The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by TuesdayErrands

  1. .
    QUOTE (JoiRisen @ 14/3/2022, 21:00) 
    I’m 29 and a mom of 2 and I’m sorry but I look damn good in my skinny jeans 😌😂😂😂

    Sorry to say it, but you’re a millennial. Of course you like your skinny jeans!

    Let’s face it fellow grannies, times are changing. :mocking_smiley_emoticon:

    Just kidding. Plenty of women look good in tight pants, but it’s not for everyone. I can see that this is going to be a topic where we have to reiterate that any criticism applies only to Jen. It’s not about anyone here.
  2. .
    QUOTE (Party of 7 @ 14/3/2022, 20:54) 
    She’s depressed. You need some real help, Jen.

    Stop listening to advice from a smug, annoying af Instagram divorce “specialist”.

    She won’t do that because she’ll never admit her true feelings about her divorce. Jen is too proud to say that she is hurt and lonely as a result of her split from the Rosses. Why would she be depressed when she planned to divorce Don for years? Jen is so committed to her revisionist history because she can never admit that she was wrong about anything. Including her behavior towards Don, and her dishonesty about wanting children. Of course Don had his part to play in the split as well. I’m not putting the blame entirely on her. But he’s not the one who still can’t let go, two years later.
  3. .
    QUOTE (BinThereRebrandedThat @ 14/3/2022, 20:03) 
    I can’t wait for perimenopause Jen

    I think we might be witnessing that already.
  4. .
    When will Jen’s imaginary friendship with the Peloton instructors be over? I’m tired of seeing this sad obsession play out in public. Most adults have outgrown the imaginary friend stage…
  5. .
    QUOTE (cheap ass soy sauce @ 12/3/2022, 00:34) 
    I bet when Tenz makes pizza the sauce is made from home grown tomatoes.

    I’m quoting this from way back in the thread to say…

    I really love it when we make little comments about all the things that Tens does better than Jen. It’s so entertaining for TWO! reasons:

    1) I can just imagine the epic flare of Lurker Jen’s nostrils. The size of caves, with angry bats flying out. (She knows it’s all true. The kids tell her so.)

    2) It really triggers all the people who seem to be convinced that Tens stole Don from them. :shifty: I didn’t witness all the craziness in the thread this weekend as it was happening. But I’m glad that’s over now.
  6. .
    People were suggesting that she should share more details about her divorce and how she's coping, and of course she shut that down. It's private, guys. The problem is that Jen is the type of "content creator" who is only qualified to provide that type of content. People only want to know the details about her personal life that she is no longer willing to share. At this point, everyone knows that Don is remarried, and the kids have a whole new family.

    I think this is another reason she's been talking about moving to Patreon. Too many people were asking her about Don and Tens, and questioning why she pretends to be a single mother. The jig is up, Jen. If you're so desperate for money all of a sudden, stop trying to control what the truth is. No one's going to pay for lies.
  7. .
    Once again, Jen is showing her privilege. She has no idea that most people don't like throwing away money the way that she does, because most other people actually have to work for what they have. This means that even the Jenions aren't going to be willing to pay a monthly fee for irregular "content" which mainly consists of her looking miserable in Home Depot storage sheds tiny houses.

    She hates being accountable or admitting to her mistakes, and is already refusing to commit to a regular schedule. Yet she claims that she has to grow and sustain her online presence and make an income. What does she think a "job" is? Jen thinks nothing of announcing this laughable "plan," where it's clear that she hasn't thought through this at all, because she has no idea how much $5 is actually worth. This is an almost 40-year-old woman who talks and acts like a spoiled child with absolutely no perspective or awareness of the realities of life. Especially now, when even basic costs for things like groceries and gasoline are only getting higher. Eeyore Jen expects people to pay her to provide her misery content, so that everyone can see her stunning lack of self-awareness. With every decision that she has made in the last few years, you'd think that she was trying to sabotage her "brand." Even more of her fans are going to turn on her, and join us here at the Bakery.
  8. .
    Some creeper watching her live posted something like: "DON'T FORGET THE KIDS." I'm pretty sure they were suggesting content ideas, meaning they wanted to see her kids if they were going to pay.
  9. .
    LOLOL she claims she thought about getting a "regular job" last spring when she "almost quit" YouTube/content creating. :hearty-laugh:

    So...does this lend credence to the theory that she's supposed to be showing an effort to support herself as part of the divorce decree? Also - Don's remarriage really did a number on her, didn't it? She almost couldn't drag herself out of her misery far enough to show her face online again.

    Jen, get some help. Setting yourself up for failure like this is only a recipe for disaster. Even your Jenions know it.

    Edited by TuesdayErrands - 3/7/2022, 03:40 PM
  10. .
    Winnie's in perfect health, besides the fact that she's dying.
  11. .
    I'm just catching her live now...why is she blushing? It's so annoying how she tries to "sneak" on these lives. :eyeroll:
  12. .
    QUOTE (ReallyReallyReally @ 28/2/2022, 02:28) 
    Looking at that kitchen picture with nothing in the sliding glass door. Do you think she thinks it’s like living on the golf course and no one would or could be peeking in? Gives me the creeps having no blinds or curtains

    I was thinking the same thing. Why is that big glass door still uncovered? That is right where her precious children eat all of their meals, is it not? Way to give the “creepy stalkers” a direct view into your home. She really doesn’t care at all about their safety.
  13. .
    Saying that you find hand washing dishes to be “therapeutic” just hilariously shows your privilege. If you’re going go stack dishes in your sink to dry, at least make sure it’s clean. There are little bits of food still stuck there. Gross.

    It’s good to know you always “make time” to bathe your kids. :eyeroll: Now keep their bath photos off the internet. Clearly, this protective mama bear has no problem exposing her children to creeps. She has made that obvious their entire lives. Imagine being a child today, with a parent who posts everything on social media.


    Edited by TuesdayErrands - 2/27/2022, 07:15 PM
  14. .
    She’s reading here. Posted that photo of the kids and their watercolor paints just for us. :XD:
  15. .
    I took screenshots of her depressing affirmations, under the spoiler tag.
    SPOILER (click to view)

    These are so grim. “Being me and being here matters”?? Is she ok?
1887 replies since 31/7/2016