The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by Gosplvr

  1. .
    She's been receiving criticism for not using her LV's and using 'cheap' bags instead???

    :m1273: :m1273: :m1273: Hi, Marnie! :m1273: :m1273: :m1273:
  2. .
    QUOTE (Amused 101 @ 6/29/2018, 01:34 PM) 
    Marnie's new video is June favorites. She starts out by saying that she's wearing the same outfit she wore in a video that she just filmed-- but she didn't feel like changing.

    This pretty much sums up her attitude lately, everything is too much effort, why bother?

    I think the rule in the Gagberg household is to put forth the absolute minimum effort required. At this point, lazy would be an upgrade! She's entered sloth territory!

    Here's the Hooktube link because we can't be bothered to give her any views! :snickering:

    Judging by her hair and make-up, it looks like she filmed her last 4 videos in one day. She had already changed her shirt and earrings TWICE. What more do you want from her??? Her bedroom is like...20 steps away!
  3. .
    QUOTE (marnarrhea @ 6/29/2018, 02:51 PM) 
    QUOTE (Amused 101 @ 29/6/2018, 13:34) 
    Marnie's new video is June favorites. She starts out by saying that she's wearing the same outfit she wore in a video that she just filmed-- but she didn't feel like changing.

    This pretty much sums up her attitude lately, everything is too much effort, why bother?

    I think the rule in the Gagberg household is to put forth the absolute minimum effort required. At this point, lazy would be an upgrade! She's entered sloth territory!

    Here's the Hooktube link because we can't be bothered to give her any views! :snickering:

    All she had to do was change her top and earrings. Maybe slap on a different lipstick. How lazy can she be?

    Pretty sure Marnie reads here and takes that as a personal challenge.
  4. .
    :t0152: Sorry but...

    Wouldn't you think she's wearing a tank or under that coverup? Every white coverup I've ever seen is see-through. And it goes to her knees. So essentially, she's wearing TWO layers of clothing and explaining that she wore it...because it's hot...? :being-confused-smiley-emoticon:
  5. .
    And also? You don't 'switch out' a coverup for a bathing suit. You wear it over a bathing suit. At the beach. Or the pool. Not to a doctor's appt.
    My KIDS understand this concept and I didn't even have to break it down like that for them...
  6. .
    Her excuse for that outfit is just pathetic. She really thinks everyone is clueless.
    If it's THAT hot, wear a SUNDRESS. Wear shorts and a tank. It's summer. It's hot most places. You don't live on the surface of the fucking SUN. And even if you DID...a beach coverup and long pants don't fucking translate to an outfit that keeps you COOL! She's such an idiot...
  7. .
    That IG post looks straight outta What Not To Wear.
    Bathing suit cover-ups are NOT clothing, Marnie! She just has ZERO style and ZERO self-awareness. Even when she's thin, she manages to make herself look short and frumpy! It's like she TRIES to look like shit!
  8. .
    QUOTE (Amused 101 @ 6/27/2018, 04:48 PM) 
    Marnie gets so OTT excited about a sale. If only she showed a fraction of this emotion for things going on in the real world that are of significance!

    What am I saying? For a second, I forgot who we're dealing with. :eyeroll:

    I agree. I was sitting here watching thinking: Maybe I'm weird but I do NOT put this much thought and prep into shopping. It's like she's planning a vacation! Speaking of which...don't you LOVE how she acts like she is going to be SO stressed bc she has to TRAVEL and 'work' this sale? I've said it before and I'll say it again: This bitch would crack if she ever had a REAL problem in her little charmed and blessed life. It just annoys me to no end.
  9. .
    She is a twunt for even insinuating that SHE is giving away a $500 GC. She actually says 'from me to you'.
  10. .
    QUOTE (Flossy Rossy @ 6/25/2018, 07:03 PM) 
    I didn't hear anything worth a video.

    Marnie did: Ka-CHING :flcvoy01:
    Her whole 'I was just passing along the info I was given' translates to 'Who cares? I'm just saying what they pay me to say.'
  11. .
    Good lawd. When did Manky start doing HEROIN??? :in-disbelief-smiley-emoticon:

    I can't believe that she would say MOST Dr.'s book in 15 increments. I have been to lots of docs in my day and it all depends on what type of appointment you have and what type of doctor you are seeing. I'm pretty sure my GP books for 15 minutes but I have NEVER been to a specialist who did...?
    And this whole thing about labs...same thing. It depends on the appointment. And here's what annoys ME: the dipshit Marnions who take her advice will be 'advocating' for themselves by demanding their labwork BEFORE the appointment. They will look like obnoxious assholes (like Marnie) when in actuality, sometimes you need to TALK to the doctor FIRST so that they can decide which labs they need!!! This is not rocket science.
  12. .
    QUOTE (Hairtie @ 6/24/2018, 11:32 PM) 
    What the hell is her fascination with hotels and lobbies??? Is it because she lives in a dump? Why does she think that her viewers want a fucking tour of a hotel lobby???

    She just doesn't have anything else to do or say bc she has the most mundane, boring life imaginable and she's desperately trying to turn that into vlog-worthy content.
  13. .
    She just said: Watch next week vlog where we'll do absolutely nothing to celebrate Shane's birthday. heehee

    I fucking hate her.
  14. .
    I love how she's blaming being winded by going up & down the stairs on her knee!
    First of all: You are ridiculously out of shape, Marnie. If you can't go up and down ONE flight of stairs in your own home without breathing like you just got done with a spin class, you have serious issues.
    Second: I thought your knee was all better? Miraculously.

    She's going to have serious issues with that knee. It's obviously injured (although I wouldn't put it past her to fake it for a golf cart ride) and she's not even following the instructions to at least exercise. What? Is she too busy?? She's such an idiot...

    QUOTE (Cornflake Queen @ 6/24/2018, 06:33 PM) 
    Suck it in all you want. We know your brick baby is under there


    I'm sorry but this dress is just SO ugly. Is a drop-waist flattering on ANYONE over the age of ten?
  15. .
    She's channeling Mrs. Roper in that 'swimsuit cover-up as a shirt' get-up.
744 replies since 30/7/2016