The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by Liz222

  1. .
    Tom is never going to find a woman to marry until he lets go of Andrea. He still has her locks on his bedroom wall, he won't redo anything in the house, he still has those jars in the kitchen (I have no idea what's in them). There are too many examples to list.
    He talks about her non stop. He posts about her on FB (or so I have read....I don't follow him).
    What SANE woman would touch this man who insists on living in the past? It would be like living in the house with the ghost of Andrea. Creepy!
  2. .
    QUOTE (Retired Observer @ 4/7/2024, 11:40 AM) 
    Monthly shopping video
    Tom indulges himself (bacon, french bread pizza) and Hannah got a $7 coloring book. Spent a little over $1,200. The team of Asher, Judah, Sophia and Claudia worked harder & faster & had a cart so full nothing else could possibly fit. Tom the slower shopper still had plenty of room in his cart. Tom of course did not help load the van, that work was left to his sons. Tom was amazed at the price of pot pies.
    Too many ads throughout video.

    Don't give them views! Watch here:
  3. .
    I don't get why they sold then? Why sell a house to turn around and rent about the same size home???
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    I wonder how much money they spent on renovations? Did they take out a loan for it?
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    I wonder how much they still owed on their mortgage?
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    QUOTE (Xinia @ 3/17/2024, 10:58 AM) 
    Unschooling is acceptable but you must meet state requirements which include testing each year.

    I wonder if moving is going to bite them in the butt with the two youngest.
  7. .
    QUOTE (N0t0riginal @ 3/8/2024, 11:59 AM) 
    I wish the buyer would create a YouTube channel so see all the changes she makes. “Undoing the Knorpps”

    That would be a 20 min job for a bulldozer.
  8. .
    Their views on YT are less than 3k! I don't understand how Sam can live off of this money. Do they still have the rental AND the house?
  9. .
    Megs said the owner doesn't care how they finish the kitchen, which makes me believe that they will just tear it down.
    She also said Mike was packing up the warehouse. Where are they going to put all the mouse infested crap when they move???
  10. .
    Isn't he working at the college for free? I remember reading that somewhere. What a catch he is!
  11. .
    The buyers deserve what they are getting. All that comes to my mind is: You can't fix stupid.
  12. .
    Hopefully the buyers have the house inspected and have a family member go through the house with them and show them what a mess they are buying!
  13. .
    Tommmeee has donlap disease = his belly done lap over his belt.
  14. .
    The bank won't let the buyer over pay for the house. There's no way the house is worth what they are selling it for.
  15. .
    QUOTE (Anita Sweater @ 2/21/2024, 02:38 PM) 
    Speaking of … I wonder what happened to all of her scary dolls? Remember all of those creepy things she would haul out for Halloween? More, wasted money.

    I think her mother collects those creepy dolls too. Her mothers is as much a hoarder as she is.
627 replies since 30/8/2016