The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by Two!muchstuff

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    QUOTE (Trixie27 @ 29/4/2024, 13:53) 
    I’ve never heard of Grenade bars so I looked into it. They contain a lot of maltitol! Maltitol tastes great, very similar to real sugar but is hard to digest. It can cause cramping, bloating, gas and diarrhea. If I see maltitol on an ingredient list I steer clear. There’s no way Steve and Darlene are eating these bars daily and not having issues.

    She needs to stop trying to justify all these little treats and just eat real food. Why does the 3pm pick me up need to be Starbucks and a Grenade bar full of artificial sweeteners and chemicals? Pack an apple or some almonds with a cheese stick and bring your water in the car. Easy! If we’re to believe she’s picking up Andrew from RISE (we know better here) why can’t she wait until dinner time like everyone else? She’s not going to starve to death.

    Trixie, I’ve never heard of half the things that Darlene buys myself, lol. All those ingredients like maltitol and sorbitol, and other sweeteners may be okay in small doses, but they still can affect your blood sugar levels and impair weight loss, and the way Darlene mops up the products must be the worse way to consume these ingredients.

    Darlene shouldn’t be eating anything in a processed form at this point. But, as you say, she’s determined to justify all these food choices. Apples are like anathema to her. I don’t know why she’s so anti-apple. Such a wonderful staple in a diet. She’s trained herself with her pick me ups like a Pavlov dog. She’s determined not to feel the least little empty feeling. That must be an awful way to live though, always having to feel stuffed to the gills.

    QUOTE (Pond Scum @ 29/4/2024, 16:08) 
    Pissing and shitting herself may already be something she deals with (common with heavy drinkers).

    Maybe it's her new "weight loss method"...🤣

    Also, I guess that's why they call it grenade!

    Lol. With the quantity she consumes, Pond, you may not be wrong. Darlene may say she’s just have one bar now and then, but she sure buys a lot overall, plus all the other stuff. I just see a blur of processed foods she show her grocery hauls.
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    Darlin. I see what you did there. SPOT ON! 😁


    I see similarities between the two of them, Socal. Thank heavens we don’t have to deal with Darlene or that other one in real life. Or god forbid, work for them.

    Then comes the killer as she spies acid wash is on trend again and starts wishing she'd kept her jeans from back in the day . . .

    I laughed at that too, Hannah. The delusion is real. Unless Darlene was the size she is now back in the day.

    More seriously, anyone else find this video quite disturbing? I'm a bit behind on the thread so I'll see what you all think in a minute.

    Darlene appeared more manic and out of touch with the reality of her situation than ever to me. The video was such a blur of extremes that the lies, contradictions and obsessiveness seemed to tip over into real delusion.

    I noticed that she seems much more self-satisfied, even to the point of feeling comfortable enough to lecture more. Her two pound weight loss has gone to her head. The way she feels justified enough to stand there in that kitchen and go into all the details of her thought process for grocery shopping and what she does and doesn’t do, what she’s doing now, the kind of person she is, etc. - well, it’s like ego and delusion in overdrive, considering her situation. The reason for it I have to think is rooted in that personality type we aren’t supposed to diagnose by the rules here and that I have no authority to diagnose. Just my opinion.

    Darlene, at one point in her lecture says, “before when I was a stay at home mom”, lol, what is she claiming she is now? A career woman? The delusion of Darlene. :eyeroll:
  3. .
    Great recap, Kayla.
    She'll be fatter by Canada Day.

    That’s a given.
    How I found Darlene - came in with the original “Pretty Neat Unlike Jen” forum for Jen Ross, then that crashed and changed to the Bakery, eventually followed CAM and Hannah from the My Great Challenge thread to Darlene’s thread and stayed for the DarDrama, fun commentary and spirit of the posters here. I was never a Darlene viewer before. But I’ve been here for years now, so I guess I’m hooked. Sometimes I really can’t stand her, and I have to go away, even with the fun commentary.
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    QUOTE (SophiaPetrillo @ 28/4/2024, 19:32) 
    Jodi,Chad and,Lori have been added to the list. Stephan Sterns was added to the list via DM sent me as well.

    Definitely! Throw the mother in too.

    Have to laugh at Darlene’s recent sense of superiority. Is it those manicures that are inflating her ego? Darlene, the Newbie Fashion Queen sashaying around Giant Tiger assessing the couture there, lol.

    Great comments from everyone. There can never be too many comments - that way the thread will die. Spamming and extra commentary are welcome, especially when the comments are so good. I’d love to quote everyone’s funny or insightful remarks and acknowledge them all.


    Yes, the strawberry jam. Darlene made jam right? We didn’t imagine it? Now that the video has been removed all the evidence is gone. Darlene doesn’t have to think about that jam ever again. Or maybe Darlene distributed her bottles of jam nestled in a bowl of rotting lemons and dying flowers to all her friends as someone in the news recently did.

    One jar to the manicurist, one to her hair stylist, several to the cashiers at GT, Walmart and all the other frequently visited retail stores. None to Rise or Pat’s home. They wouldn’t accept them anyway.
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    QUOTE (SophiaPetrillo @ 28/4/2024, 13:16) 
    QUOTE (my groceries @ 28/4/2024, 18:12) 

    Glad to hear you’re on the mend…was getting concerned…welcome back to Darlene’s Delusions

    Thank you so much. I have never so sick in my life. It hit me like a ton of bricks. I wouldn't wish it on anyone but Darlene and Ruby Franke.
    There something definitely going around. One of my sisters that lives out of state has it now and got it from a church event.

    Glad you’re feeling better now, Sophia.

    I’ll add Jodi to the wishlist too. And Chad and Lori. :saying-a-prayer-smiley-emoticon :snickering:

    I don’t know which is worse, Darlene’s monotonous raspy voice babbling on and on about inanities, or her mopey face. Her whole life (she did say it was her life’s purpose or something) is to fill herself up with food. She actually said “tummy is full” and “ satisfied” again. :20130930101758-5e972761: Make it stop.

    Also, did she really say she had eggs in the other fridge left over from Christmas, all the while she’s been buying up the egg stock of her county? And doubling down on the son pick-up stories?

    I’ll leave it to Kayla to excoriate this latest grocery haul because it’s bad and I can’t do it justice, and I’ll leave it to everyone else to cover the other details. I’m just stuck on this 300+lb woman talking about her “tummy” being full. Good god, Darlene, find some other ways of expressing this idea if you must let everyone know. Don’t talk about being “satisfied” or your “tummy”. It’s not a good look for you. But as she says “boughten” and “them meatballs” (though that might have been a conversation glitch) there’s no hope for that. She’ll probably double down and say it more, so better not bring it up too often.
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    Did she really flex with Kerrygold cheese! Lol. Remember when Jen Ross used to flex with Kerrygold butter? Meanwhile, it’s the most commonly used butter where I live and has been since I was a child. Everyone bought Kerrygold. Same for Dr. Teals. It’s now imported all the way from the US but still isn’t that expensive here. I buy it myself, but I wouldn’t brag about it.

    Back on the bubble bath . . Does anyone else find it creepy how Darlene often brings up her bath time? Maybe it's just me, but it seems too personal and at the same time much too mundane to be worthy of so much mention. It's not as though this is some beauty guru or even a couple of girlfriends chatting privately. She's a public YTuber who's not even renowned for personal hygiene, let alone an interest in skincare.

    Forget our comedy around Darlene getting stuck in the tub for a moment, it's her emphasis on soaking in the bath that doesn't feel right. It's as if she's inviting voyeurism, or enjoys the idea of imposing herself upon others inappropriately, albeit via the image she forces into the viewer's mind eye.

    I find it creepy, Hannah. You’re right - it’s too personal, yet such a mundane thing to mention. Also inappropriate (and juvenile) for a woman of her age. It’s really as though she thinks, as mg points out, that it’s the height of luxury or something, especially when combined with the wonderful elixirs created by Dr. Teal, that amazing sorcerer who can add soporifics to bath gel to induce sleep, and still sell for under ten dollars at your drug store.

    I don’t know if it’s occurred to Darlene that it’s a bit voyeuristic to force her viewers to imagine her body in a tub, or to ponder the logistics of getting her body in her small tub, and to consider the physics of mass vs water displacement invoked in that exercise, etc., but Darlene is not exactly a bright bulb so maybe she’s never thought about it. She doesn’t think through so many of her tall tales anyway. Even today, she thinks she can fob off some vague allusions to being more social and doing activities merely in passing without explanation and that everyone will take what she says is true for granted.

    I also find it voyeuristic and unsettling when she brings up in detail what she eats, and talks about something being delicious, or worse, talks about her degree of satiety with whatever she’s consumes. Or when she talks about “starving”. That’s even worse to me. Darlene is too overweight to even mention these subjects in public. It’s a bit cringey, at least to me.
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    Wow! Those two sink photos are unbelievable. Well, not really unbelievable because we see the evidence before our eyes, lol.

    The saggy bottom vacuuming one and the one today at the stove are both crazy comparison photos too. As well as the bust and midsection comparisons. How’s Darlene’s going to lose weight by the time she’s fifty again?
  8. .
    Lol, there’s Darlene in the comments agreeing with her superfan Donna that she’d buy organic (I assume fruits and vegetables) too if the prices weren’t so high. What’s the point of that for someone like Darlene who consistently buys fast foods anyway? Are those drive thru chains offering organic options now? I don’t know. Maybe she wants to avoid pesticides. With the minuscule amount of fruits and vegetables Darlene consumes pesticides probably won’t affect her anyway.

    Those screenshots, CAM! Darlene was positively svelte before compared to now. She’s not only equaled out the bust to belly ratio, (lol Socal), but she’s filled out the wrinkles in the jeans. No more saggy bottom.

    Darlene’s kitchen wipe down. She wipes the stove top then wipes the hood over the stove, then the countertop, all with the same cloth! Nice way to spread any stovetop residue around. Not to mention, her weird idea of clear kitchen counters.

    I don’t hate the way her hair looks being up, but I hate the way she sucks on that BUBBA straw.
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    QUOTE (Eyedunno @ 21/4/2024, 12:16) 
    Years ago I was in a weight loss program with a qualified, licensed, nutritionist (not a Youtuber or TikToker - lol). She told me that just because you feel hungry, doesn't mean you could be thirsty. Darlene must be thirsty all the time when her only fluids are coffee, vodka/OJ and, I suspect, pop/soda. Plus eating salt by the pound.

    The other thing I learned was to have a tablespoon of peanut butter if feeling peckish. I'm always drinking water and for the most part, eating properly but still sometimes (rarely) need that tablespoon of peanut butter.

    Hey Darlene since your mind is ALWAYS on food, maybe learn about food and how and where we get nutrients, protein, good fats, bad fats, etc. No? Okay then, you just keep being the obstinate know-it-all you are and continue to fail. Everyone here has been giving you great advice for years and had you bothered to learn from it, you'd likely be in a much better place right now with your weight.

    That’s true, Eye. Thirst is misinterpreted as hunger. Yes, Darlene must be thirsty all the time considering what she consumes. All those salty snacks and processed foods alone. Thank goodness now she has her
    SPOILER (click to view)
    so all that may change, lol.

    I rarely feel hungry to the point of saying I’m starving myself. It’s amazing what a diet based on non-processed foods and sufficient water can do.

    Good suggestion for Darlene to do some real research about nutrition. But we know Darlene, she doesn’t want to hear hard truths and facts. Seems her weight loss journey has to be her way or not at all. That’s the choice she’s limited herself to.
  10. .
    Ramble away, Hannah. You never “ramble” without a point, purpose and a great evaluation.

    Crusty Pie
    Great assessment, Crusty.

    Always appreciate your logical thinking, CAM. And yes, that’s one amazing slimming mirror illusion, for the reason you state. All your diet suggestions are too straight forward and healthy for Darlene. Her food has to come in a man made package of some sort.

    Also, “Petawawa’s 350lb lemming” Lol!

    Kayla M
    She was making her protein coffee & was STARVING. That mini Clif bar wasn't going to be enough, so she grabbed a bigger one.

    Why is she always “starving” anyway. Darlene should really reconsider her choice of words. Dr. Now would tell her that if she didn’t eat for another year she wouldn’t starve. (He said that to a patient who was a lot heavier than Darlene and he said four years, lol). One of her fans suggested that she learned it was okay to feel hungry. Darlene acts as though if she doesn’t get food into her system immediately she’s a bit hungry, she’ll keel over from starvation.

    Let's see, I find her to be a narcissist, controlling bitch

    And to think I was trying to be coy about it above, lol. Glad you said it, Kayla. That’s what I think too.

    She really is all about the marketing. If the wrapper looks good, she buys it.

    Yes. She’s a marketer’s dream customer.

    So many funny one liners and comments from everyone! Lol!
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    Ok...But....WHAT is she doing in the store?! I'm sorry but is she out drunkenly photographing herself like a frat girl? I might have it all wrong as I haven't watched yet, but this behavior feels disturbing.

    Yes, Socal, a 50 year old frat girl doing an OOTD at a store. Why she has to do an ootd for her uniform, and why she thinks anyone would be interested is a mystery. Not really a mystery to me as I think her personality traits (can’t diagnose) drives her to do these things. She even states her height and the brands of her pants and shoes, which are no longer available. She haughtily says “there’s nothing to link”. Darlene the holier than thou linkless influencer.
  12. .
    Hope you get well and feel better soon, Eyedunno.

    Cynbad Oh god, Cynbad and Cornflake Queen Those screenshots! Darlene is one giant beauty.

    I’m not watching her diet nonsense. In the words of Chortle2

    She just LOVES to talk and preach and lie.

    That’s what I think as well. Lying to herself and to her audience. Must be her duper’s delight working overtime. And she loves to hear herself talk. She’s been opening her recent Fresh Start videos in a strange way, halting, uncertain, forced friendliness. Maybe she was apprehensive about the reception she’d get on this new/old weight loss talk. She knows she’s said it all before. She needn’t have worried because all she got was a couple kindly comments that weren’t lauding her to the skies.

    But what I want to know is, is Darlene really going to wear that spa headband? And if so, I hope she does it on camera.

    Great continuous commentary by everyone as well.
  13. .
    I think she she says “it’s a crazy day” and the like, she’s just lying, probably to seem like she has a life.

    All the scenarios for her busy life are hilarious though.
  14. .
    Thank you for the link to that thread, Welcomefiends. Some excellent gifs and screenshots there and scattered throughout all the threads. I see you chose one for your avatar, lol.

    Here’s Steve helping out in the kitchen following Darlene’s idea of sanitary kitchen preparation.


    Kayla’s going to love that one.

    Always interesting to read the old comments, as well as see the posters back then who are now no longer around.
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    QUOTE (SquirrelConvention @ 10/4/2024, 15:08) 
    Way too early, but “ fondling her cheese” has got to be in the next title

    That would hilarious.

    Cynbad Cynbad’s title for this thread is so on point, and getting more so as Darlene keeps rolling out her fresh start and fewd show.
5161 replies since 31/7/2016