The Gossip Bakery

Votes given by Whatdowecallthis

  1. .
    Good grief, the vague shitquoting.

    👏 Tell 👏us👏what👏 you 👏are👏talking👏about.
  2. .
    I wish she would do something interesting.
  3. .
    She does love a word salad, doesn't she?
  4. .
    Few people are less deserving of wealth as Jennifer Boyles.
  5. .
    Saw the Polo Bar stories. One, what is her deal with posting pics of the ridiculously expensive menu? Such a mixed message. Budget frugal Toni and expensive wanna be wealthy luxury Toni. $35 hamburgers? Really? Dave Ramsey would have such a hey day with her smug ass. One smug ass biting another smug ass.

    Also, cue English Equestrian era Toni. First the Sherlock Holmes obsession, now wealthy old money interiors?

    And for the love of God put the toliet seat down if you take a bathroom pic.
  6. .
    She’s going to rub her eyes right out of her head! :wacko:

    Omg did RobotJen forget to say TimeyWimey?

    My grandma used to say happiness is a healthy body and a forgetful mind; forget it and just get on with it! No bitterness despite losing her soul mate young and being left with eight children, she was still teaching painting to ‘the old dears’ in the nursing home when she was 85, she lived well and was well loved 💕
  7. .
    Do we think the hip problems are probably caused by bunions (as in... walking oddly)? I feel like whenever I hurt my foot I then end up with pulled muscles in my legs, etc. due to over-compensating.
  8. .
    It doesn’t look like she flew with clean hair, or even used apple cider vinegar on her face for the last 5 days.
    My theory is that the guy she drove 1000 miles for out in bc told her to bugger off.
    Or they asked her to clean toilets. One or the other.
  9. .
    Responding to messages is a “high priority”. That’s why she posts on Instagram instead of responding to people PAYING her for this shit content.

    You don’t give a fuck about your patrons, Jenny. Cut the crap.
  10. .
    She's on IG posting about another pointless wasteland that she visited.

    While Jen is still processing stuff that happened years ago, the rest of the world forgot to give a f*ck. It's one of her worst traits - taking forever to mentally come to terms with things.
  11. .
    She is still prawcessing the stranded hiker situation. She was also emotional about all the cliques she encountered. Jenny hates people but desperately wants to be part of a clique. Please feel free to strike up a conversation with her, but don’t be offended when she runs away from you. And please be on the lookout for a care package, complete with a long, heartfelt letter from Jenny, streaked with the tears that she shed while prawcessing her tender emotions from meeting you.

    Donald is gonald
    Tens is real
    Go mother your children
    And shut up and deal
  12. .
    Guess who is finally out of Reset Password jail...


    Thrilled to be back in time for the tattoo journey
  13. .
    Thirty seconds in and she’s already digging in her eyeballs. Keep wrecking your face Gene, you are doing great!
  14. .
    A tattoo will really round out her midlife crisis. It's the perfect next misstep.
  15. .
    Tens makes me want to go sign up for a floral design class. 🌹🌸💐🌺🌷🌻💮
9191 replies since 1/8/2016