The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by Amused 101

  1. .
    I'll never understand why Landyn posts when she looks like this. :blink:

    She's trying so hard to be "one of the girls" that it hasn't occurred to her that most people don't go around looking like an unwashed slob!

  2. .
    You know you have bad taste when you can't even pair a simple blazer with jeans! Manky has zero fashion sense!

    I think this comparison says it all!
  3. .
    QUOTE (Dishraghair @ 12/4/2019, 16:53) 
    I think the dress would be ok 1. in a solid color 2. if she was in better shape 3. without Madea boobies

    I agree, a solid color would work better!
  4. .
    Cute dress...if you're 25! Imo, she refuses to see herself as a 46 year old woman. There are lots of great styles for adult women but trying so hard to recapture your youth is just embarrassing.

    I think her "glory days" were back in the '90's. Everything about her is dated. I think she's stuck, I guess that's what happens when your (adult) life is one disappointment after another.


    Edited by Amused 101 - 4/12/2019, 09:57 AM
  5. .
    I'm pretty much a true 4.
    No, no you're not. :nono:

    Wake up, Manky! When this is how a 6 fits, you're not a "true 4!" You're kidding herself because your identity is directly linked to a size. It's all part of the Marnie Goldberg makeover project, circa 1994. :snickering:



    She has a thing about sizes. She needs her clothes to be an xs or a 4 even if they don't fit & her shoes are typically at least half a size too small. Check out the bitchy toenails in the top pic! :yucky:

    Even her husband is a miniature! :P Granted, his ego takes up the space of a giant but those little feet and stubby hands are from the Keebler elf clan!

    Edited by Amused 101 - 4/12/2019, 09:22 AM
  6. .
    It's not a clothing try-on until the Mrs starts rubbing herself! :unsure:

  7. .

  8. .
    QUOTE (Meow2 @ 12/4/2019, 01:14) 
    this is incredibly random and I'm not sure if anyone will even be able to help...but here goes. I know someone who lost their husband last year and is still having a really hard time with it. they have good days but the low days are really low. I guess my issue is that I just struggle with knowing the right thing to say. I want to be there for them but I've never been particularly good with opening up and talking about deep emotional things. I try to be there for them and keep their spirits up but I feel like I'm just saying the stereotypical things you say to someone who is grieving. does anyone have experience with anything like this? I just feel so helpless in this situation and never know the proper thing to do or say

    It's really thoughtful of you to be so mindful of what she's going through, you're a good friend!

    Imo, the most important thing is to keep in contact with her. After a loss, friends often drift away because they don't know what to say and/or feel uncomfortable. Having friends that keep in touch is incredibly important.

    You might feel pressure to say the "right thing" but within reason, don't worry about it. Just interact like you always have. If she wants something specific and senses that you're open, she'll likely bring it up. I imagine it's a welcome relief to have a consistent friend during this very difficult time.
  9. .
    Great title, Gnocchiknees! :happy:

    Oatmeal bag alert!


    The Mrs has some seriously droopy cleavage going on!

    Edited by Amused 101 - 4/11/2019, 09:06 PM
  10. .
    VanessaVanity, Best of luck, I'll keep you in my thoughts! 💛💐
  11. .
    WTF is she doing? :unsure: She looks ridiculous. I'm actually embarrassed for her!

    Why is she playing demure, school girl? Look at her hands- why is she covering her vole trap? Is this another one of her master's pervy games? :yucky:

  12. .
  13. .
    Love the title, Marnarrhea!

    Manky needs her own hastag for that snarl!
  14. .
    Is it just me or is ole Manky loking hippy?
    Age + No Exercise= middle age spread.

  15. .
    Manky's on IG sucking up to Angie (hot & flashy) & telling her 19 Marnions that Lisa J doesn't have a bra on. :unsure: If Lisa stays friends with this sad excuse of a woman she deserves what she gets.

13130 replies since 29/7/2016