in the dishwasher that just finished so was hot. Stupid says 'you should use this glass.' It's a different beer glass I guess? No idea.

    She bought the Starbucks Vanilla ice coffee you brew over ice, but yesterday her glass was too big, so she's just going to brew it over ice. Got that? I have no idea what the hell she's doing or what she's talking about. The camera is moving from the Keurig to the glass to the stove where she has the bowl with the burned peppers & onion & she throws a seasoning packet on the stove next to it.

    The time 2:51. She said she did the salad & the peppers & this is all she's doing today. She wants to have her protein coffee & the kitchen mess can wait. Her sink is full but that's not her job, it's the dishwashers. They are also going to do some more stuff on this day.

    What stuff? And what does she mean by 'more?' She didn't show them going anywhere or doing anything. In fact, we haven't seen anyone. Her house is a mess but the coffee is more important it seems.

    The Starbucks coffee goes in the beer glass, then a Fairlife vanilla Protein coffee & that cold foam whipped cream. She says it's very sweet, but we all know there are NO RESTRICTIONS at her house.

    Again, we see no one during this break & suddenly we see her back at the stove with her burned pan boiling water in it & scraping the bottom with a spatula.

    She shows the other pan from the set & if she thinks that pan is clean, I have news for her. It's isn't. That pan was burned over time & you can see how stained it is. Ick. :yucky: Tell me Dar, what is Stupid doing after dinner each night? You mean he can't scrub a pan clean? My husband would never just walk by the sink & see the pan & leave it there. Even if I tell him to leave it, he always says it doesn't take that long & only needs some elbow grease. Every cookie sheet & pan I own looks new because of him.

    But Stupid just walks past the mess? Guess so.

    OMG, as she shows more of a mess, she is using an SOS pad on the enamel pan. May as well throw it out. She ruined it. How much do you want to bet Costco gets it back?

    She dumps the diced chicken in the pan & is super thrilled with how easy it all is. She even wrote on the screen how she will be doing this again. Then says something that made us laugh out loud.

    They are trying to keep dinners simple because they are doing a COMPLETE LIFESTYLE CHANGE. :crying: No you aren't. How is a full of salt seasoning packet mixed in cottage cheese a change? Show me the nutrition of a light vegetable dip to what you made. How is coffee with a protein drink added & then topped off with a sweet whipped cream a change? Then the bottled dressing & a seasoning packet for the chicken & you think it's a change? They're simplifying meals, but using helpers.

    Give me a break. All we've heard from her is how she is going to make food from scratch & she hasn't made anything yet. Darlene is all about helpers to make life she her easier because she hates to cook.

    Twice a week she is going to make bigger meals for leftovers. Oh lord. I know she said in the beginning she was making Andrew a pasta bake, so we all know he will get that for dinner for days. How many more leftovers can she possibly give him?

    Then she shows that poor frying pan. It's not clean, & she ruined it by using an SOS pad.

    She shows us new water bottles she bought because she took another trip to Costco to take the other ones back. Gee, what else did she buy? She never says & never shows anything. But Darlene always hid food. She's trying to figure things out people. I never knew as adults we had to figure out how to drink water. Use a glass. No, that won't work for her because every single time she's been on this fake JOURNEY she can't do anything unless she buys crap to achieve success. By the way, she hasn't achieved success yet. And new travel mugs won't help.

    We see mini taco bowls & some that are bigger that don't work for her & those cardboard sandwich thins she keeps acting as if she never used them before. No, she doesn't like them & wants a real hamburger bun, not cardboard. This is when we find out they had burgers the night before she never showed.

    I think she should be made to eat those cardboard thins because poor Andrew had to eat them for years.

    Back to the chicken where she is using those gross scissors to cut it up in the pan. She has to do this because the pieces are too big for Andrew. He chokes because what she won't tell all the new people is that Andrew is starving at home, & when he does get dinner, he eats it fast.

    Oh, she doesn't like these scissors all of a sudden & added new ones to her Walmart cart. Man, how much more food can she hoard? She shows the nutrition label of the wraps & bowls & blah, blah, blah, she doesn't want any feedback, she's just showing you.

    You got that people? KEEP YOUR DAMN OPINIONS TO YOURSELF She's trying to figure everything out along with all the cheese & sour cream they will be having.

    I guess what they won't be having is lettuce, tomatoes & a couple vegetables. But who needs vegetables when your focus is a powerade drink with electrolytes. Hysterical. Darlene thinks she needs a drink with electrolytes. Darlene is a moron. That stuff has artificial colors & sweeteners & sodium.

    What a fool she is. That stuff is garbage.

    Drink up Dardummy.

    She shows 3 plates so fast I had to stop the video. Then I had to look at it at least 3 times to understand what I was seeing. Andrews plate looked as if there were 3 mini tortilla boats on it with maybe grapes & chips? It went by so fast I couldn't see. The we see Stupids plate. He had 2 completely flat tortilla wraps with grapes & chips & salsa. She only had one with some chips & salsa because she couldn't eat 2 ( :crying: ) & they were having dessert that night. Dessert? I thought this was a COMPLETE LIFESTYLE CHANGE?

    No, that's a lie. Nothing has changed. And again DARLENE IS NOT LOOKING FOR FEEDBACK. No one needs to tell her she's doing this wrong & eating & drinking all the wrong things. Just shut up people.

    She shows 6 tortilla bowls filled with the leftover chicken & the fake Greek salad in the glass containers for Stupid to take for lunch & a pack of that chicken she bought in a plastic pouch. She also just bought new little containers with a screw on lid for her leftover salad. It holds about 3 tablespoons of it.

    Part of her fake COMPLETE LIFESTYLE CHANGE is learning to eat things in moderation. So she is having one of those strawberry cake ice cream bars. This is why she only had one chicken wrap, otherwise she'd be too full. I have more to add to this, but want to get this video over.

    The ice cream was amazing & it goes into the freezer until next week. She doesn't know if she will purchase them again. Yea, all desserts I find amazing I never buy again. :disgust1: She must think we're idiots.

    She is going to do a coffee chat this week (oh brother) I guess to go over this COMPLETE LIFESTYLE CHANGE & hopes we enjoyed this video.

    The end.

    Wow, this is one delusional woman.

    That ice cream should never be part of a weight loss journey unless it's a fake one. That stuff has more bad ingredients in it than pretty much anything she eats. Add the crappy drinks & I'm telling you right now, she will be fatter by her 50th.

    That chicken she made could never have fed 3 adults with 6 full tortillas boats leftover. The package had 12, Andrew ate 3 & she had enough filling for 6 more. How? The wraps she showed on the staged plates looked empty. Who serves a wrap like that? No lettuce, tomatoes, onions, olives. Nothing? What adults eat that for dinner? She hardly had any chicken in the pan but we're supposed to believe it was enough for all 3 of them plus 6 leftovers? What is she trying to pull? And what dessert did everyone else have? Stupid had nothing? Andrew?

    I'll tell you what happened. Darlene was alone. She ate take out for brunch, made the chicken so she could give it to Andrew for days & packed up the fake Greek salad for the week. She had been dreaming of chips & salsa for days, so she ate the entire bag of chips with the salsa for dinner. Unless I see the inside of that ice cream box, she also ate more than one of those bars. Her house is full of bad for you food & she sat on the couch alone eating a lot of it. I wouldn't be surprised if she ordered Chinese or pizza when Andrew went to bed at 9 & if he was with Stupid, she ordered it closer to dinner. Those plates we saw were a set up for the video. At no time did we see any other person at the house. Not their feet or legs, no table set, no glasses of water. No shoes, jackets, keys, wallets, phones. Nothing to indicate anyone else lives there. Where are all the ipads?

    To me, Darlene is nothing but a liar. She is hiding her life as much as she hides food. I'M NOT ASKING FOR FEEDBACK. Give me a break with that crap. You're telling people your content is FRESH & NEW & it isn't. It's the same excuses & justifications for why you're 400 pounds. You haven't changed a thing.

    But I have a challenge for you Dar, put back your old videos. Let the new people watch your old life before all these changes. If you don't, then you are noting but a liar. You are nothing but a coward hiding her past.

    This had nothing new & improved or any meal ideas we haven't seen 100 times. Go ahead, show all your viewers how you lie. Put back your videos so they can see how this content is no different than the last 8 years. The only difference? You're fatter.

    Now I need to ready myself for her coffee chat that will be nothing but more lies with the added bonus of having to look at her.

    If she thinks this is content worth sharing, no wonder her Social Blade gives her a D-

    This channel is a disaster.

    *sorry so late, but we had family visiting & it was busy around here. I'll check in tomorrow to see what you all thought about this mess. Hope everyone is doing well. :goodbye_smiley_emoticon:
62891 replies since 31/7/2016