The Gossip Bakery

Votes given by Meow2

  1. .
    I’ve never heard of anyone planning to start breastfeeding at least a week after giving birth. Is that a thing? I thought you started latching baby on pretty much right at birth and them getting colostrum until your milk comes in?

    *I’ve never had a baby so maybe I’m wrong*
  2. .
    She said in the Live that she has the kids on Mother’s Day, that’s when we ruled out Paris.

    She just doesn’t give a shit about her “job”.

  3. .
    Jenny is late today posting on yt, was late posting yesterday to her wondererers. I am saying she's traveling. TS is in Paris for the next 4 days. My only question, had someone called her fat yet in French?
  4. .
    QUOTE (Meow2 @ 5/9/2024, 10:25 AM) 
    like first of all bitch most people have a real 9-5 where they are working for other people. lets see you work 8 hours even once

    I thought the exact same thing. Like going back and sitting at a desk for 8 hours or being on your feet all day as a teacher or nurse or whatever is quite different from playing with pliers for 25 minutes to change the clasp on whatever arrived from alibaba that morning.
  5. .
    Jen has no peers to hang out or converse with. She has zero knowledge of social decorum or what’s happening in the world besides what her FYP tells her on IG.
  6. .
    QUOTE (Yetta @ 8/5/2024, 21:53) 
    I know I've said it many times before, but it is hard to believe that someone so unfortunate looking thinks that they are so cute and adorable. It boggles my mind.

    And with not a single redeeming quality or talent. I think that is one of the reasons so many of us are so fascinated with her. Even in her pre-children days, she would come on the screen dripping with sweat, unwashed, make the weirdest faces, burp, pick food out of her teeth, and think she was cute. How is she like this? I don’t know anyone like her. I may know some that have some of her unpleasant qualities but none that would at the same time want to filme themselves for the internet. And no one as friendless as her.

    And every person I know, even some that I don’t like very much, has some redeeming qualities. And some friends/family that actually like them.

    She is stupid, has no work ethic, not a single skill or talent and no looks, which is the least of her problems.

    The only thing she has which helps her to keep going, without seeking any real therapy, is money which she acquired in a sneaky, cunning way
  7. .
    QUOTE (Meow2 @ 9/5/2024, 02:12) 
    :hearty-laugh: she looks like such an asshat

    That’s because she is
  8. .
    Here you go, SoProud. Her family should attach this to her psych ward admissions packet -- it's not cute, it's unhinged

  9. .
    Reposting my request, hey GIFers, make one at the 1:14ish mark (that's one minute not hour) please.
  10. .
    I used to be indifferent to Disney but now I can't stand it. Why would any single adult choose to vacation there, in any form.
  11. .

  12. .
    She is such a child herself. She will never admit it but there will come a day that she will want her mom there to help her. She needs to think more down the road… grandma’s and grandpa’s come in real handy when you want to have a weekend getaway or a date night. But noooo, burn those bridges Al.
  13. .
    I hope the baby relies on a pacifier until she's five! Fuck that heinous bitch for judging other parents over the most asinine things.
  14. .
    Title by GivingMyselfGrace and SoProudofMyself
  15. .
    I cringe thinking about those nails around a baby. It wouldn't surprise me if she used the baby against her family and went no contact unless they can be manipulated to bend to her will.
60773 replies since 29/7/2016