The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by Hairtie

  1. .
    She gets thirstier and more pathetic with each post I swear.
  2. .
    She seems to be unclear about the fact that things like boyfriend jeans and joggers are not supposed to be skin tight.
  3. .
    Her food is disgusting. Pepperoni and cheese on a paper towel for breakfast? How depressing. I’ll take my protein pancakes and fresh fruit thanks. Life is just too damn short to starve yourself. And for what? So she can post bathing suit pics for IG? She hasn’t done anything monumental or inspiring whatsoever. She has starved herself to get where she is. Which is exactly how she has lost weight and probably why she looks so terrible. And now she is encouraging others to do the same. She’s deep in the throes of her eating disorder and now every time someone says she’s too skinny she’s taking that as a compliment. I don’t believe her at all about her IBS stories. I think its all eating disorder related anxiety. Manifesting itself in a physical way. She’s found a way to justify it to herself and her following about why she eats in such a disgusting manner. Does she really plan to go the rest of her life without a vegetable or a piece of fruit? Or a dessert?

    It’s super concerning that her parents and her husband haven’t stepped in and gotten her some mental help. That fact that they just go along with her nonsense is downright scary. I thought the fact that they just go along with her manic spending and shopping was bad but this is way worse. Hiding from the kitchen so she won’t eat a piece of cake or have a bite of something “ bad”.

    Seriously, who wants to live like that??
  4. .
    Honestly, she would start in on her insane screeching and her y’all’s and said kidnapper would just boot her right out of the car
  5. .
    Maybe they could use her vast collection of fake purses, shoes, and jewelry to pay it :smoking-smiley-face:
  6. .
    QUOTE (Beetrix @ 23/7/2021, 18:52) 
    Maybe the Walmart Clerk is going to abduct her and ask for a ransom?!


    What will they use to pay the ransom? Sausages, cream cheese, and maybe her collection of dish towels?
  7. .
    QUOTE (Beetrix @ 23/7/2021, 18:21) 
    I think a lot of her original followers are real people but they don’t follow her anymore and never unsubscribed

    Big chunks of the recent followers are definitely fake

    WHAT does this mean????

    In case you get attacked or kidnapped.

    Apparently Tanka Corn thinks she might possibly be the victim of an abduction.

    Sure, if said attacker had a crane. There’s no way a dude could wrangle that beast without machinery.
  8. .
    What a disgusting little cretin.

    Makes you wonder the kinds of discussions that go on in the goldturd house.
  9. .
    That is 100% NOT what she really looks like. She’s using some kind of blurring and filtering something or other on her on her videos as well, Sometimes I wonder doesn’t it ever concern these people that someone will see them in person and be shocked? Hell, I’d rather look better in person than in a stretched out, filtered, photoshopped, IG pic!
  10. .
    What is she babbling about?? She needs mental help.

    “If you are waiting for me to live a simple average small life it is never going to happen.”

    What???? Does she think she has some big exciting life??? The most exciting thing she does everyday is go thru the McDonald’s drive thru.
  11. .
    QUOTE (Ihavebeenblockec @ 14/7/2021, 01:35) 
    QUOTE (GoodGalBang @ 7/13/2021, 10:22 PM) 
    That black dress looked great on her.

    No it didn't. Looked like a cheap piece of crap.

    Honestly, anything where her legs are not covered up looks like shit.
  12. .
    QUOTE (Bangle Bitch @ 12/7/2021, 22:55) 
    Bless her heart. Has she seen his hands? He’d never be able to get a lug nut off :snickering:

    Nothings getting off with the stump at the helm :snickering:
  13. .
    Obviously everyone is different but here’s what I keep scratching my head about. Why was she spending a couple of hundred thousand a year on lip combos and leggings and not paying off the house? She’s easily spent at least a couple of mill on junk since she’s been on YouTube. Knowing that John is getting close to retirement you would I think that would be a priority for them. Am I the only one that thinks that way?

    You couldn’t pay me enough to live that close to people with zero privacy. Like everyone has said she has no idea the noise level that’s going to happen when the neighborhood is full of people and kids. Her days of scorching her skin at the pool are definitely over lmao. Good luck prancing around in plastic heels with kids splashing and screaming everywhere. Her grand view off her apartment is straight into someone else’s house. What on earth. They had a really great lot at their old house I would have just added a studio out back for all her junk and a pool. Maybe redone the kitchen or something. Which for them would make no sense since she doesn’t even use it. She stands at the counter and eats eggs off a paper towel. I don’t know, the whole situation is completely dumb.
  14. .
    QUOTE (Fupa Dickey @ 8/7/2021, 05:49) 
    She needs to just GTFO of there and stop talking about decorating his place. How embarrassing for him. I'm sure the other moms help set up and then left. They don't need her to make it more homey.

    Can you imagine if a roommates mom saw her in person and then looked at her IG? 😳

    We see you big mama! :mocking_smiley_emoticon:


    Just to put this pic in perspective, that door opening is probably between 28-32 inches wide :eusa_dance:
  15. .
    That looks like the ramblings of a lunatic.
3798 replies since 4/8/2016