The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by Deadeyeslikejen

  1. .
    QUOTE (Cookielover @ 15/5/2022, 05:16) 
    QUOTE (Ican’twiththelikesofher @ 5/15/2022, 04:20 AM) 

    I personally think that dress makes her look bigger

    Jen needs to link up with Marnie Goldberg and learn that ankle straps are not their friends.
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    QUOTE (Meow2 @ 13/5/2022, 03:35) 
    thread title credit goes to SpinachSquareBackups :thumbs-up:

    let's try to be a bit more zen in this thread, shall we? relax, meditate, take a what you need to do


    But what is that cat turd ponytail on her head? :hearty-laugh:
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    QUOTE (Beetrix @ 13/5/2022, 03:07) 
    QUOTE (SpinachSquareBackups @ 5/12/2022, 07:57 PM) 


    :mocking_smiley_emoticon: :hearty-laugh: :hearty-laugh:

    Its actually ON POINT!!

    It really is a great title and it can be a nod to Tens’s friend that she can come and sit with us.
  4. .
    It’s almost the weekend :confused-smiley-emoticon-1:
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    QUOTE (SadlyNoLongerAvailable @ 12/5/2022, 04:58) 
    QUOTE (CCsideEye @ 12/5/2022, 04:52) 
    47 minutes in is when she starts talking about being involved in the kids life and how you can be overly involved. And how parents nowadays are overly involved

    This bitch acts like her kids are teenagers or off in college. How TF do you NOT be involved in your 4 year olds life?

    Yep, she is going to be a mirage to those kids in the next few years.
    I have no issue with Tens talking about Jen to her girl friends. That’s what friends are for! If you can’t talk shit with your friends, why bother having any. :snickering:
  6. .
    To be fair, Tens was following Jen from the start on IG. I’d like to think that she was legitimately trying to be cool with Jen and she pulled her usual psycho bullshit and turned Tens off.
    I’m willing to give Tens the benefit of the doubt because she makes an effort with her ex for her kids.
    Jen is crazy. My friends and I would snark on her if she had been married to my husband. I would be ON.
  7. .
    QUOTE (SingHo!toDons2ndWife @ 12/5/2022, 04:20) 
    I can’t wait until the next time Jen shows her kids having screen time and gets the dragging that she deserves :6792:

    Jen is so overdue for getting dragged for filth on so many things. I hope Jill gives her tons of shit on her shortcomings.
    Normally I would feel bad for someone who has a critical parent but I think she deserves every mean thing that is said.
    She is a horror of a human being.
  8. .
    I think deep down Jen is relieved that Tens came on the scene.
    Ultimately Jen will always take the path of least resistance (except while exercising). Mothering is hard and requires constant sacrifice. That amount of giving just doesn’t come naturally to her.
    I’m sure that she is happy that someone else is doing the lion’s share of taking care of those kids.
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    QUOTE (TheyCallMeBigBerthaGene @ 12/5/2022, 04:09) 
    Bangle Bitch She has awareness. She has no empathy.

    That is true. The only pity Jen ever feels is for herself.
  10. .
    It’s a terrible thing to think but I believe that Jen had every intention of putting Winnie down this past week. I think she didn’t do it because we sniffed her out at the Bakery.
    The same reason why she finally showered and put her fruity top on too…she is a twat who thinks she can outsmart this place.
  11. .
    I really don’t believe that the kids are “living” with Jen anymore. I think she gets them a night or two a week and that she has noped the fuck out of their day to day lives. That’s what works for her. :sorry_smiley:
  12. .
    Jen truly is like Amber Turd.
    Amber withheld Johnny’s medicine from him when he was going through a very difficult opiate detox and now Jen is keeping Winnie from her pain meds!
    Cut from the same cloth borderline personalities.
  13. .
    QUOTE (Ohplease5 @ 5/5/2022, 21:26) 
    Don was on tinder because he didn’t want to be with Jen. And I get that. More than get that.

    My hat is off to him.

    Totally. I have Zero Issue with Don being on Tinder. Jen is so terrible that I couldn’t be bothered to care.
  14. .
    QUOTE (merino wool underwear @ 2/5/2022, 19:00) 
    QUOTE (CCsideEye @ 5/2/2022, 06:20 PM) 

    She just keeps blending in with her background. Before you know it, she will just be dead eyes floating. I hope her next vacation is to somewhere with sun because sweet Jesus, Jen "grey paste" needs it

    You rang????

  15. .
    QUOTE (Meow2 @ 30/4/2022, 23:15) 

    she is into fellas

    I guess in theory anyway. :snickering:
2045 replies since 8/8/2016