The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by Whatdowecallthis

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    I wonder if she drives around aimlessly because it occupies her mind so she can’t think about what a shitshow things are now. Like I think that’s why she exercises so much because it occupies her mind. I think when she’s home without much to do is when her mind starts spinning.
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    QUOTE (GrownUpStickerBook @ 1/7/2023, 18:23) 
    Maybe if Jen spent quality time with her love podiums while they were with her, she wouldn’t miss them so much when they’re gone. She would need a quiet break. We all know she’s lying anyway, but she can’t spin this in a way that makes her sound good no matter how much she tries. She’s either missing her old life and can’t stand that her kids are developing a whole new life with the new and improved Mrs. R, or she can’t wait to get far away from them and the responsibility to keep them alive until they return home. Or both. She needs to just admit it.

    This is a good point. If she stopped the exercise marathons when her kids were with her, she would use her time off to catch up on things she wanted or needed to do. Kids can be exhausting, and I can see using a break when you are the only parent in the house. But flying, driving, and sleeping in a boxcar doesn’t seem regenerative. She could find places within an hour of her home that could give her the peace she seems to constantly be seeking but can never find. All she does is run. Run races, run from her loneliness, run from her overthinking.
  3. .
    How has she lived this close to Milwaukee and never been or really know about Summerfest? Milwaukee and Chicago concerts are visited by people that live in the entire area. Like she had no idea that there were other concerts going on at the same time? She does truly live under a rock.
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    QUOTE (WhyAmIHere @ 29/6/2023, 19:56) 
    She’s not training as much for this 29029 as she did the other. Remember all the stairs she was doing every week?

    I was wondering that too. But didn’t she buy weights to carry around while walking? I can’t believe I just typed that out.
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    QUOTE (MommyTensleigh @ 29/6/2023, 02:05) 
    Did she really say the car had been sitting there for 2 months? Was that because she rented cars in Disney? No way she stayed put at home longer than she had to. It’s rather disturbing that she acts like the car is an animate object - hugging it, talking to it etc. she’s got big problems.

    I mean I talk to my plants and my sourdough starter but at least I nurture them more than Jen has ever nurtured her children.
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    QUOTE (AbundanceOfCaution @ 23/6/2023, 23:14) 
    QUOTE (Alimony and Wonder @ 23/6/2023, 20:14) 
    Ah-lah-nis Morissette? Why can't she pronounce anything correctly?

    “… I don’t know how to pronounce it... day-COLA-tage?”

    The shoe’s “Foot bed”.
    It’s called a sole dumbass!

    Close enough.

  7. .
    I’m a little behind but I just watched the office video and she is a little unhinged. Although I do appreciate her almost honesty regarding her life after kids. But regarding her office, why does it have to be so hard? And why does she feel like she needs to cram furniture into every part of it? It’s ok to have open space. But I don’t see the need to put a couch in there when the entire house is her domain. She really should seek some counseling to work through her issues. Adoring “fans” are not who she should seek help from.
  8. .
    Omg. That Winnie slideshow just emphasized how much hair Jen has lost. Her hair was always thin, but she looks so sickly now. Ramping up the exercise and fending for herself for food is not helping her any.

    Rip Winnie.
  9. .
    My office was approaching Jen’s 1.0 office. Just became a dumping ground for all the papers and items I didn’t want to deal with. Finally got sick of it. Went through alllllll the papers and other random items. Bought a new desk and bookshelf and a nice comfy, but small chair for the corner. I love it. It’s not always perfectly clean but I actually enjoy using it and knowing it’s my space. I know where the tape dispenser is, I know where my pens are, I have thank you cards handy. It’s comfortable and it’s mine. It took about 3 weeks to go through everything but it’s really changed the room for me. She has the entire house for herself. She doesn’t need a hobby/craft room because the entire house is for her. The kids are guests in her home.
  10. .
    Part of the problem with the office is that she never really needed one or uses it — unless you look at the MHL days when she would film in there sometimes. But she had the idea that she needed an office to copy other YouTubers from the early days. But she just uses it as a dumping ground and doesn’t actually use it for anything productive. I also believe that the state of that room mirrors the state of her mind.

    She really could benefit from some competent mental health care and it’s unfortunate for everyone that she won’t seek it given that she has no barriers to getting the care she desperately needs.
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    QUOTE (Buttworm Breadwinner @ 16/6/2023, 16:54) 
    She said it was a “major splurge” and an “early bday present” to herself. Isn’t every day that way?! Lol but the kids get nothing but a balloon and a leftover cake for their actual birthday. Never change Miss Narcissistic! Literally almost the same dress for $40 from Amazon. And she probably will only wear it once to the dinner that made her sick that we will never quit hearing about.

    I’ve seen other influencers feature dresses from LaLigne so I’m assuming it didn’t cost her anything.
  12. .
    How are her calves almost the same size as her thighs?
  13. .
    If her grades are too bad, Lily will be kicked out of the sorority. Most sororities take grades pretty seriously.
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    QUOTE (Casual Cruelty @ 10/6/2023, 23:32) 
    I wore that exact dress in 1997 to my confirmation in 7th grade. Also gene invest in some rogain it would help her if she doesn’t want extensions. Can’t imagine going to a bakery to “treat” myself and not getting something for my babies. She only thinks of herself, any mother thinks of their kids first!

    My husband and I went out for dinner and brought back 2 desserts to share with our daughter. I can’t imagine never thinking of others in your family.
  15. .
    QUOTE (SweetSouthernComfort @ 10/6/2023, 14:30) 
    QUOTE (merino wool underwear @ 6/10/2023, 07:04 AM) 

    It's clear her hair is extremely thin, but I had convinced myself that it looks as badly as it did because she always lets it airdry. Her hair looked as limp and lifeless after blow drying as it does when she lets it airdry. It's just bad. Go to a salon and get a flattering look because I assure you, short of shaving it off, any professional style that gives it body will make it better than it currently is.

    A better haircut is absolutely necessary for sure. I wonder if she’s anti product as well because a little root lifter or mousse would do wonders.
1138 replies since 1/8/2016