The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by Athletic Calves

  1. .
    Did it strike anyone as strange how much free time Giada had on her business trip in Miami? I honestly don’t think she even had time for a single meeting. Was she going to show up for her “business venture” in a sports bra with her belly showing?

    Something else I was wondering is whether she is trying to cheat the IRS by claiming the same deductions on these trips for both her YouTube channel AND her “venture.” I think the reason she shows herself eating in restaurants for all three meals (on camera) is to allow her to claim a deduction on her taxes for YT. Now, I don’t think that’s allowed, but in Giada’s mind that is probably her reasoning.
  2. .
    seasonsinthesun Have an absolutely fabulous time in Hawaii with your family. Congratulations are due to your daughter for her achievements as well. I’m sure she’ll be needing some rest and relaxation and time with her mama after all her scholastic activities.

    I haven’t been on an international trip since 2007. Gulp. But…I’m going to THAILAND in November!! I’ll be there for the Loy Krathong Festival (Festival of Water)and am going to be in Phuket, Bangkok, and Chiangmai.

    On to Giada, is she throwing out the yogurt here (photo below)? She is so wasteful. That’s like $18 of yogurt.
  3. .
    QUOTE (Books&Lattes @ 9/5/2024, 04:16) 
    Doesn’t she ever get tired of visiting Dollar Trees? Sheesh. I’d be so bored even going just once a week. Her content is really getting mundane. If she loves junk journaling so much, why doesn’t she start filming herself creating junk journals? She has themes for her mystery kits, why not show her viewers how fun it is to choose a theme and create a journal? I guess that won’t bring in extra $$$. She can’t put a premium on JJ vids, but she can can gouge her subbies on her DT cheap junk mystery kits.

    💯 Great point! If she was good at marketing AND loved to junk journal as much as she claims, she would film a video of how her “kits” could be used creatively just before release to create some anticipation and excitement. Giada has somehow managed to be semi-successful by sheer luck (and maybe some cheating and manipulating along the way).

    In a video a week or so ago, she was doing something and didn’t know what Python was. That really stood out to me because I am not a programmer or “architect” but even I know what Python is. It just seemed like more evidence that she does not have anywhere near enough knowledge or experience to be user interface engineering (or architecture or whatever she calls it).

    OFF TOPIC - want to film a video on the phenomenon of “super fans” or vigilante fans or some other term yet to be decided. Basically, the phenomena that occurs when a viewer writes an honest comment, leaving subtle critical feedback and these “super fans” call the commenter a hater and try to drive them away. If anyone has a recommendation for a good term for these viewers/commenters (the super fans), please leave your suggestions!
  4. .
    I’ve tried thinking about what this mysterious business venture could be. Maybe she’s traveling for the Amata Water company (her stepdad’s stuff)? I don’t think she has enough discipline, experience, or knowledge to be doing something on her own (e.g., some type of planner or junk journal kit that can be printed and sold). It’s weird that she’s doing so much traveling for this “venture.” Many meetings can be accomplished virtually. What is she doing that MUST be done by flying to various cities?

    At least her viewers have become curious and are asking her about the travel.

    I just need to write that I really, really loathe when Giada starts talking about sports. Like loathe with the heat of 1,000 suns. I’m not sure why it bothers me so much, but I start to feel myself getting angry. Maybe it’s because of her smug attitude and the way she speaks as if she is an expert. Giada + sports = trigger for me
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    QUOTE (MKCmama @ 8/5/2024, 01:52) 
    You can really tell how it absolutely changed her whole attitude about being in Florida when she wasn't able to snag those most desired sanitizers... EVEN THOUGH SHE DOESNT LIKE HAND SANITIZER. just a collect them all trash bag.. she makes me so mad

    Or how she’s insisting on getting every single thing in the Sesame Street WnW collection (which many people are trying to find), yet she admitted she never watched because she didn’t like the show. Who buys an ENTIRE collection from a TV show they neither watched or liked? Oh…yeah…Hags does because she’s a greedy little hoarder beast.
  6. .
    WTH does “business venture” mean?
  7. .
    I’ve had a difficult day (work-wise) and have another meeting at 8:00 pm. At least this photo was a diversion (snort, snort).
  8. .
    Karen from LavenderClothesline isn’t my favorite YTer, but I love her response to this comment. Karen’s daughter is moving out of state and a viewer suggests she might be devastated to see her daughter Lisa move. This is how Giahag should feel about Tater. Instead, Hags only thinks of her own needs. Typical selfish behavior.
  9. .
    I was thinking about Taters first apartment; the one she shared with Megan while at TTU. That was an unnecessarily luxurious apartment for two college kids. Come on! A bar cart? A $75 tray for the coffee table from Pier 1?

    My mom never even saw my first college apartment. I rented it with a bunch of friends and moved in on my own. We had the true “college apartment experience” - plastic milk crates as book shelves, a futon for a sofa, unmatched dishes, only a few forks and spoons, etc. But you know what? It was the best experience because we were doing it on our own.

    Mikah has never had the benefit of doing for herself. When she lamented that the smallest bedroom she’s ever had is in this current house, I had to shake my head. Because she has been so privileged and given more than necessary, her baseline for expectations is totally skewed. So every time Giahag says “she’s my only child, that’s why I give her so much,” she is in effect saying “I don’t care about her becoming an independent woman with work ethics and morals; some sugar daddy will spoil her just like I do.”
  10. .
    QUOTE (Isecretlycopyher @ 2/5/2024, 11:34) 
    QUOTE (seasonsinthesun @ 2/5/2024, 02:57) 
    Maybe, she thinks she looks so Ralph Lauren. ;)

    Instead, looking like a couple of regular trailer park gurlz. ;)

    And I say 'gurlz' as tongue in cheek, cause we know she is not a gurl. Lest, she thinks we think she is one. ;)

    “” couple of regular trailer park gurlz “”

    Absolutely needs to be incorporated in the next thread title. Perfect description !!

    Heeheehee. If I may make a small suggestion; Giahag has been using the term “girlie” to refer to herself so it would be fun to use that in the title. Maybe something like:

    A couple of regular shoeless, pantless trailer park gurleez.

    If anyone watched the video yesterday where the Hag-beast talked about her “plans” for when spud moves out; what are your thoughts? Is she just stringing us along? Nothing else has been mentioned about an apartment, job, date of move in, etc. It seemed artificial. Spud certainly gives no indication of packing or preparing to move. The tater can’t be bothered to do anything other than read or indulge her desires (e.g., shopping, eye lashes).

    I had hopes for the spud when she was in college, but the past two years have shown her to be more of an unmotivated and spoiled child than when she was in high school. At least back then she went to school, had friends, participated in cheer until junior year, etc. Now, she just exists.

    One day, I guarantee she’ll look back on this time and regret not being more involved with life. Or maybe not. Maybe it’s just that I’m having my own existential crisis (seriously). As I get older, I’m starting to question why I’m here and wishing I’d done more when I was younger. I guess the saying is true…”Youth is wasted on the young.”
  11. .
    I grabbed this screenshot where it looks as if Haggard and Haggling are both pantless.
  12. .
    Remember when Haggie lived in her house in Prosper and she’d take a photo of her backyard and write a ridiculous caption about the beautiful view? This is what it looked like to me… (Forgive me, I’m cranky because it was 88° today and my house is 83° and I’m hot and sticky).
  13. .
    Any guesses on whether she’ll plant anything in that dirt patch behind the chair? My guess is no, despite Hagatha claiming to love doing landscaping, lol. The first home she bought (her “favorite” one) had a backyard that looked like a prison yard.
  14. .
    Giahag cannot admit she’s wrong…EVER. She just did a haul of the Sesame Street makeup from DT and stated that the show was from the early 90’s so she never watched it, being a kid in the 80’s. Lots of commenters pointed out that the show started in 1969. She just kept responding to the comments that she didn’t like the show.

    Oh, and she never authentically thanked her mom for sending the items.

    She likes to act cute and funny but we know what she’s truly made of. Right, bakers?!
  15. .
    QUOTE (MEB86 @ 25/4/2024, 03:45) 
    QUOTE (passive-aggressive queen @ 25/4/2024, 03:41) 
    She's looking rouggghhhh in that little black dress. :scared-smiley-emoticon:

    I agree. Also where is she going to wear it, Dollar Tree?

    So, I timed how long she showed the jean shorts vs. the black dress on camera. Any guesses? The shorts got 30 seconds of air time and the dress received a full two minutes! That’s 4X as long!! She even turned a lamp on at the beginning of her dress demonstration. She was twirling and pointing to her breasts more times than I cared to count. But…she’s self-proclaimled MODEST y’all! Ugh.

    ETA: her shoulders looked reeaallyy wide in that dress because of her shrunken head. I know there’s nothing she can do about the size of her head, it’s just a bad dress design for someone with her body type.
2255 replies since 7/8/2016