The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by PowderRoomCandy

  1. .
    It would be delicious irony if this smug unemployed bitch is finally getting a tiny taste of actual single parenting. Bad for the kids, but a good lesson for Jen. The only adult on premises for the foreseeable future!
  2. .
    I resubmit because it's still applicable.

  3. .
    Even when I had expensive vivid haircolor that I was trying to preserve I washed it more than 3 hairs Boyles does. There's no excuse for a compulsive exerciser who sweats profusely to not be shampooing every damn day. Nasty. I'll never understand this disgusting phase.
  4. .
    I'm still so annoyed on behalf of everyone who has to deal with Jen's swampass in real life. It is so incredibly inconsiderate to subject people to your unwashed body and nothing pisses me off more than having to smell someone's BO. I go to a lot of metal shows and there are always people who show up smelling like taco meat, dirty scalp, and musty clothes and I just cannot deal with it. That is exactly what I imagine Jen smells like and I can't even look at her without getting grossed out.

    Jennifer. Your. Hair. Stinks.
  5. .
    Ahem, Stinky Boyles...

    Wash Your Body: Work from neck to toe. “It’s important to wash all parts of the body, including the armpits, feet, legs, and private areas, as bacteria and sweat can accumulate in these areas and cause unpleasant odors and infections,” says Amy Freeland, Ph.D., team leader for the Domestic Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Epidemiology Team at the CDC. (Yes, to settle the Great Shower Debate once and for all, you do have to wash your legs.)
  6. .
    Only Jen would complain about an after hours service call, haircut prices, etc. while also spending thousands on a few ceramic mugs and teapot.
  7. .
    I hope that ridiculously overpriced teapot gets knocked off the stupid cake stand and breaks. Frivolous spending like Jen.
  8. .
    She loves the speculation. If she wasn't a giant manipulative asshole she wouldn't keep being vague about the situation and fueling outrageous theories. She should have either been direct or just said nothing at all. If it isn't her story to share she should STFU.

    She is a dramatic bitter balding bitch who can't handle adult responsibilities and needs to be treated with kid gloves. Being coy for attention is gross.
  9. .
    Winter Travel Has Hit the Skids Because She is Finally Forced to Parent Her Kids #noperfectraceseasonagain #itsfine
  10. .
    Is she going to blame having to parent her children this winter for not getting her lame tattoo? Any tattoo artist with a working sense of smell would prefer it if you wash your entire body, including your 3 hairs before sitting for your super rebellious tattoo Jennifer.

    I was hoping we'd have moved on from Jen, parting my hair differently is wild, Ross pretending to be a tattooed carefree granola traveler. She is constantly actively pretending to be what she's not. You go to a few lame concerts a year, you aren't witchy, and you have no tattoos. Who are you trying to fool?

    And what new instrument are you learning exactly? Poser.
  11. .
    They might just be really sick and contagious with covid or the flu and unlike Jen, care about the health of their kids so they had to postpone Christmas at their house. And truly, we don't even know if they didn't see them on Christmas. Jennifer lies as easily as she breathes, so I don't trust anything she posts.
  12. .
    All I know if I were D** or Tens and my loser mooch of an ex was now implying that she is the only stable parent and that something worth digging is happening I would find a way to clear the record. She has gotten away with talking shit for way too long. They have shown her bitter ass more grace than she deserves.
  13. .
    FWIW, I think she's blowing things out of proportion and trying to control the narrative, per usual. It'll all come out eventually.

    She likely didn't think she could actually wog all the races and is trying to save face there. She hates sleeping in her car, so there's a handy excuse to get out of that. Her depression travel vlogs get abysmal views and she has already expressed that they aren't as fulfilling as they were in the beginning.

    I still think it's just a custody schedule change and she's trying to spin it as an excuse to pivot away from her homeless cosplay. Maybe there is sickness in the new Ross household and she saw that as a perfect way to imply that something bigger is happening because why else would the Christmas plans change.

    She's sneaky and a proven habitual liar. Anything that makes her look like a slightly less shitty parent is a win for her.
  14. .
    Of the many things that confuse and annoy me about this asshole, that cluttered mishmash of a window compared with the rest of her barren wasteland of a living space is one.


    Also, I miss the days when her cloven hoof was covered.

    SPOILER (click to view)
  15. .
    Let that poor dog rest in peace you psycho.
4014 replies since 31/7/2016