The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by Indilwen

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    Hi everyone. I haven't been on this forum in a long time. I hadn't watched the Saccone's for a long time, either. But I recently got bored and tuned in. Wow. I really don't know what to say. I am speechless at the whole lot of them! But the one area I want to address is what they are doing with Eduardo. I'm not judging over him wanting to wear dresses and be girly. Some boys are just like that. Sometimes it's just a phase...he does have two sisters, after all, and he's right between them in age. His only brother is quite a bit younger and not really old enough to be a proper playmate quite yet. Sometimes the interest in wearing girl's clothing and makeup does indicate something...I'm not sure if sexuality comes into play at this age. I know, that's hotly debated, but I don't think kids who are pre-puberty really think about sexuality. Mostly I just think kids of this age like to explore. They like to pretend. They like to play dress-up. I think a lot of what Eduardo is doing has been very much encouraged by his parents. I'm not saying they should be discouraging it as such...but they seem to OVERLY encourage it and don't seem to try to encourage him to explore anything else from what I can see.

    My youngest son (who is in his 20's now) had a very active imagination as a kid. He LOVED playing dress up. Not dressing as a girl, but he went through so many phases we lost count! He went through a phase where he wanted to be a referee and he went all out...we bought him the black and white striped shirts and whistles and everything. He went through a phase where he wanted to be a weather man on the news. He had to have a white board and a pointer thingy and he would draw diagrams and try to forecast storms. He went through phases where he wanted to be a chef, a priest, an orchestra conductor, an elevator repair man, and a PE And we went through all of those phases and bought him costumes, props, books, and everything he needed to pretend. What we couldn't get we made ourselves. He had a blast and we still like to tease him a little about all of the phases he went through. I did take pictures and a few videos. But the difference is that I NEVER posted that stuff all over social media. We talk about it now that he's grown, and he's a little sheepish over some of his phases. But he was a kid being a kid. Not a YouTube star, an Instagram influencer, or a TikTok sensation. What Anna and Jonathan are doing is so wrong on so many levels. They are warping their children's childhoods and playing into their own phantasies. There is a way to be on YouTube and let your kids be healthy, normal kids. I found a YT channel during the pandemic that I've loved watching called the Clark Family Creative. The dad is a musician with three young kids. They make 2-3 videos of week that are essentially music videos. The dad and the two sons play the instruments and the little girl dances and sings along. The videos are so cute and wholesome. You guys should all take a look and then compare them to the Saccones. It's an eye opener for sure!
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    When I watch Lori's videos and her dogs start barking, it makes my dog I have to mute it or shut it off to keep my dog from going nuts.
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    QUOTE (GeezLouise @ 9/17/2018, 05:50 PM) 
    She could also do the volunteer work she said she was going to do the last time she was begging for money, remember, Lari? You were going to "pay it forward". It would give you a purpose, look good on your resume, and someone you meet might help you with finding a job. Win, win, win. But of course, in your mind there is no benefit to you to be selfless.

    It's probably too late for her to use volunteer work to pad out her resume. Too much time being unemployed, sitting around her apartment airing her dirty laundry (and dirty hair) on social media. It really is a shame she hasn't done anything useful or productive over the past several years.

    It's never too late to pay it forward, however. Maybe she'd find a purpose or a sense of self-worth if she volunteered. She should really go work in a homeless shelter or a soup kitchen. Maybe then her eyes could be opened to what truly being down and out looks like! True poverty doesn't go out and party with friends drinking mixed drinks. They don't go to Scentsy conventions. They don't hang out in fashion malls eating lunch at French bistros. They don't sit around all day playing with fake hair pieces and press-on acrylic nails. Other people are trying hard to get a job...any job that will put money in the bank and food on the table. They humble themselves. Lori is as far from humble as anyone I've ever seen. In fact, she's just the opposite! Instead of being humble and looking for a job that she might actually have a chance of in a supermarket or as a waitress or something, she's looking for a job in a corporate setting, a medical office, or as a personal assistant. Nothing she's actually qualified to be. I'm sure she won't ever go to a supermarket or anything like that because she knows she actually might get hired! Then she'd have to actually WORK for a living and she'd be doing something she feels herself to be above doing. Plain and simple.

    Or possibly she could volunteer at a hospital or nursing home. Then she could see people who have real, life threatening or life changing health issues. I think she fakes a lot of her health problems to get meds. I'm sure she had bad do I and so do a lot of people our age...along with bad backs, bad shoulders, bad hips, etc. It happens. But most people don't let it stop them. They get their knees or shoulders or hips fixed like she did, or they go to bed every night smelling like Icy Hot (like I do...haha). Instead she sits around all day feeling sorry for herself, makes whiny YouTube videos, and self-medicates. A few weeks ago in one of her live videos she was having a pity party for herself because she can't afford to get her lip injections right now! OMG. There are people who can't afford to pay for their diabetes meds, or their blood pressure pills right now. THOSE are the people I feel sorry for, not her!
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    QUOTE (Misstea @ 9/12/2018, 11:01 PM) 
    I watch this crazy person because I'm curious about her followers. I do not understand...Her followers kiss her butt the whole time she is extremely rude to them. They must be the dumbest people on the planet! They constantly fall for her BS and act like she is a goddess praising her, hoping she will toss them a bone. LMAO!!! Seriously, what kind of people are they? Why are they so mental? :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: Just wow.

    I think most of her followers are like us...watching for the trainwreck. Some of the ones who comment on her videos and live chats I think are either new to her and haven't figure out what a mess this woman is or they are just commenting to egg her on. I really don't believe that too many people actually like her or agree with the things she says and does.
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    Lori has always been obsessed with other YTubers...particularly Alex and Lisa. Even when she lived in Boston, she'd talk about Alex and try to mimic her car vlogs. I think she thought when she moved to California they'd become BFFs! Remember a couple of years ago when Sheila Fajl invited Lisa to come out to LA and she hosted a party for her? Lori showed up and tried to vlog her big meetup with Lisa...and Lisa pretty well looked uncomfortable and blew her off. Lori eventually took that vlog down, if I'm not mistaken. Which she should was embarrassing! I don't think she's sent Lisa anymore "sweet gifts" since then, either.

    When Lori first moved to Cali she would often vlog herself going into shops and at restaurants. She would make a big deal out of telling people she was vlogging for her YT channel. Like they gave a crap? I remember one time she was in some kind of vintage resale shop and the girl working there asked her why she was filming and Lori was jabbering on and on about her YT channel and her subbies and how it would probably bring more customers into the shop. You could just see the girl cringing. I'm actually surprised she hasn't been asked to stop filming in public. A lot of other vloggers I watch have been asked to stop, or apologized for cutting off the footage because they were told they couldn't film where ever it was they were. Not Lori! She often pans the camera around to show other people around her. I would be upset if I inadvertently showed up in one of her vlogs! I'm pretty sure she could get into trouble for filming in the hospital. I'm almost positive she was violating some kind of HIPAA laws.
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    I feel like she's probably sniffing more than just wax...
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    Oh my...I got in on just the last few minutes of her live show just finished up with her showing off her OOTD...what the heck? No bra under a thin tank top and nothing on the bottom except shapewear? Sheer blouse over the top of braless and a girdle? She's really going out in public dressed like that? I hope she gets arrested!
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    QUOTE (BenjisHair @ 9/11/2018, 10:35 AM) 
    I mainly read the Marnie thread - and everyone covers the bases on my opinions so i don’t comment often but this lady. Holy. Crap. I’ve followed Lari (😂) for years for entertainment purposes but when she made the comment her MOM wanted to move to Cali and left her i was like FAAAAAALSE! I so specifically remember her BRAGGING about how she talked her mom into moving to Cali. Anyways she’s so mentally ill it’s almost not funny and i truly feel for her son.

    I was watching her live chat the other night and I thought exactly the same thing when she was saying it was her mom's idea to move to California. That was most definitely NOT the way it went down. As a matter of fact, I remember her saying how she had to work hard to convince her mother to go because her mother actually had a life and friends and everything back in Boston. And her son didn't want to move, either. Same deal...he had friends and his father and everything back in Boston. I remember thinking Lori was being a little selfish. If she really wanted to go to California and start a new life, no need to drag her mother and her son if they didn't want to go. Berk was already in highschool, if I'm not mistaken. Why not let him stay in Boston with his grandma or his dad? No...she dragged them along for selfish reasons. Her mom paid the bills and her son is her only emotional support. Although, based on some of the comments she's made recently on her live chats about her son, I think he's getting his fill of her drama. I won't be surprised any day if she makes an emotional video, bawling her eyes about about how Berk has moved out and moved on and washed his hands of her. He's 18 now and has a job. He really doesn't need her and her brand of crazy in his life. The next video after that will be Lori trashing Berk and telling everyone what an awful son he is, or how he's crazy or selfish (pretty much the same things she's said about her mother). Nothing is ever Lori's fault. It's always someone else doing her wrong.
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    QUOTE (crazycullahs @ 9/10/2018, 05:05 PM) 

    Indy nice to see you back on here!! And yes Larrys freak flag is flying high, although she insists that's not why she's not getting hired. She said something about being plain which I think some people on here thought she meant her looks. I think she meant she dresses down for interviews ( except for the one where she wore those weird boots & that wig). But I don't think she makes any attempt to cover her hand tattoos & I imagine for some jobs that would not go over well, along with her lack of experience & gap between working.
    Lol Larry most definitely does not think she's plain, when she was talking about that guy from the Galápagos Islands she said she thinks she's very pretty & doesn't get why people have a problem with her saying that. I think the guy is real but that she's exaggerating his interest in her, he was probably just being nice & she ran with it.

    Thank you! I've kinda missed this place and you all! I've seen most of the YT live posts Lori has made of her interview outfits. While the outfits she wears to interviews aren't as bad as what she usually wears, they are nowhere near professional looking. One outfit she showed had a relatively nice top, but the bottoms she was wearing looked like nubby yoga pants and she was wearing sandals with a rather high heel. Several people commented on her wearing sandals/open-toed shoes to a job interview and she was very rude in her replies. She told some people that it didn't matter what kind of shoes you wear to a job interview because it's CALIFORNIA! That woman is giving the entire state a bad I don't live in California, but I've been there...and I've been to the area where she lives. While there is a casual, laid back vibe I still think if someone is looking to score a job in a corporate setting or in an upscale retail setting they aren't going to be looking to hire someone who looks as sloppy and unprofessional as she does. It's her whole package...the clothes, the frizzy fried over bleached hair, the unattractive tattoos that she cannot possibly cover up or hide, the piercings, the attitude, the lack of skills and experience, the multiple medical issues, etc...I don't care where she lives! East Coast, Midwest, Deep South, West Coast, and everywhere in between...employers look for professional, skilled, experienced, hardworking, intelligent people to fill positions. Not the over-the-hill, mentally ill, self-important, hot mess that is Lori Langer. And I'm not beating up on her because of her age...she is the same age as me. But the difference is that I KNOW BETTER. I would never go into a job interview looking like she does. If I had any tattoos, I would have had enough sense not to put them all over my fingers, wrists, neck, and places that I couldn't cover with my clothing. If I had her type of hair, which she has always described as thin and fragile, I'd have had enough sense not to bleach it until it looks like peed on cotton sticking out of my head. If I really wanted a job in a corporate setting, a medical office, an upscale store in a high end shopping mall, or anywhere else like that I sure as heck wouldn't have the types of social media feeds that she has! OMG...even without that tattoos and the rest of her unsightly appearance and the rest of her liabilities, her social media would be a very detrimental issue for getting a job. And if she isn't aware that potential employers can easily google her name and find her IG photos and her mukbang (or whatever they are called) videos and the horrid things she says about everyone from her mother to her friends and neighbors, and the medical professionals that have treated her...yikes!
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    Listening...I agree 100% with everything you said! I feel bad gossiping about Lori, because I truly believe in my heart that she has serious emotional/mental health issues. I still watch her YT channel and subscribe to her IG more out of morbid fascination these days than because I find any enjoyment out of her.

    As far as her having family or friends as a support system. I have no doubt that her mom has had to distance herself this past while because the relationship was toxic and because she probably woke up and realized that she was Lori's "enabler". In one of her recent live chats, Lori was complaining that it was her mother who wanted to move to California. I distinctly remember it to be just the was LORI'S dream to live in SoCal. Her convinced her mother to come along for the ride. Her mother had the nice apartment right off. Probably because she could afford it. Lori whined and complained about her mom having a nicer place, so her mom helped her get an apartment in the same complex...actually a nicer, bigger apartment! I feel like the reasons Lori gave for moving into her mom's vacated apartment were lies. She said she had no choice because her mom walked out on the lease. I think Lori was only subletting the other apartment and it was probably more than she could afford, anyway. It behooved Lori to move into her mom's old apartment because the rent was less. But she acted as if it was such a burden on her to have to do so. She should be grateful she had that opportunity available to her!

    As to the friend thing...I was always of the mind set that you had to BE a friend to HAVE a friend. I think Lori wants friends and wants attention and a support system, but she has no idea how to reciprocate. I'm sure she can be a lot of fun when she's out drinking at the bars, or hanging out at the drum circle or has a casual encounter when out shopping or walking along the beach. But when people get to actually know her and her real personality (needy, brusque, entitled, selfish, etc) comes out they RUN. I'm no big fan of Shawnee's, but she seemed to actually like Lori and care about her at first. Then she moved to Cali and was near enough to see her often and get to know the real Lori and soon enough that friendship was over. But to hear Lori tell it, Shawnee was the bad guy and the bad friend. Nothing is ever her fault. She takes no responsibility for anything that happens to her.

    My wish for her is that she get some professional help. I fear for her life if she doesn't.
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    QUOTE (Betrice @ 9/10/2018, 08:48 AM) 
    QUOTE (BongoDrums @ 9/10/2018, 09:26 AM) 
    I agree! "Back in the day" I used to be entertained by Lori's sense of humor and take on the world. But now, I'm entertained for sadder reasons.

    And I'm 54 minutes in and still convinced those dogs are locked up in the closet 24/7. They are in a closet, with no fresh air, no human contact, behind locked doors. Twat.

    Lori was likable when she was back in Boston. When she was heavier. Before the blonde hair and even a little bit after the blonde hair. I had a bit of a soft spot for her. I felt kind of bad for her but she didn't scream at subscribers back then (or the dogs). The first video of hers I saw was her "We will miss Sam Schuerman". I felt bad for her and subscribed because I was felt like she was trying even though she wasn't terribly pretty and her makeup skills were lacking but she seemed OK showing them. She seemed to be genuinely saddened about the Shitshow (The Schuerman Show). She was also getting ready to go to work.

    I enjoyed Lori more back in the Boston days as well. She was employed, had a cute apartment, seemed to have some friends and a MUCH better relationship with Berk and her mom. I had seen a few of her videos over the years when they popped up on my feed, but had never subbed to her until I put two and two together and figured out that she was the Lori that LisaLisaD1 you to talk about (the one who sent Lisa so many sweet gifts btw). I think she has really changed as a person since she moved to California. Somehow she has become more phony and entitled. She's always had that nasty streak...but when she lived in Boston she pretty much only unleashed her nastiness on trolls and haters and people who probably deserved it. Now she just lashes out at anyone who doesn't compliment her, agree with her, and sympathize with her. In her recent live chats on YT, people tried to be kind and offer advice and suggestions for her in regard to her financial situation and her lack of employment. All she did was get nasty. She doesn't WANT advice, nor does she want anyone giving her even the tiniest bit of constructive criticism. She doesn't want just any old job, you know...she's "too good" to work in a chain restaurant or a Walmart or anything like that. She wants to be a personal assistant to an executive in a corporate setting, or a job as a receptionist in a medical office or a managerial position in a retail store. What experience does she have in any of those settings? What is her educational background? She's been in Cali for over two years and hasn't had a real job the entire time she's been there...that's going to go against her big time. If any of these people she interviews with ever find her IG or her YT channel, she is doomed. Just the way she looks is a major strike against her as well. And trust me...people who conduct job interviews are trained to weed out the crazy people. They know just what questions to ask and what answers put up red flags...I'm sure Lori has no idea how visible her freak flag really is to prospective employers!
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    I feel kind of bad that I even still watch Lori's videos/IG these days. She's obviously got some serious issues (and I don't mean only the tummy troubles). I don't doubt the woman has destroyed her digestive system with all of her crazy diets and eating habits. She goes back and forth between starvation, vegan, junk food, alcohol, etc. I remember her revolting mukbang YT videos or her Periscope video showcasing herself chomping an entire bag of potato chips while boozing it up in the apartment complex pool...and peeing in the pool on camera for good measure. Good grief...I can't believe she's lasted this long without developing an ulcer or some kind of chronic gastritis...or worse, like getting herself and involuntary admission into the loony bin.

    It's scary that she's reveling in posting these photos of herself and her recent weight loss. This isn't the result of a healthy weight loss at all. It's the result of starving herself, drinking, smoking whatever it is she is smoking, and basically destroying the lining of her stomach, her metabolism, and probably her liver. If she ever manages to reverse the issues she's having with her stomach, I can almost guarantee you all she will gain all the weight back that she's recently lost...and probably much more. It's really too bad she's alienated her mom, and that she has no real friends who would step in and try to help her before it's too late.
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    What. Were. Those. IG. Pictures??? :in-disbelief-smiley-emoticon: :in-disbelief-smiley-emoticon:
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    I can't believe this woman is laying there in a hospital bed making videos to post to IG and FB in the first place. Who does that? She is a freak. So is her friend Shawnee. They both make me sick. Someone needs to alert the hospital, all right...but about what Lori is doing not the other way around!
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    QUOTE (Betrice @ 9/29/2017, 09:28 PM) 
    QUOTE (Kristina85 @ 9/29/2017, 10:23 PM) 
    Sorry if this is old but...WTF is this? 😳😂😂

    Oh gosh ... don't give that shit any views. That Gay's attempt at being "artsy". One of his many grand ideas for a YT channel.

    I liked how at the end when Sam is taking a sip from her mug, you can clearly see the price tag still on the bottom! Hahahahahaha! Fake sipping much?
553 replies since 6/9/2016