The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by lena3

  1. .
    Your post reminds me of when my husband and I walked daily during the height of COVID. We enjoyed ourselves so much. It never crossed my mind to worry about my outfit.

    The walking video should be good for some laughs. I’m sure Lisa will talk about workout proof make-up. The right sunglasses to wear.
  2. .
    Lisa had some real gems in this video. The fried chicken skin looks dry and painful.

    I’ve said this before, but Lisa has such an old-fashioned, narrow view of the world. Talking about showing too much skin at the gym. Again, people are there to workout. More often than not, men and women of all shapes and sizes are showing quite a bit of skin. No. One. Cares.

    Also, it seems that she’s changed her mind about walking in a sports bra. Some fresh meat must have caught her eye.

    Finally, Lisa is lazy, but I’m glad she’s at least moving more than just her fingers to online shop. However, I find the whole “not doing anything crazy” to be so weird. Lisa says this every time she talks about working out. What does that even mean? Working out and sweating means doing something crazy? I think it’s crazy to not expect (or want) to sweat while working out.

    I’ve watched a lot of fitness videos. Some good. Some not so good. Not one has mentioned anything about not sweating.
  3. .
    I skipped most of the video because it’s basically an infomercial. In all honesty, the video was not helpful at all. I learned nothing.

    The playroom doesn’t look like a playroom. Sticking a toy in there doesn’t make it a playroom. Use some of that candle money and make a nice space for your children.

    Finally, when doing a sponsored post, CLEAN UP YOUR FILMING AREA. Who can focus on the jewelry when all I see is a messy room? Nothing about Kristina’s life screams luxury. Teslas. AP, Rolex, and Cartier watches. Hermes bags, shoes, and other accessories. Giant new wedding set. Home in an expensive area. Living in a large, metropolitan city (museums, ballet, orchestra, fine dining, opera, plays, massive park). This is all lost on her because she doesn’t do anything that the city has to offer. I don’t want to see you vlog pouring wax into candles or walking around your filthy, cluttered house.

    My life is more luxurious, and I’m a middle-class teacher.
  4. .
    Ugh. Even the handbag is a wrinkled mess.

    Sorry, Marnie, but the bag does NOT look expensive.
  5. .
    A Youtuber that I watch recently had hers redone. She said that she had hers for ten years. Her doctor suggested the replacement. I don’t remember why.

    I don’t know how long Dee LaVigne had hers, but she had hers removed and did not get new ones. The old ones made her really sick, and the pain was debilitating.

    Even with my limited knowledge, it appears that Marnie should have had hers removed/replaced at least five years ago. I don’t get women like Lisa and Marnie. They do these unhealthy things at their husband’s insistence. I like to look nice for my husband, but I have my limits. If these men wanted Barbie dolls, then they should have married one.
  6. .
    Not sure if she even wants kids but is telling the doctor that it’s taking too long.

    Make it make sense.
  7. .
    Lisa has been very quiet. I know she said that she had some work to do for a collaboration, but that could also mean that Lisa also had a procedure done.
  8. .
    I live in Houston, and there is no way that I’d wear cowboy boots. Tennis shoes are a stretch. Yesterday, I wore a pair of cotton shorts, a cotton t-shirt, and sandals. By the time I walked from the parking lot to the inside of the grocery store, I was pouring in sweat.

    I bet her feet were some kind of sweaty, and you know they don’t shower.
  9. .
    I can not imagine traveling like Jen does. It all looks so exhausting.

    Then again, I love being at home even if I’m by myself.
  10. .
    Yes, because a taupe colored shirt will make me feel cool.

    What makes me feel cool is being myself because there is no one else like me on the planet. Copying a 20-something on Instagram when I’m 50 doesn’t.

    It’s so funny that Lisa wants to be cool girl and a hot mama yet she keeps that dated, frumpy hair. I also guarantee that those “mean” moms from 20+ years ago were not mean. Lisa was jealous of the things that they had, and it made her feel bad. It’s curious that she could not keep these particular bad thoughts out of her head.
  11. .
    Ooof. That black dress is a huge no.

    I have broad/linebacker shoulders, and they’re muscular. I can wear strapless tops/dresses, but the one-shoulder tops/dresses look TERRIBLE on me. A dress like Marnie’s black one would not work. Even if I liked it, I wouldn’t buy it, wear it, and post a picture of me in it on Instagram and YouTube for the world to see.

    Marnie’s body is baffling. It appears that her shoulder situation is the opposite of mine so the dress should work but nope. It’s a poorly made dress on a soft (flabby?) body. The flared skirt hits in odd places. There are two seams running across the stomach. The bust is begging for mercy. It’s like the top of the dress is too small and too tight all at the same time. Just throw the whole dress away. A simple, strapless tube dress with a hemline right above the knee would have looked better. Toss those shoes away with the dress.

    It’s so bizarre.
  12. .
    I think the last video I watched was the one from the wedding. I decided to watch this one. What. A. Doozy. Even if there was gore, why does Alex think that anyone needs to see that? It’s gross, vile, and disgusting. Words that pretty much sums up Alex.

    I heard her mention something about Lean Cuisine and not exercising. I guess we’re back to eating a plain potato and Lean Cuisine for every single meal. F- that. I’d rather workout, have chicken, fresh fish, and fresh vegetables, and a treat one day a week than eat a frozen dinner.

    Hate to break it to you, Alex, but at your age, you’re going to have to try something else. Something healthier. What worked in your 20s and 30s is no longer going to work now because you’ve messed up your metabolism.

    No more Skinny Legend for you!
  13. .
    I saw those shoes (in the red dress picture) in Macy’s today. I think they’re cute, but Marnie has ruined them for me. I bought something else.

    I find that happens a lot.
  14. .
    What the hell are those pants she’s wearing on IG? Clearly Lisa needs to get her eyes examined. She’s blind in one eye and can’t see out of the other.
  15. .
    Y’all are bringing back sweet memories with the house dress. My grandmother wore them all of the time but never outside of the house. She had different color, patterns, and prints. Most of them snapped up the front. She died at 90 in 2021. That woman was my rock after my mother died when I was 22.

    I guess this is what Lisa wore when she was feeling “fat”.
3924 replies since 30/7/2016