The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by aryani

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    QUOTE (lena3 @ 10/30/2016, 02:49 PM) 
    There is no way that I would show that T-shirt to my husband that he wouldn't say something. Now, we both wear what we want, but we're also very honest with each other. However, I'm sure that he would not want to be seen with me in a shirt that says "Lover". I wouldn't even want to wear that around my children.

    I bet that Lover tee reminds her of Carrie Bradshaw - remember she used to say "hello, lover" to Mr Big? lol

    (Good Luck Edie!!)
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    QUOTE (YT Celeb @ 10/22/2016, 07:01 PM) 
    No words

    There is absolutely nothing attractive about this woman anymore. When she stood back and showed herself in that dress where you could see her head, it looked tiny and long. The flat, thin hair with those severe dominatrix bangs is really terrible on her but the eyeliner! OMG the eyeliner! Has she no eyesight left? I am appalled anybody could tell her she looks good like that - it does not wing out, she has it winging up in a triangle. I am embarrassed for her lol
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    QUOTE (Brigante123 @ 10/21/2016, 01:04 AM) 
    OMG you guys her latest vlog is a classic, material for days :hearty-laugh:

    watching it now and cracking up because she takes her damn hair and lipliners and everything of that nature so SERIOUSLY. She literally has nothing else to talk about. lol! She is also so self conscious of the camera on her while in her car - her face just looks so unnatural.

    Two things that made me laugh - she said she should have been up on the debate stage? 😂

    also when she said she "should" have been born in the 60's. She pretty much WAS. 🙄
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    QUOTE (Pheebie @ 9/24/2016, 05:25 PM) 
    (Totally unrelated to LLD1 ~~ I’m getting my 12th and final chemo treatment today. I’m not one to yammer on about myself & my personal issues, but I feel a kinship to you gals, and I’m SO excited to reach this finish line, I just want to shout from the mountain tops! It’s been a long, crazy ride, to say the least.)

    Been there, done that myself and I know what it means to be finished!! I wish you the best!
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    In the Fridee Hawl video she just uploaded, her face reminds me of silly putty - exact same color!
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    Had to chime in just because I find this interesting and I am also an astrology buff! :)

    Age/Age Range: early 40's
    Astrological Sign: Scorpio
    City/State/Country: Detroit
    Meyers Briggs Personality Type (if unsure Introvert or Extrovert): INFP-T
    Career Field (if unemployed, list what you'd like to do/SAHM/Wife/etc): Self-Employed
    Relationship Status: Single
    Kids: None
    Pets: Dog - Cat - plus 5 aquariums full of African Cichlids and Oscars
    Drinks of Choice: Water & Green Tea
456 replies since 9/8/2016