The Gossip Bakery

Votes given by DirtyMartini

  1. .
    She has an ass like a dropped trifle. I love this for her.
  2. .
    And regardless of this platform or any super fan ...if she still had that warm happy big life she threw away she's be sharing everyone all the time. They'd be going to the walnut room and the nutcracker and she would be preparing for Halloween and thanksgiving and decorating Ross manor 1 and Suzanne would be taking everyone to the pumpkin patch and grace would be singing and Charlotte would be rolling her eyes and Don would be 275 lbs and lurking around and Emily would be hiding but the grating voice rivaling Jill would be present and she'd be front and center filming it all smugly.
  3. .
    So which one is it? Your family left you in a mass exodus? How about the online people you tried to connect to but got spooked by your care packages and long letters? How is the bakery involved in all of that? Bitch, stop reading here and/or feeding the troll who informs you on everything we say here. Go live your life and stop making excuses.
  4. .
    Oh so THAT is why Jen never addressed Tensleigh. Jen didn’t want Tensleigh to get caught up in the trolls and stalkers. Jen is so thoughtful and generous #blessed
  5. .
    This is the highlight… 😆

  6. .
  7. .
    When thinking of Jen, it thrills me to know Don absolutely one million percent won the divorce.
  8. .
    QUOTE (BespokeMuffins @ 9/17/2023, 08:29 AM) 
    I call Jen’s post partum time “The Jorts Years”

  9. .
    QUOTE (grilledcheesesandwiches @ 13/9/2023, 08:42) 
    She may spill some tea but we need to remember it will be through Jen’s very one-sided lens. It wouldn’t be the first time she’d spun a narrative that was not historically correct.

    Exactly, it won't be 'tea' it will be Jen's lies. We've heard some of it in little hints already - Don moved on quickly (hinting at him cheating) while Jen was busy still wearing her wedding ring. She was blindsided by Tensleigh after the infamous winnebego Utah trip where she had planned to win him back. We also know that Don couldn't get on Tinder fast enough so was done with Jen after she made his home life hell. There's probably a few more lies that Jen could throw in there about how she was the victim, but the Bakery knows most of it.
  10. .
    She may spill some tea but we need to remember it will be through Jen’s very one-sided lens. It wouldn’t be the first time she’d spun a narrative that was not historically correct.
  11. .
    QUOTE (Good Morning Friends @ 9/12/2023, 09:52 PM) 
    "I miss running 😔"
    "I miss my girl 😔"

    Just random cries for attention on IG the past few days. She misses DONALD.

    "I miss my old Ross social life."
    "I miss my heart home."
    "I miss having hair."
    "I miss being called a pwincess."
    "I miss being child-free because CC is the pwincess now."

    You know. All the things.
  12. .
    "I miss running 😔"
    "I miss my girl 😔"

    Just random cries for attention on IG the past few days. She misses DONALD.
  13. .
    This person once sobbed her eyes out on camera because meat comes from animals.


  14. .
    I'm sitting here thinking about the stark differences between the ex-Mrs. Ross and the current Mrs. Ross. Let's see...

    Tens has friends; Jen has none. Tens grows delicious vegetables and beautiful flowers in her garden; Jen grows mold in her house.
    Tens has friends; Jen considers a car she leaves parked in airport parking for weeks on end to be her best friend.
    Tens gets pedicures; Jen has bunioned hobbit feet.
    Tens cooks food that looks both delicious and nutritious; Jen binges on sugar and then throws it up.
    Tens has shiny healthy fair (likely from eating nutrient-rich foods and taking care of her body); Jen has 3 hairs that manage to be both dry and greasy at the same time.
    Tens has children who at least appear to love her; Jen's children look like they are annoyed by her very presence
    Tens has an amazing body that doesn't look like it ever birthed a baby, much less three; Jen's back end is ever-expanding.
    Tens lives in a home with light and color, a garden, and a fun pool; Jen lives in a gray mausoleum with a view of a guardrail.
    Tens appears to shower daily; Jen considers getting caught in a rainstorm as good as taking a shower.

    If I was in the same situation as Jen, I think I'd be pretty depressed, too.
54993 replies since 29/7/2016