The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by Gosplvr

  1. .
    Forgive me for the multiple posts. I couldn't finish yesterday's video so I'm watching with Jools bc that makes it bearable!

    Flat wedges. Um. You mean a PLATFORM SHOE, Lisa??? Isn't this your JOB?? Aren't you just...PASSIONATE about fashion??
    Those Louboutins. omg. She just runs and buys a $950 pair of shoes without checking sizing or color or anything! And then says she'll keep them and wear them if the other pair is too big. Um. Those will still be too small, dipshit.

    I would love to do a tally on this week's haul. Those jeans were $445! Good. Lord. For jeans??? She must have 200 pairs of jeans, ffs.
  2. .
    QUOTE (A little North Shore birdie @ 6/10/2023, 10:54 PM) 
    Yea, I caught that one too. She’s an imbecile. But we already know that!

    And how could I forget: 'Caroline is a NY, West Coast kinda girl.'

  3. .
    I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought she seemed like a rabid raccoon on crack. I thought maybe my tolerance for her crazy was just wearing thin.

    Why did she think anyone needed the definition of 'off the chain'?? She thinks her viewers are just as stupid as she is..?

    DOTH piercing?? Does she mean DAITH?? 🙄

    And also: How does she SWF every woman she thinks looks 'cool' but somehow she's UNIQUE?? This woman gets crazier every day!! How is that even possible???
  4. .
    QUOTE (rfjox @ 6/5/2023, 01:00 AM) 
    QUOTE (A little North Shore birdie @ 4/6/2023, 06:48) 
    She has previously stated in IG stories that she’s about 5’4”.

    She's lying through her teeth. No way she is even 5 feet tall. She is 4'and a few. I say she's classified as a midget. And I'm not casting aspersions on little people because they normally own their height. This gal is a fibber like Lisa. They live in the fantasy world of their mind where they think they are the "be all-end all". In fact, I.think most of these influencers have distorted reality issues.

    Notice Caroline's height in comparison to the objects around her and the length of her arms and legs in proportion to her trunk.
    I believe if you are under 4'11", you are classified as a midget, dwarf or little person.

    We had a family of short people in our town who were like that. The dad was normal height but the mom was very short and all the kids were very short except for one. They were all normally proportioned. One of the sons was my age and I towered over him from grade school until adulthood and I am 5'2-1/2". Trust me, if I'm looking down at the top of your head, then you are a midget.

    Dwarfism is genetic. Being short doesn't make you a dwarf.
  5. .
    QUOTE (A little North Shore birdie @ 5/13/2023, 01:26 AM) 
    QUOTE (Gosplvr @ 13/5/2023, 01:05) 
    Ummm.. what is happening here?!?!



    I'm noticing now as I watch the rest of the video that she is zoomed in TIGHT so that the top of her head doesn't show!
  6. .
    ** I knew I wouldn't like this perfume but I bought it for my collection anyway!**
    This woman needs help.

  7. .
    Ummm.. what is happening here?!?!

  8. .
    QUOTE (Mulva @ 5/10/2023, 08:36 AM) 
    Just watched the workout video on Jools channel. Everything from her tricep work to her plank was in bad form. I'm surprised she hasn't had a tendon injury yet particularly in her rotator cuff. She doesn't warm up or stretch the muscles afterwards. It's no wonder her posture is awful and her belly sticks out; she doesn't work her abs or core.

    This is equally irresponsible as her carnivore videos. I hope no one injures themselves following her routine.

    She hasn't injured herself because she doesn't actually DO any of those exercises on a regular basis! In fact, that was probably the first, last, and only time she's ever done those exercises! 😂
  9. .
    I also laughed when she said that she's been doing this routine since she 'lived at home'.
    Where does she live NOW???

    I know she means when she lived with her parents, but when you are over 50 wouldn't you just say: when I used to live with my parents?
    Maybe I'm just nit-picking. I would think by now, she would consider Jon her 'home'. It just makes her sound like a child.
  10. .
    QUOTE (Chalky @ 5/9/2023, 02:05 PM) 
    She's admitted too many times that she doesn't work out and her form is horrible and I'm no expert.

    I was thinking the same thing!! I could have sworn that has repeatedly said that she doesn't work out bc carnivore was a cure-all. She didn't NEED to work out.
  11. .
    She works out in her PJ's.
    ^U^ ^U^ ^U^
    I can't with this goofy bitch.

    Y'all I am 6 minutes in and this is hilarious!! I can't believe she put this up!
  12. .
    OMG. A 'most-requested' workout video.
    THIS I have to see...lmao
  13. .
    New video: Jon says Zara has a great return policy.

    I'm sorry, but...what???? Jon takes care of that, too??? Does this bimbo do anything besides play dress up all day??

    Nevermind. I don't even know what I was thinking.
  14. .
    Am I the only one who gets super-annoyed with the way she Anthropologie???
    Ant. Thwo. Pology. Like it's 3 words.
  15. .
    Who wears their hair down AT THE POOL??

    Even when she does get an outfit 'right', her hair just ruins it. It makes her look so unsophisticated and cheap.
744 replies since 30/7/2016