The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by Gonorrhea in Boat Shoes

  1. .
    Why is she suddenly concerned with oil in coffee creamer when she laughed at everyone side-eyeing the oil in her dumb snack mix?
  2. .
    Yep: January 2019. She wore it to a wedding in SFO. (No hate on a repeat wear; at least she didn’t wear those hideous beige shoes.)



  3. .
    Isn’t that the dress she wore to a wedding?

    Agreed, it would look better if her boobs weren’t pointed straight down.
  4. .
    The new season of True Detective is intriguing!
  5. .
    And pizza again!
  6. .
    Head down, hulk off-screen. It’s K8’s signature.


  7. .
    I swear she said “valentimes.”
  8. .
    She’s having a popup on her daughter’s birthday? What a jerk.
  9. .
    And Lily took landyns coat from the condo? What a brat.
  10. .
    That picture is also awful because the items she’s shilling are completely out of focus; the stump made sure her nose is sharp AF though.
  11. .
    As much as I can’t stand her, her mom looks great.
  12. .
    Her greasy hair! The grimace!
  13. .


    This is such an unappealing thumbnail. No.
  14. .
    You guys are good!
  15. .
    That coat drives me crazy: the sleeves are too long!
6231 replies since 30/7/2016