The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by zizizouzou

  1. .
    Pays $5k to socialise, tortures herself and avoids human contact at all costs.
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    QUOTE (AcademyAwardWinningActress @ 16/8/2023, 07:26) 
    QUOTE (Demented Turtle @ 16/8/2023, 07:20) 
    Wow. I didn’t know that.

    Any guesses why Don left while others stayed?

    The others didn’t have her their daddy selling the company and negotiating a better deal for them, compared to the rest of the C-suite. They probably also don’t have a new wife and blended family they want to spend time with.

    It could also be that they like the job, the company and the money and perks. Don was not a hard worker, as we know, and he got all his jobs through nepotism. Others may come from different circumstances and they want to keep working for a few more years in a job that pays well, after spending years building their career.
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    IMO, spending Don Dollars on help with the house and the kids, like Tens does, is more reasonable than spending it on Target tat, like Jen did when she was married to her cager.
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    I wonder what she misses the most about Winnie, her desperate crying from the pain, her blood soaked paws from dragging her for a walk when she was paralysed. So many fond memories for Jen!
  5. .
    No job is beaneth her, she values her employees and she would sweep floors and make sure they’re accommodated. She would do anything for her employees as a leader….except pay them a salary. :flipping-the-bird:
  6. .
    Outsource what you’re not good at. In your case Krust, that would be the whole thing then, because you stuck at everything.

    Entrepreneur my ass. Go buy another Birkin because your only talent is spending your husband’s money.
  7. .
    I miss my angel, who I shoved in a closet while she was wailing in pain so I could sleep, and who I left with a charlatan vet, while she was at the end of her life, so I could go on non essential vacations.

    STFU, Jen, you heartless monster.
  8. .
    :hearty-laugh: Couldn’t have happened to a more worthy linkwhore.

    KB keeps falling flat on her face lately, with that business :to-quote-smiley-emoticon: of hers!

    Edited by zizizouzou - 15/8/2023, 20:10
  9. .
    Don doesn’t work now because he doesn’t have to, IMO. From my knowledge of M&A and this type of sale in that industry, he would not have a non compete because he and Poopsie would not agree to the sale if the company insisted on one. Therefore, let’s not throw that theory around like it’s fact.

    I think despite the extra expenses now, he is better off financially than when with Jen, because of the company sale. He got a big lump sum from the sale, plus dividends and other perks which I am sure Poopsie would have negotiated as part of the sale. Don is now taking his time, enjoying his family.

    His position with the company would also have been negotiated as part of the sale. You stay for X number of months/years on X salary (a lot!) plus other perks. This is because the company that want to buy yours, want the expertise of the senior leadership team and they want stability for a period of time. This is why usually several C-suite roles are negotiated to stay for a period of time, not just the CEO, at very generous salaries and perks. Many people like Don, when they leave their position (as negotiated and agreed on the sale contract) go on to be consultants in the same industry they were before, because their knowledge is so coveted and they make a lot of money without working too many hours. So, they would never agree to a non compete, after they are not legally tied to the company they are leaving ( once the sale is final, and you left the company, you are not legally tied to them). Instead of a non compete, there would be a stipulation that he stays with the company for an X period of time after the sale, in order to be entitled to the agreed perks, dividends etc. Looking at his LinkedIn, it’s exactly what happened. He stayed for as long as it was agreed, so he can walk out with the full perks package.

    Don doesn’t have to worry about non competes. He is sitting on his rich ass enjoying his new wife and blended family because he wants to.

    Thanks for coming to my webinar :toothless-chuckle-smiley-emotic
  10. .
    Jen-pickles for brains-is very comfortable but she will never be as wealthy as Don.

    I am no Don fan but the man knows how to make money and keep making money. Poopsie, his education and his social circle taught him that. Jen is a thick gold digger who married and divorced well but she never took the time to learn how to make and keep growing her money. A clever gold digger would have learnt that but our Jenny is too lazy and too dumb to learn such grown up things. She probably has a wealth manager but she is so clueless, they could be stealing from her and she wouldn’t notice. :yellow-laughing-smiley-emoticon
  11. .
    KB’s entitlement is really showing. How dare people not have the work ethic to make her money while she pays them nothing and they have to work in horrible conditions! Those lazy bastards! :snickering:
  12. .
    Tens seems to be someone with a personality, rather than a potted plant like Jen who only wanted to be accepted by the geriatric Ross clan. Tens also clearly has a lot of interests and wants the kids to develop interests too. It seems logical then to say no to endless weeks in Utah doing the same things they do in IL, with the kids and herself bored stiff.

    Jen loved the Utah vacation because it fit her non existent personality and lazy character. She didn’t have to do anything, she just sat in the log prison and ate, played with her stuffed animals, went shopping and listened to the elders tell stories. There’s only so many times over the years, and so many weeks every year you can do that and not want to scream, unless you are a lazy person, devoid of personality, like Jen.
  13. .
    QUOTE (Dsnrbec @ 14/8/2023, 23:14) 
    Oh for crying out loud! She just linked a timer that she uses at her desk. She is a shameless linkwhore

    She has linked loo paper, kids’ underwear and paper clips, in the past. Linking a desk timer is to be expected by Marnie Linkwhoreberg. She literally has no dignity when it comes to making $.
  14. .
    If she didn’t brag about seeing Suzanne it means they don’t see each other at all.

    She is a master of embellishment. If they were even meeting up once every six months, she would present it as if they are still close friends. The fact that she didn’t even want to address it means girlfriend got dumped by forever MIL Suzy. :rubbing-hands-in-excitement-smi
  15. .
    Didn’t she claim recently that she had a lot of air miles since she was young, which contradicted her claim that her parents never took her on their travels?

    I just don’t believe anything she says about other people, including her parents. She is the person who claimed Don was abusive and that she was caged when she was living a carefree life with someone who treated her like a queen and it was her who treated him like crap.

    She is a liar and an eternal victim.
18444 replies since 1/8/2016