The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by campjulie

  1. .
    This announcement also goes a long way to explain the depression pit that is her "office".
  2. .
    this is honestly really sad
  3. .
    Did we know that's what Don looks like currently?? I didn't. Holy shit.
  4. .
    The way she put the pop in emoji note about learning later that her egg puff thing had cheese just tells me she was tooting up a storm in that massage room.
  5. .
    Why does everything have to be such a huge fucking production with her? Honoring herself? Good god, she can't even leave the house without patting herself on the back. She can't pronounce her FAVORITE restaurant? Gah why did I hit play on this.
  6. .
    "memory keeping through visual arts" I don't know if I can do this guys...
  7. .
    I'm just going to leave this nightmare fuel right here...
  8. .
    She will not stop referring to her big ugly backpack as "she" and "her" and insists you can dress it up or dress it down. Girl, it's a shiny blue backpack that isn't going to look good on anyone, not even a "grown ass lady" as she says.
  9. .
    Girl looks like she's at death's door in those Instagram posts, what the actual fuck.
  10. .
    It will never not amuse me that she's cooing over chickens, saving ducks, being a crazy lady with a ladder for baby birds as if she's always been this Snow White Dr. Doolittle twat and meanwhile in her old Thanksgiving vlogs she's manhandling the bird, shoving her hand down the thing's ass multiple times, talks in length about the absolute necessity of using the giblets, pointing out the neck and heart, for gravy, and cooing over the carcass that pops up when making their fabulously fabulous soup. I imagine she'd sob if she went back and watched her vlogs, mostly because she misses the non-stop me time, not because of the animal food.
  11. .
    Look, I'm not crazy about my body either so I wear a swim dress. They are super flattering and completely acceptable at public pools - you're comfortable and no one is looking twice. Why does Jen have to go off the deep end with extremes? Why is she trying to piece together her own version of a burkini? My sister is extremely fair, redhead, burns easily so she will sometimes wear a rashguard for sun protection. Jen? Does. Not. Need. One. That late in the day they clearly were not going to be out by the pool very long and while they are there her focus should be completely on the kids. I get needing to be comfortable but come on, it's just another way for Jen to make herself the center of attention and fret over herself instead of the comfort and safety of her own damn children.
  12. .
    she has some serious issues she needs to legitimately work on. it's sort of sad at this point.
  13. .
    who/how does she know occupational therapists personally?
  14. .
    Okay, this is gold, I needed the laugh. Apparently she thinks she's turning into an elderly man with her "as I get older, I want more sweaters" and cardigan with giant buttons. Return the joggers Jen. It seems like she had just Instagram stalked some dainty influencer and ran off to buy everything.Why doesn't she bother to read reviews about anything she's buying? I guess the rush of blindly filling a cart with a couple grand worth of stuff just wouldn't be the same.
  15. .
    I needed a break and saw she posted... not even a minute in, she didn't even buy any, and she is talking about that damn barefoot dreams circle cardigan. uuggghhhhh dis beeeetch.
316 replies since 31/7/2016