The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by Two!muchstuff

  1. .
    The perfect darmoticon.

    Well, CAM, I’ll see your DarFestive Face, hilarious as it is, and raise you DarIncredulous at her own b/s face. Also, this is how Darlene should look while listening to her daily made up stories and contradictions.
    Then in case you have another, here’s DarDisgustFace on display which is how she should feel about her about her daily made up stories and contradictions.

    Geez, she’s so bad at this daily vlogging. Full of self pity one moment, full of disdain for her mom the next, making stuff up, trying to sound bright and happy with her awful combination Oprah/Vanna/Kardash (lol, CQ) greeting, trying to sound “deep”. Can’t believe her audacity to still be on YouTube and can’t believe that she made a fruit plate for people days in advance of the occasion. She’s so organized!
  2. .
    I’m way behind … busy reading now.

    Love all the screenshots. Nothing like a good Dar screenshot to illustrate a point.

    Here’s another to demonstrate that Dar’s just not too bright overall. I’ll call it “capturing the essence of DarDumb”.
    SPOILER (click to view)

    Omg! That DarDancer gif! Thanks for reminding us, CAM.
  3. .
    I’m still stuck on Darlene’s hyper chatty coffee chat.

    As for her recent use of 'interesting', seems this is now a euphemism for being well pissed off.

    Sarah decorates her tree a la grandma - "it's interesting".

    Dar accompanies her mom to a long appointment - "it's interesting".

    Pat repeats the same question - "it's interesting".

    A day without the Internet "is interesting".

    So true, Hannah. I noticed that too. It’s Darlene’s way of smoothing over her disdain and disgust at situations, and sometimes even her anger. It’s something new as she didn’t do it before. Maybe she thinks it makes her sound more profound or more subtle .. or something. But she just sounds ridiculous with her babbling no matter what she talks about.

    Darlene is so full of herself today talking about her coffee! She has absolutely no self awareness to realize how inane she sounds nattering on about coffee, as though she’s relating something “interesting”. It’s nonsense, Darlene. Read back your own transcript and you may get a shock. She’s so hyped up on coffee she must think she’s being entertaining, lol. She seems to think she’s the life of the party. All bubbly about how she likes her coffee.

    That’s where I stopped watching. 17 mins of Darlene has to be broken down into three minutes sessions.

    I see Darlene bought her own version of her Santa suit with that plaid jacket. That’s a bold statement for someone who’s 5’10” and over 350 lbs. I didn’t know she wanted a breast reduction, but not surprised that she was told to lose weight first. Apart from the surgical and health reasons, how would she look if her breasts were smaller than her tummy! Even more like Santa. Add the red jacket and her clodhoppers and there you go.

    I was going to ask if there was any chance of Darvatar in her plaid jacket, but CAM and Scarlet have great representations on pg. 53, lol. Omg!

    Also, this was funny from DarDelusional whatever day that was.


    “Little”? Lol.
  4. .
    QUOTE (SophiaPetrillo @ 7/12/2023, 14:01) 
    Faith and church wow Darlene wow. Right when I think you can't go any lower and then you go and surprise me. You wouldn't dare step foot in any church with the fear of catching on fire Darlene. Steve was the one who used to be religious not Darlene. Why throw Andrew under bus because there no internet? They had power so why couldn't she put one of his videos on? I just can't with her anymore. Her lies and stories are getting so out of hand. What's next Pat forgets what a Christmas tree is and Darlene teaches her the meaning of Christmas?

    Haven’t got to that part yet, but what next! She definitely has no problems making stuff up. But as you say, her lies are out of control. I try to make fun of her and keep it light, because she can really be disturbing for me otherwise.

    I saw her video soon after it was posted, but didn’t see another. She may have switched.
  5. .
    QUOTE (Socalgal @ 7/12/2023, 08:23) 
    I think her santa blowup story was her projecting her own falling over in a drunken stupor. She is off her rocker whacko in this vlog!

    Unfortunately, Socal, her eye may just dark in that spot from her application of eye shadow. She needs a punch in the face for disrespecting her mother as she does. As well, as her other actions regarding Andrew.

    The funny thing is that she could easily be the falling Santa in her story, and she doesn’t even see it. Darlene would make a pretty good Santa once you give her the beard and red suit, no stuffing required, lol.
  6. .

    Wonder what the other guy looks like - Dardainty could pack some punch too!

    Lol, Hannah. Remember when Darlene said she felt she would like to punch someone in the face. She laughed but if she could get away with it, I bet she’d do it too.


    Lord, she is as dull as her tree.

    Yes, she’s the dullest person around with her conversation and ideas. But it is odd how someone so dull can be so mean. Mean and rude. (Thinking about the phone call with her hanging up on the person giving her info about her own son. Unbelievable!).
    There's nothing of interest. The only focal point is the ugly couch.

    So true. An ugly couch and stuffed toys. Darlene is boring in her taste as well. Doesn’t stop her running her mean mouth though. Lord, she hates her mother.

    Just her tone she she complains about her mother asking her the same question says it all. The fact that she used her favorite word “freakin’” to describe her mom’s repetition, well, there’s are no words. She tries to laugh it off and make it a joke, but the contempt comes through. Disrespectful, mean, rude and still somehow sooo boring.

  7. .
    I see Darlene gave us a longer segment of her cleaning up the snow. I’m flattered. It was a suggestion I made. (If she reads here she chooses to address the oddest things apart from all her Andrew and Hubby PR).

    I’d love to clean up that snow myself. It looks lovely. I’ve experienced snowy winters, but now there’re no winters where I am, so I love the idea of snow like this, (not the troublesome part though).

    Darlene and the snow was funny though.
    SPOILER (click to view)
  8. .
    Why does Darlene shop only at the same stores? And when she complains that she can't find what she's looking for, I wonder if it's because she "has" to shop in-store to get her instant gratification shopping high that online shopping doesn't quite provide.

    I think it’s like an outing for her. If she doesn’t go to the stores, she has nowhere else to go. Apart from dropping off Andrew and going to the retirement home occasionally, she goes nowhere. Costco is her big fancy outing.

    She seems to have a lot of money to spend, but it’s in small amounts overall. As noted, Darlene likes quantity over quality anyway. Her purchases are mostly junky, cheap stuff, but on a consistent basis.

    “Hubby” (whatever happened to SteveN, lol) has a Keurig “and all that” at work but he has to go whining to Darlene for cream? What is wrong with that man! I bet he never asked her for cream. Just another pretend Dar story for filler and to elaborate on her marriage fairy tale. She thinks she’s so clever by putting in these little hints and references. It’s very transparent, Darlene.
  9. .
    Kayla M

    Great recap as usual, Kayla.
    I hope we've reached the end of that ceramic tree & I hope it smashes on the ground. Hunter, help a girl out please -knock that tree off the table for me? Make sure Linus is around & place the blame on him. That would be perfect

    Lol, Kayla. Yes, that ceramic tree has to go! Whoever made that thing in their pottery class never intended it to be part of a devious DarDark plot to usurp her mom’s Christmas tree for herself and replace it with what they made.

    Also, I know he’s just a dog, but Linus lolling on the newly made bed seems privileged and smug. He gets away with a lot while Hunter can’t even snuggle in his donut without a snark comment from Darlene.
  10. .
    Chortle above is making me laugh. :yellow-laughing-smiley-emoticon

    Thanks, ladies. Glad that you too had a laugh. We need all the levity we can get to stomach Darlene. Sometimes when you get a glimpse below her surface, with her underlying resentment towards her family for any perceived slight, or her annoyance at any little discomfort she has to endure, it’s can be very disturbing. I’d rather hear about her filling her stomach and her sleeping arrangements that see the skull beneath the skin with Darlene.

    SophiaPetrillo Sorry you lost all your post, Sophia. (We’ll wait for the tea, lol).

    Loved the story about your Dad, and glad he got a clean bill of health. Also, you’re out and about already! Good to hear.
  11. .
    :snickering: Sorry.
  12. .
    I agree with all the comments already made, and don’t have much that’s new to say. As Hannah1984 says,
    Every year Darlene pretends Christmas is "magical" only to complain about it afterwards. Something is never right, so the bitterness keeps building until it slips out. Grandma was (supposedly) very sick last year, yet she never breathed a word at the time.

    So true. It’s been going on every Christmas since she began. Now I notice she’s not complaining so outrightly but complimenting herself and revising history more. All that talk about her doing everything for everyone at Christmas, when we’ve seen her Christmas vlogs over the years. She barely mentioned her mom being unwell last year, and this year it’s all she can talk about. The words “my mom” and “my husband” are now her favorites to use. Her husband even helps her transfer her pasta slop from the too small pan to the larger pot. Seems he’s always at attendance waiting to help Darlene.

    Yes, lazy, lazy with the puzzle. I’m wondering if she didn’t do most of it herself before bringing in Andrew for the vlog. She’s really upping her game with the attention on showing what a good mom she is to Andrew lately.

    Darlene needs to stop referring to their stomachs being full. It just brings up troubling imagery. Like showing her small-sized bed and pretending they both sleep there.

    Loved Emily Valentine poem about the Grinch. Thanks for reminding us about it, Welcomefiends

    How about a seasonal song about Darlene, sung to the tune of her favorite “Rudolph’s the Red-Nosed Reindeer”. Grab your Rudolph cookie and mint coffee and sing along.
    SPOILER (click to view)
    You know Costco, and Maurice’s and Michael’s and Walmart,
    The Thrift Store and Giant Tiger and Canadian Tire and Winners,
    But do you recall
    The biggest lying shopper of all?

    Darlene the shopping maniac
    Had a very serious flaw,
    And if you ever noticed
    It was her flapping her jaw.
    All of the Bakery viewers
    Were on to her tall tales,
    They called out old Darlene
    And pointed out all her fails.

    Then in Vlogmas 2023
    Bakers had to say:
    “Darlene, if you keep up your lies
    You will have a YouTube demise!”
    Then all the Bakers joined in
    And pointed out seriously,
    Darlene the shopping maniac
    You’ll make YouTuber lying history.

    Darlene, the shopping maniac
    Goes to every store in town,
    And if you see her arriving
    You will surely turn around.
    All of the poor salespeople
    Smile and do their meet and greet,
    While Darlene the shopping maniac
    Stacks her cart with all the treats.

    Then in Liemas 2023
    Bakers had to say:
    “Darlene, if you go on this way
    You won’t be here long to stay!”
    Then all the Bakers joined in
    And pointed out seriously,
    Darlene the food shopping maniac
    We won’t see you in 2033!
  13. .
    QUOTE (Bubbe @ 2/12/2023, 17:36) 
    I really think she is desperately trying to convince that she and Steve are still together. If he is still residing in the house it’s simply for economic reasons, emotionally he has long since left.

    Well, she got him to say something today. Off camera of course. Maybe she taped him saying “Hi” sometime.

    I don’t know why he’d leave the office to come home for an egg sandwich for lunch. And an egg sandwich with Darlene. :sick:

    Egg and sausage and cheese. Lard baked beans tomorrow. She’s trying hard, CQ, lol.

    QUOTE (The Italian @ 29/11/2023, 22:11) 
    Watched with mom on the TV today at the end my mom asked: is she stupid?
    The end :hearty-laugh:

    This was so funny the way your mom asked the question., Italian. Your mom is probably baffled. Is she stupid?”. Yes, Mrs. Italian, she is, and she’s with Stupid too, lol.
  14. .

    Shoutout to Kayla! Steve says “Hi!”.

    Jeeze, the vitriolic sneer in her voice when she describes her mom’s choice of potholders as “cheap”. :in-disbelief-smiley-emoticon:

    Darlene must think she’s so drawn to high quality goods with her elevated taste levels, lol.

    QUOTE (Cornflake Queen @ 3/12/2023, 16:38) 
    Two cups brown sugar, 1 cup molasses, 1 cup lard!? She is determined to kill stupid and his coworkers lol. Whether it be with the pièce-de-résistance cranberry bliss bars or these diabetic beans.

    CQ, I was actually wondering for Steve what could be bought to take to the office potluck. (He doesn’t seem to think for himself). Just pick up some premade items from Costco!

    Apparently tomorrow we’ll learn how Darlene’s lard beans are processed and packaged for Steve’s carrying convenience, lol.
  15. .
    Good point as well, Socal, about it being Darlene playing with her toys. She really infantilizes Andrew all the time, and now she’s even trying to negate any of the personality we see coming through in his program photos. She’s reduced him to someone who wears a musical hat and smiles. It’s very strange how she’s talking about him, especially with her narrative about his smile and her constant insistence on magical. He smiles all the time, just not around you, Darlene. He doesn’t have to wear a silly hat to do so.
5229 replies since 31/7/2016