The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by love_bug

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    Another cryptic post 🙄
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    QUOTE (carmen55 @ 8/9/2021, 07:46) 
    I actually love her chest. I think it is very sexy. You don't need big boobs to be sexy, but I am sure Jawn would not agree.

    I wonder what will happen to the placement of her tattoo. Will she have to have it redone? Seems like it may get stretched out or look entirely weird after the surgery.
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    Also I wonder who will help her afterwards. We know it’s not Lisa.
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    QUOTE (Carol Kay @ 7/9/2021, 12:19) 
    It was almost inevitable.Why is she announcing it on Instagram?And asking for advice from people?Ask your mother,she did it twice.Good work Lisa,your daughter doesn’t ask you for advice?Good parenting from both her and Jawn.

    True… there are lots of things that get announcing on social media and sometimes I have to scratch my head and say WTF to myself.

    I hope she realizes boobs will not make her any happier. That’s comes from within. Sure there will be a short lived “high”.

    I’ve heard boob jobs can be extremely painful. Can anyone confirm?
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    QUOTE (Carol Kay @ 7/9/2021, 09:47) 
    Bloody Hell!Brooke is having a boob job.

    We all knew it was matter of time. If someone wants a boob job that is their decision. However I still think early 20s is still too young. If it were me I would get a boob job if the following:

    1. After having kids and if my boobs had no life left
    2. If I had lost a ton of weight and again my boobs lost their oomph.
    3. After have a mastectomy

    Of course this is just my opinion.

    I really hope she stays a natural size and not stripper size.
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    QUOTE (rockster @ 5/9/2021, 17:59) 
    OMG, I'm dying over the new blow dry video she just posted. She had a fly in the bathroom and instead of getting it herself, she has to get Jawn. He comes in with his wife beater tank top and it looks like a tennis racquet? What is he carrying? Doesn't look like a fly swatter. Too funny. Poor little Leesa can't get the fly so Jawn to the rescue.

    I think it zaps the fly. I’ve seen them in person and they do look like a tennis racquet.
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    QUOTE (MysteryMeat @ 5/9/2021, 15:53) 
    He paid $99.00 for these... :hearty-laugh:

    Wow my 5 year old could of done something better.
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    Ok so I have watched most of the video. I started last night and within 2 minutes I was asleep. If you ever have trouble sleeping listen to her for a few minutes.

    Why does she have to have an orgasm every time she talks about a new perfume, lip gloss, or foundation?

    I wonder who this video was for while she showed her ass to the camera and slapped it a few times 🙄

    That’s all I got at the moment.
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    QUOTE (Sand&Sun @ 3/9/2021, 23:29) 
    QUOTE (WhyAmIHere @ 8/29/2021, 05:36 PM) 
    Kristen Stewart always looks strung out to me.

    That's what I see, too. I was pleasantly surprised to see this picture of her as Diana. They finally cleaned off her dark eye make up. I had never seen her without it.

    I watched the trailer and she looks incredibly smaller than Princess Di. Surely they could of picked out a British actress to play the part.
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    QUOTE (EastCoastGlamour @ 28/8/2021, 03:50) 
    There are different levels of HATE. Most of us don’t hate Anyone, even Lisa. we just hate the things that she does, the way she treats her animals, her children and her narcissism selfishness, wastefulness and lies. She has also blocked subscribers over the years because they did not kiss her ass or asked a simple question.Not every YT’r is the same. And no, I do not lump them all together because they are all different IMO.

    :7043: This
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    QUOTE (Chalky @ 27/8/2021, 03:26) 
    I just saw on the news that they are recalling the total package that is Lisalisad1 - apparently it smells rotten and may contain stink.

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    Y’all my father in law watches one network news station all day long. I don’t know how he can listen to it that much.
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    QUOTE (Chalky @ 27/8/2021, 01:38) 
    So basically she spends all day in her car driving around listening to news...I'm with her on not watching news all day long. You do need to be informed but you don't need to be overwhelmed.

    I used to watch the news as I got ready in the mornings for work. I was getting so overwhelmed and stressed about what was going on in the world. About 5 years ago I quit watching and now get ready in peace and quiet.
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    QUOTE (A.DoraBuhl @ 26/8/2021, 12:48) 
    Interesting. We have a nephew who was so autistic, that the "professionals" told my husbands sister and husband, to just put the boy in an institution. Instead she walked away from her high six figure income and became a stay at home mom. Today that boy owns 50 acres, where he and his wife care for rescue animals, and he has a small landscaping company, employing 20 people (I just looked at his website) he drives on the roads and streets and operates equipment. My sister in law did work with him, and her other two children, the middle child ended up working for Microsoft at 16 and today is one of their well known names for items they make for our US military.
    My manicurist, also a friend since 1993 is teaching her daughter how to drive, and the kid can whip up some amazing breakfasts! Again, in the spectrum. And stunning to boot. When I say stunning, I mean naturally beautiful a true head turner!
    There is another young gal, in the spectrum, on you tube. I know her dad. She does online cooking lessons for other kids. Also sells some of her goodies. You can order pizza from her on Friday or Saturday night. She is on a lot of peoples list for best birthday cake, at 16 years of age. Makes other goodies for various holiday meals. Go check her out eviebakes20

    Why do you all act like "in the spectrum" is the end of life for Wheel? (or all children I have to guess) Just curious. I seriously, and I mean seriously cringe when the convo goes to Wheel, since he has managed to remain invisible on the internet. At least publicly.
    That is just my two cent on that topic.

    I don’t think being on the spectrum is the end of life for him. I’m pretty sure that is how Lisa feels though. If indeed he is on the spectrum or not she has failed him as a mother. JMO
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    QUOTE (Bangle Bitch @ 25/8/2021, 22:16) 
    Kristen Stewart as Diana?

    Hard pass.

    Well shit. Why in the hell did they pick her?
1199 replies since 30/7/2016