The Gossip Bakery

Votes given by fiercelyprivate

  1. .
    Hearing her say “Yaaaay” makes me stabby. Merde! Sounds like a toddler. :5153:
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    You know, I’ve always enjoyed a good croissant but she rapidly making me hate them and it’s not even their fault.
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    Making croissants your entire brand and personality when you're rapidly becoming obese is not a good look.
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    Hasn't felt the touch of a man in over 5 years

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    I think the seating arrangement in front of the TV has been deliberately made for maximum discomfort. Like the little couch she had on the side of the TV in RM1. She is a nasty one. She knows what comfort is when it comes to herself. She sits on the couch with her feet up and the lights adjusted just so. A fire lit if she’s in the mood for it and the right snacks close at hand.

    Her and Don had the best theatre like arrangement in the basement where they would watch TV.

    It’s just not available for the kids. And I firmly believe she is not doing anything for the house because of the kids. She would rather travel around the country and find cozy airbnbs for herself than make her own home cozy.
  6. .
    When you follow other mothers on social media you see how little input Jen has in her kids' lives. She gives off big sister babysitter energy, not mother. Kid's lives are full of activities and homework and friends and school projects and after school activities. She never even hints at those things, as if they just don't exist. And no I don't think it's because she is being Fiercely Private. I think it's because she's not involved. Tensleigh has taken that role and Jen is apparently happy to let her.
  7. .
    Spotlight on a baker.

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    She was 100% trying to wish Donald back with the moon water. :toothless-chuckle-smiley-emotic
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    Keeps all her makeup because she never knows when the 'make up phase' will hit again. When some dude pays attention to her, that's when. So...
  11. .
    She has a tape measure in a drawer because she used to do body measurements. 🚨

    She doesn't anymore, she doesn't need to be a certain size to be valid!
  12. .
    QUOTE (Conventional Lemons @ 26/4/2024, 17:24) 
    Inspired by fiercelyprivate turning it into a verb...


    "The croissants are croissanting" made me laugh inappropriately at work.

    In tribute -


    Edited by Alimony and Wonder - 4/26/2024, 05:58 PM
  13. .
    Inspired by fiercelyprivate turning it into a verb...

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  15. .

    Actually, don't. That fat cow will be 250 pounds by the end of the year at this rate. I kind of think she's already pushing 200. Dat ass is huge and gets bigger every week. Plus she's a sturdy gal with more muscle than a man. Her calves are ginormous. She must be at least 175lb.

    The only reason she thinks she isn't fat is because the front of her stomach is flat. It passes her ED body checks! She is strong! If she has a bit of a pooch it's because she has a uterus!

    All that exercise, and she's still out-eating it enough to gain a ton of weight.
35591 replies since 29/7/2016