The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by Deadeyeslikejen

  1. .
    QUOTE (AnnieBee @ 27/8/2022, 22:24) 
    Jen-nay needs to chill tf out and pop a Xanax.

    I’m pretty sure that Jen has been familiar with Xanax for a long, long time. Just my guess.
  2. .
    I have a bone to pick on the bra size she claimed.
    Whether it was a 32D or 34C really doesn’t matter…actually I have no doubt she is telling the truth on her cup size. There is no way on God’s green earth that this wide load bitch wears a 32 or 34 band size. Even at her thinnest Jen has always had a wide rib cage. She is minimally a 36 around. It really makes a big difference.
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    QUOTE (ExpensiveSalmon @ 25/8/2022, 00:22) 
    QUOTE (User Name of Choice @ 24/8/2022, 21:40) 
    Is anyone else too scared to go camping all by themselves? I guess I've seen way too many true crime docs to voluntarily drive to the middle of a forest and sleep in my car. Seems like all Jenny worried about was the dust that was getting into her car

    I don’t know if I’m scared but I have absolutely no interest in camping. I like hiking, kayaking, soaking up the sun, and enjoying a meal outside, but at the end of the day, I want to climb into a soft, comfy bed with lots of pillows and climate control. I don’t understand the appeal of having to remake my house everywhere I go.

    I will fully admit that I’m a weenie when it comes to the outdoors. I enjoy walking and viewing pretty scenery and maybe a picnic, swimming and beach stuff but I don’t like bugs and I don’t want to sleep outside either. There is now way I’m gonna schlep a heavy ass backpack for fun.
  4. .
    QUOTE (irishmiss @ 24/8/2022, 22:53) 
    She looks dead in the eyes...vacant, nobody home behind those eyes.

    I don't think she's seeking to be harmed but I don't think she's trying to prevent it either.

    Present and accounted for!! Haha :happy:

    I always show my husband what the crazy chick does and my husband said “It looks like she has a death wish or something”

    She doesn’t seem to have much regard for her safety, health or wellbeing anymore. The punishing exercise on the hooves, not covering her windows, communicating her whereabouts…

    She needs serious help. I mean that in a concerned way.
  5. .
    QUOTE (JenuinelyUnorganized @ 19/8/2022, 01:47) 
    QUOTE (Alimony and Wonder @ 19/8/2022, 00:59) 
    But but but, renting a car is soooooo expensive! And she claims to be staying in AirB&Bs in between camping gigs.

    Her injury, how convenient that she disd it as soon as it was time to chill with The Children She said they would just be chilling at home. I can not imagine how the 2 weeks will end up. She won’t be able to walk in the park to the swingset, she can’t possibly pull her wagon o’chicklets, no pool time, mommy can’t get in, lottsa screen time for them.
    And her plan was continue to do this "out West" for the entire Fall. Thousands and thousands of dollars in parking fees, gas, and flights.

    Wagon O’Chicklets is a great name.
  6. .
    QUOTE (greenbeancasseroe @ 27/7/2022, 22:05) 
    Someone has already mentioned it, but it's worth repeating.

    Jen is really going to put the "part-time" in "part-time" parent.

    She is going to get the hell out of Dodge when it's not her turn to babysit. But what about events, activities and obligations that still exist no matter where the children are staying? Parent-teacher conference? Recital? Soccer or T-ball game? School holiday party? Sorry kids, if it's not Jen's turn to babysit she is going to be digging with her poop shovel, filming her best life 3 states away. As a Mom, I'm just blown away by her lack of interest in her children. She is clinging to the "I am so sad without mah bahbeez that I have to go out of town" but is not addressing her obligations as a parent that exist no matter what the custody arrangement is.

    Hey y’all (I live in Atlanta)…haven’t been by in awhile.

    This latest over the top purchase is just another nail in the coffin to poor Winnie and her kids. She is taking another huge step out of their lives.

    I agree with Yetta earlier that I don’t think she has them except for an overnight on Monday and maybe Tuesday with one weekend a month now. When she starts off roading I think she will go to just a weekend here and there and maybe flying in for holidays or special occasions. She’s going to frame it that her kids “need” their dad right now and she has the opportunity to LiVe HeR dReAm (and doing that is the best example that she can set for her kids). :sorry_smiley:
  7. .
    QUOTE (NefariouslyHappiestAlone @ 9/7/2022, 06:39) 
    QUOTE (ColdOne @ 9/7/2022, 06:29) 
    I, for one, cannot WAIT to see how much weight she gains with this foot injury


    ❤️ I love him! That is all, carry on.....

    Me too. Just coming to comment on Jeff. He’s definitely in my top 10. :thumbs-up:
  8. .
    QUOTE (Good Morning Friends @ 1/7/2022, 23:05) 
    This SACRED "religious" morning ritual is Jen honoring herself and playing with woowoo new age crystals and sage and stuff. It's not that deep. That's why she won't discuss it. She knows everyone will laugh at her.

    Trying to manifest positivity in her life clearly isn't working.

    I think she just watched “The Craft” too many times and wants to call the corners now. Trouble is, Jen doesn’t know 3 other people to talk to.

    Don’t forget when she wears her prayer beads like a bracelet when she’s in the woods. Sitting criss cross applesauce makes Jen feel spiritual. :snickering:
  9. .
    QUOTE (DonsiPad @ 27/6/2022, 21:17) 
    QUOTE (OstracizedLikeJen @ 27/6/2022, 21:11) 
    Finally watched.

    “We DoN’t GeT tHeRe ThRoUgH aNgEr”.

    How do you think we got the right to our bodies in the first place? The right to vote? The right to open our own bank accounts? We got there because the women who came before us had a fire in their bellies that lead to change. This pathetic “we need peace and love” attitude of hers in response to EVERYTHING is so predictable and spineless.

    Anger isn’t a negative emotion when it’s funnelled into change. We’re allowed to feel angry, and we don’t need this knockoff Mrs Havisham, sitting in her probably $12k mouldy wedding dress in her marble McMansion, looking down her beak at us, chastising us for having the WRONG emotion in her eyes.

    I hope she chokes on one of her hideous scrotum spoons.

    If I recall, in her wedding planning video, she doesn’t show the receipt but you can see it. And the dress was like $20k.

    Wait, wait, wait. Am I reading this right or hallucinating? Jen’s basic bitch strapless wedding dress was $20,000????
  10. .
    QUOTE (martiniflightlikedon @ 27/6/2022, 03:17) 
    QUOTE (Alimony and Wonder @ 27/6/2022, 02:39) 
    Her spiel about how she doesn't doubt herself as a parent is so bizarre. She describes her relationship with her kids by saying that she's a "source of rootedness...a strong sturdy pillar of unconditional love."

    ZERO self-awareness.

    Literally never met a parent who didn’t doubt themselves. Parenting is the hardest thing I e ever done and your kids don’t come with a handbook so it’s normal to feel like you have no idea what you’re doing. She’s a freak

    Yep. Parenting is the area of my life I am the toughest on myself about. I’m resigned to the fact that I’m always going to second guess parenting decisions that I’ve made until I die. I figured most parents felt unsure some of the time.
  11. .
    About Donny and the pull up-

    I have two kids (grown now) but I do remember that sometimes when little ones are having a tough time they will regress. Just a theory here but maybe spending time with Jen makes his potty using erratic. I don’t think they stay with her that much anymore. Maybe he isn’t happy there and he poops his pants?

    I could be wrong 🤷‍♀️
  12. .
    QUOTE (SadlyNoLongerAvailable @ 17/6/2022, 01:51) 
    QUOTE (Deadeyeslikejen @ 16/6/2022, 23:03) 
    I don’t really know much about the American Girl Dolls. My daughter never showed any interest in them when she was little. I do know that they are expensive and that their accessories are pricey too.
    Any AG fans want to guess how much $$$ she had displayed in those cabinets?

    Hundreds of thousands. The dolls were $100 to $125 15 years ago. The outfits $50ish. The furniture was $200/300/500

    Easily $100k

    Ho Lee Shit

    I don’t know why I’m surprised though. One of the few things Jen actually succeeds at is burning cash.
    The other being stuffing her face.
  13. .
    I don’t really know much about the American Girl Dolls. My daughter never showed any interest in them when she was little. I do know that they are expensive and that their accessories are pricey too.
    Any AG fans want to guess how much $$$ she had displayed in those cabinets?
  14. .
    QUOTE (Bye Bye Baby @ 15/6/2022, 03:53) 
    For Jen, since you read here:

    Rainbow Bridge

    Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.
    When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

    All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor. Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.

    They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent. His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

    You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

    Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....

    Author unknown...


    That was so sweet. I needed to read that today! I’m all teary now.
  15. .
    QUOTE (ColdOne @ 29/5/2022, 22:52) 
    QUOTE (BowlsByCommission @ 5/29/2022, 03:11 PM) 
    Looks like Jill. :b_wink:

    Was this supposed to be a good example? She looks hideously ugly

    Hahaha…she does! Her nose grows all the time.
2045 replies since 8/8/2016