The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by zizizouzou

  1. .
    Are we blaming a 70 yo for not wanting to babysit 3 young kids all day in the middle of a pandemic?

    Their parents all had nothing but time to look after them and they sent them to school. All my snark is for them and them alone.

    If my kids expected me, at 70, to be a teacher to their kids, while they sat on their ass during a pandemic, I would tell them to piss off and change my will so they get nothing.
  2. .
    You are not an independent woman when your ex husband funds your life. You are also not a single mother when your ex is an involved parent.


    Edited by zizizouzou - 26/9/2023, 21:31
  3. .
    me seeing Meow2 ‘s latest post

  4. .
    Society: When you have kids, Jen, you are supposed to care about them and prioritise them over your me time.


  5. .
    It makes my cold heart sing to know that Jen sits there stewing in her misery while Tens is living Jen’s life ten times better, because Don has more money than when he was with Jen and Tens has more hair than Jen ever will. :toothless-chuckle-smiley-emotic
  6. .
    Flying British Airways First class is not a flex. BA are one of the shittiest airlines now.

    How do you make one of the most magical cities on earth look meh? The mayor of Venice needs to sue her!

    HB is so checked out, divorce bells are ringing louder and louder. Only a matter of time…tick, tock.
  7. .
    This is how I think Jen, the weakling, reacts if she sees Tens at school, for example.

  8. .
    If she stopped processing everything all the time and she started actually actioning, she might not be the mental and physical mess that she is.

    Stuff happens in life, big stuff and small stuff. Most people don’t have the privilege to be processing every little and big thing that happens to them, for years and years. They have to dust themselves off and continue with life because they have bills to pay, families and friends to attend to, careers to build.

    Jen’s privilege is her worst enemy. Too much time to think about every little and big thing and too much money to shield her from having to get up and do things, even if she doesn’t feel like it.

    She is a useless human being.
  9. .
    I have Artemisia and Empressa, both amazing.
  10. .
    When the filter elongates her mangled toes, I want to gag.
  11. .
    Thanks to her successful gold digging, she can afford to go anywhere in the world and stay in nice hotels yet, this is where Jen chooses to stay. :5153:

  12. .
    Jen, the super moocher, giving financial advice is beyond the pale.

    Jenny girl, you followed the gold diggers’ guide to the letter-marry well and divorce well. STFU and stick to talking about Peloton and Disney shit.
  13. .
    Maybe what she meant with the controversial topic “these days” is that fast fashion is a major contributor to the destruction of the environment.

    I am sure she and Stumpy are climate change deniers. :fist-shake:
  14. .
    I will never believe Jen suffers or ever suffered from social anxiety. She just doesn’t want to be out of her comfort zone even for a second, and she found a legitimate mental health condition to use as an excuse. In spoiled brat Jen’s case, being out of her comfort zone means most of the things functioning adults do, like go to weddings, make friends, engage in their kids’ social activities, socialise with other parents to help their kids socialise too.

    When Jen wants to do something that someone with social anxiety would be crippled by, like travel by herself, film herself in public, etc, she is absolutely fine doing them. The story changes when it’s something Pwincess doesn’t want to do.

    Edited by zizizouzou - 18/9/2023, 14:39
  15. .
    I vote for we DGAF about the Disney nonsense, Jen!

    Her ‘give me advice, friends’ to her first world problem reminds me of this

18456 replies since 1/8/2016