The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by SpousalSupport

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    QUOTE (Rumpus Nail Polish @ 7/6/2021, 23:28) 
    Does anyone else think it's kind of strange that the new Mrs Ross has her ex-husband's last name instead of her maiden name in the middle?

    I don’t think so. A lot of people might know you from your first marriage days or met through kids’ activities. That is the name they’d recognize, not your maiden name that you haven’t used for years.
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    You can see profile info even if it’s private. Just no posts.
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    I’m impressed at those who found her Pinterest boards. Her last name pre-Don is very common. Kudos to sifting through all the ones that weren’t Tens.
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    The dancing clips never fail to cause me physical pain from secondhand embarrassment. I’m no Fred Astaire but I’m also not dancing on IG stories.
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    This made me think of our Peloton Queen.
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    QUOTE (Jenbo @ 24/5/2021, 15:24) 
    I’m trying to remember - did Don ever have a beard when he was married to Jen? He looks much better with one.

    No. Jen made catty remarks about him having a “forest” if he went 2 days without shaving. Seeing Don with a beard put me on the divorce train way back when. Normal after a breakup to do things your SO hated/wouldn’t “allow”.

    I am so upset that someone tried to make contact with Tens. The woman is not an Internet Presence. She hasn’t made thousands of videos, unlike her fiancé’s ex-wife. Leave her alone! 🤦🏻‍♀️
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    I just imagine one of their early dates as they start telling each other stories about their exes. Tens is in disbelief at what Don is saying. “Wow, I wish I could have seen some of that craziness...”

    Don: “Hehe, well, now that you mention it...”<picks up phone>
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    She’s already halfway back. Posting about ice cream on IG.
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    I was just about to post this. Tens has a real job & is a true solo mama. Lol

    Edited by fiercelyprivate - 21/5/2021, 11:56
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    How did people find her IG or FB page?? If anyone in my family goes missing, I’m coming here before going to the police.
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    Saw the pics. I’m jealous of what that woman looks like after a year+ of a pandemic. 😒 Don looks happy.
  12. .
    Jen, some soup kitchen moms planted flowers there today. Didn’t see you there. It was during a workout, I guess.
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    It’s weird how some can see the pronouns & others can’t. I can’t see them. 🤔
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    QUOTE (GrownUpStickerBook @ 13/5/2021, 15:49) 
    QUOTE (blondeambition @ 13/5/2021, 15:39) 
    Usually most of her Peloton activity is very early in the morning but I've noticed recently she's been doing meditations around 2pm some days. That seems like it would be around the time when Donny would get up from his nap / CC gets home from school?

    She doesn't see her kids for hours while they are at the soup kitchen and then doesn't see them for days when they are with Don and yet she always seems so put out by them. I will never get over the fact that she has to shove their face in an iPad for the drive home from school when they literally live down the street. They are such a burden to her and it's heartbreaking.

    That’s the best time to engage with children. Such a missed opportunity. Kids the age of CC and Donny love to talk about their day, and a car ride is the perfect time to get them talking. It makes them feel loved and heard. Jen is so utterly selfish and clueless it’s sickening.

    Wait, what? I must have missed this. She gives them iPads the second she picks them up???
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    QUOTE (Meow2 @ 12/5/2021, 19:05) 
    maybe we won't have to find Tensleigh because she'll voluntarily join this forum and let us know that she's Don's new main squeeze. "Hi guys. I'm dating Don. ask me anything you'd like" :lol:

    We would crash this forum. :lol:
2804 replies since 29/7/2016