The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by JustAverageJane

  1. .
    I know the bakery says she is huge, massive, fat, beefy, etc but I'm willing to bet that in real life she is only 20 to at most 30 lbs overweight. She isn't ready for my my 600 lb Life. She could lose that amount of weight easily without weight loss drugs.
  2. .
    Hallelujah! She isn't ditching her kids on Mother's Day. Being French I was kind of excited though about her being insulted by numerous French folks.
  3. .
    I'm still totally disgusted that she would leave the country on Mother's Day to see TS. She just hates those kids so much. I hope we are wrong about Paris but the croissants are a dead giveaway.
  4. .
    I think we could bet money on her going to Paris to see TS. Can't wait for the French to see her fat sausage ass stuffed into filthy jeans, stringy unwashed hair, clunky bunion encased trainers and glittery Snot all over. I can hear them laughing from here.
  5. .
    I have to confess. I have my own Unicorn Snot. My daughter gave it to me for Christmas a couple years ago along with a unicorn onesie.
  6. .
    I need to order some of those magic pants. They think I should wear a size 10. Damn!

    I think she is 5'4" and maybe 140-150 lbs. My daughter is that size right now and she has the same birthin' hips. She said she usually wears a 10 in jeans.
  7. .
    What are her favorite leave an oil slick bath bombs?
  8. .
    I haven't watched her videos in years. I just come here to read about them but I was doing a craft project so put on my earbuds and listened/ watched this one. WTF? Her patreons must just be hate watching like the rest of us. What a useless waste of time.

    The kids Switches in the bathroom was a total f*ck you to those kids. Her senseless rambling and horrible singing along with the bewilderment over every little thing was gag worthy.

    The last thing her rancid nether region needs to worry about is out of date pads.

    She has 4 hairs and eleven bajillion hair ties/products. Backup non favorite bath bombs?

    I do have her beat though on the Lush bath powder. Mine is best before Dec 25, 2006! I don't actually use it but kept it sentimental reasons from when Lush wasn't well know and I had to get my stuff shipped from Canada.
  9. .
    QUOTE (BarefootNightmares @ 26/4/2024, 03:30) 
    Y'all nasty. Jen only fellates baked goods now.

    and cucumbers and serving spoons of ice cream
  10. .
    QUOTE (SyntheticThong @ 26/4/2024, 02:21) 
    You know she must have an amazing gag reflex because she did not chew that breakfast croissant sandwich enough before she swallowed.

    That's why Don stayed married to her for 10 years.

    ...I will show myself out...
  11. .
    withchildwednesday I'm so sorry to hear about your doggie. You are a good dog parent.

    I am of French heritage maybe I can petition the French government to ban her smelly ass from entering the country.
  12. .
    That is not a happy face and what is up with those translucent teeth.Screenshot_20240421_125158_Chrome
  13. .

    QUOTE (NefariouslyHappiestAlone @ 21/4/2024, 04:24) 
    She looked miserable in the wild photos. Also she didn't post any pics from Gideons this time. I'm betting the meet up thing was a bust. What does she expect reaching out to strangers behind a keyboard?

    She posted these 2 this morning.
  14. .
    JenuinelyUnorganized Did Jen seem to be having a good time with her lunch date?
  15. .
    Those pants are definitely too tight. The Carve images are tighter than boyfriend jeans but not circulation cutting off tight.
798 replies since 17/12/2016