The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by campjulie

  1. .
    I don't even know what's going on because I didn't see the video but why would getting a partition installed to give the garbage its own space (eyeroll) the overcomplicated solution she has come up with rather than... moving the garbage... or the kids stuff...
  2. .
    Why can't she just grow some balls and be honest for once and just say, hey this video makes me uncomfortable but I'm working on it, therefore I'm going to post it. Instead she makes all these proclamations about being cured and it being everyone else's issue but her own. Just like the I'm cured from anxiety bullshit she put out a while back.
  3. .
    She got some new friends... and by friends I mean pots with faces on them.
  4. .
    I can't get over the headless shot of her sitting on the back stoop... "I sit here a lot". You sit on the toilet a lot too, no one cares.
  5. .
    Half asleep, came on while in bed to check in and make fun of our girl for sitting on a bench outside target whispering about her "original content" but see the house has been found and go through dozens of pages trying to figure out how I get the link so I'm not one of the ones going "can someone tell me what's going on and publicly give me her address?" I haven't figured it out yet but I will in the morning. Just tell me though, is there a room for potential creepy doll displays?
  6. .
    How dare you guys come after her children for wailing like banshees! THEY'RE UNTAMED!!11!!
  7. .
    everyone coming out of the woodwork with the hots for don...

  8. .
    Hope everyone is hanging in there and doing well! I'm guessing since we're still in the same thread her house didn't come on the market when expected?
  9. .
    She's so full of shit, if having her kids spend quality time with their present, engaged, and loving father makes her physically I'll they wouldn't be shipped off to the soup kitchen every day since they were in diapers. Pick a lane idiot.
  10. .
    I have never ever been a big fan of Don but how dare she rewrite the history of their marriage and paint him as this oppressive man holding her back and merely allowing her to sleep in his house. He supported her stupid journeys, never appeared to pressure her when she definitely could have used the challenge, and praised the ground she walked on. We have years of vlogs of her talking about how perfectly their situation worked, their weird joy together, and HER being the condescending brat who belittled him. So honestly Jen, remove your tiny head from your huge ass or keep your manipulative lies to yourself you worthless bitch.
  11. .
    I hope someone asked about the horror that is bunsy and when she'll faze that damn rag out.
  12. .
    Took the weekend off from balding loony lady and there's a whole new full thread... did anything new happen or just snarking amongst ourselves?
  13. .
    If she does end up in a townhouse, god help their neighbors with those untamed banshee children having the run of the place.
  14. .
    This is probably because Sundays are one of her multiple ME times during the week but since it's mother's day she gets the kids and that inconvenience pisses her off.

    I'm shocked she hasn't gone with her typical spiel of how blessed she is to have her two littles and cataloging their laughs of joy that send her heart soaring or some other bullshit.
  15. .
    Those stories today made me stabby. She is insufferable and will NEVER change, this just proves it.
316 replies since 31/7/2016