The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by zizizouzou

  1. .
    QUOTE (Circumstances FKA Chicklets @ 14/8/2023, 07:53) 
    [4:20] “Is everybody hanging in…? Has it been a little bit of a topsy turvey (is that the right word? For some reason that doesn’t sound right) a topsy turvey summer…oh let’s be honest it’s been topsey turvey for years. But do you know what I mean…like a little bit…anybody else, like a roller coaster, like the highs and lows are really huge? Um, and I’m not talking weather, I’m just talking like…life stuff.”

    [34:25] “Cause Don went through a lot more changes on his end in his own personal life and so to keep things more stable and secure for the kids as the dust settled for his stuff, the kids were with me in our family home”

    Is this the closest she’s come to admitting the divorce threw her for a loop? Without actually admitting it?


    “One of the reason my work pivoted to [travel]”


    Thanks for taking one for the team and not only watching but transcribing! :)

    Jen infuriates me in a million ways but I really hate how she says something but says nothing. She wants to manipulate and mislead all the time. It’s exhausting living with someone like that so, I cannot imagine what Don went through all these years with her.

    The bit about Don going through more changes his end and his personal life is the perfect example. Just say he got married! It reminds me of an old expression, to describe situations where people say they will do something but they don’t do it, or where they say something but say nothing, like Jen. Piss or get off the pot! :snickering:
  2. .
    Some cheap, made in China plastic shit is considered bling in Jen’s bizarre world. She is so pathetic, it’s hilarious.

    I am sure when Tens walks around in her sapphire and diamond rings, she is green with envy of Jen’s Disney “bling”. :snickering:
  3. .
    I hope the cat shreds all their ugly furniture to destruction! :rubbing-hands-in-excitement-smi

    I will say it again, Nyx is gorgeous! 3_3
  4. .
    Performative fatty!

  5. .
    Beige shoes with a brown bag! :20130930101758-5e972761: It is offensive that she is peddling fashion when she commits such style crimes on the basics!

    I have no words for that abomination of a dress.
  6. .
    We are all wondering how is this your life, Jen, but for the complete opposite reasons to you wondering that.

  7. .
    She thinks a Marriott is brag worthy? :hearty-laugh:
  8. .
    I love it. Couldn’t have happened to a more worthy person of this kind of karma. She was smug, entitled and took everyone for granted. It was about time she got knocked off her high horse.
  9. .
    She acts like she does but claims she is in the best headspace of he life.

    Imagine how she would act if she wasn’t.
  10. .
    Harper will so appreciate the unfortunate wave emoji placement on that pic, when she grows up. It makes it look like her mother is letting us know Harper let out a fart.

  11. .
    She was such a naive idiot during that time. She genuinely thought nothing would change, that the Rosses would continue to indulge and tolerate her crazy and they would all live happily ever after, just in different houses. :hearty-laugh:

    Reality definitely kicked her in her massive ass and she hasn’t recovered since.
  12. .
    Looking at that pic, you would never think these kids are raised by well off parents.

    They look like the poor, neglected kids living in a hovel, looking into their rich neighbour’s yard.
  13. .
    I’ve been so bored with Tanka! Texas T calling her TikaaTok was the laugh I needed today!
  14. .

    Jen’s circumstances

  15. .
    How many years does she think she can go on like this because this is no life.

    She’s always been a strange person but she is becoming an extreme version of her weird self with every passing month. If she keeps living like she does, she won’t have the basic social skills to interact with humans.
18444 replies since 1/8/2016