The Gossip Bakery

Votes given by MissReview

  1. .
    I think she is hanging on by a thread. Her behavior and appearance is getting more and more bizarre.

    Not sure if she'll ever talk about the divorce, she doesn't know how to honestly talk about what happened.
  2. .
    She may spill some tea but we need to remember it will be through Jen’s very one-sided lens. It wouldn’t be the first time she’d spun a narrative that was not historically correct.
  3. .
    The no friends video and the update to share about her wedding anniversary to a man that is now married to someone else makes me think Jen is inching closer to spilling more of the divorce tea. Little by little we will learn more. What do you think?
  4. .
    When CC became the pwinthess, Jen should have become the Queen. Why she didn’t lean into that, I’ll never understand. She could have kept the cushy lifestyle if she had simply shifted into a different role.

    A Queen can still be spoiled and pampered. She could have had a nanny help with childcare. She still could have had plenty of ME time. But nah, once something was actually expected of her, she refused to step up, instead choosing to light and stick of dynamite and throw it at her marriage.
  5. .
    QUOTE (Good Morning Friends @ 9/12/2023, 09:52 PM) 
    "I miss running 😔"
    "I miss my girl 😔"

    Just random cries for attention on IG the past few days. She misses DONALD.

    "I miss my old Ross social life."
    "I miss my heart home."
    "I miss having hair."
    "I miss being called a pwincess."
    "I miss being child-free because CC is the pwincess now."

    You know. All the things.
  6. .
    How many days is she even home to miss Winnie? She only saw her a few days a month. The vet probably misses her more than Jen does.
  7. .
    Pretending that she misses sleeping with Winnie next to her. Wow.

    Looks like someone needs reminding that she put her dying dog in a closet.

    This bitch, I swear.

  8. .
    I wonder how well women sleep if their elderly dog sleeps in the closet
  9. .
    Missing running, missing Winnie... missing everything but Don, eh? 😏
  10. .
    QUOTE (Blue-tah Trunk Celery @ 13/9/2023, 03:50) 
    She had to come home and get the vegan cheese for the breakfast sandwich. Rodeos and antler arches are ok.

    Not to give her more credit than she deserves but she announces that elk shed their antlers naturally. On the chance that this was another “leather comes from cows that died of old age” situation, I googled it, and it’s true.
  11. .
    I am so far behind in her videos and barely watch her YouTube. I do see most of her Instagram, but that’s about it. I tend to miss a lot on here, too, as JenBot would say, LIFE! But I just watched her I Have No Friends And You Can’t Make Me and her 9-11 Chat videos and this bish has lost her last marble in her head. I can’t with her. She bitches and moans about not having anyone but also DO NOT TELL ME WHAT TO DO. How do people pay for this shit?! :hi-computer-smiley-emoticon:
  12. .
    QUOTE (merino wool underwear @ 12/9/2023, 20:24) 
    I decided to take a look at Jin's latest follows on IG.

    here it is.
    The name alone is just pathetic. The isolation journals. I have NOTHING against journaling and different forms of things to help your mental health, they work but they really ONLY work with a therapist. Just sitting around and doing all these little rituals Jin does is not changing a thing.

    She talked about this journal in her recent I-Dont-Have-Friends video. I think she said it's something she sometimes does during her morning "spiritual" practice. Yep, just sounds like a lot of hooey, woo-woo nonsense that Jen falls for every time.
    From their website: (I've bolded the words that speak Jenny's language.)
    The Isolation Journals is a collective of resilient humans committed to cultivating community and creativity during hard times.
    We are in an unprecedented moment. The Isolation Journals is one small way to stay grounded and to transform our isolation into creative solitude and connection.
    We curate and deliver free weekly journaling prompts every Sunday morning.
  13. .
    Poor Jen who has no friends has no time to reply to all the kind messages from her paying friends, but don’t worry she has read them all.
  14. .
    I’m watching the “I donn’t have any friends” video. She has mastered the fine art of looking smug and needy at the same time.
  15. .
    I honestly don't know how she drags herself out of bed. She had everything! It was a perfect life for her. There were so many things she could have done to improve her marriage and she chose selfishness.
56861 replies since 10/8/2016