The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by Identifying as Single Mom

  1. .
    Good LORD the consumerism just from her alone. So much CRAP she bought.

    Her going through her owners bin thing that was CRAMMED full of shit she didn’t even know she owned and she was giggling all the way through it.

    Kinda crappy if she DID actually meet any patrons for her not to say hey let’s take a selfie I’ll put you in my video. Nobody took a picture of their friendship bracelet and tagged her on Instagram. Pics or it never happened.
  2. .
    I have three kids extremely close in age, and was a single mom for several years, and I never once referred to anything I did parenting-wise as “an intense moment.”

    PARENT THEM, you loser.
  3. .
    Exploring the wonders of the world?

    I don’t think making derp faces on slinky dog rollercoaster counts.
  4. .
    The energy bloom? :10:
  5. .
    Bins of empty binders go onto a shelf, shelf of empty binders.


    She says she has the pictures and the journals. The whole point of these things is to do them in real time. Regardless, years later, empty.

    All the talking about other places that shelf could go. Why are you justifying a stupid shelf? Nobody cares about how you are allowed to move the shelf or paint it or whatever.

    She overcomplicates literally EVERYTHING.
  6. .
    Her monologue at the end, she’s stuck in her “office journey” and digging down roots or some nonsense, I think that’s partially because she was wanting Don back, but also because she bought that house expecting for a man to be in that house with her as fast as Don landed Tensleigh. She left closet space and empty rooms because she thought she’d be building a life with a husband. She must have finally let it sink in that she is going to be alone forever.
  7. .
    What does this troll have against TURNING ON LIGHTS?!

    Why does she hold the drill upside down when she’s using it as a screwdriver?

    God, all of her jabbering would drive any person mad.

    Shade at Don, the drill does more than any man can.

    The medal wall is anxiety inducing.

    Does she not own a box cutter? In all that crap there’s no box cutter?

    Watching someone put together IKEA furniture is just as boring as doing it. Her commentary about dowels, laughing at stuff that isn’t funny, giving tips on screwing things in.

    Why does she talk so damn slow? I’m Southern and I’m used to slow talkers but this is terrible.

    Yo. And then she contemplates getting another one. Because that room NEEDS MORE CRAP.

    The spacing of the file cabinets under the window is the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen.

    She considers spray painting it and putting it in the family room. Why not buy gray and pink chalk paint and make it look extra stupid and make it take forever?
  8. .


    I truly wish I could fathom having money to burn on crap like this, while not actually DOING anything with my life.
  9. .
    She is so unattractive. It’s crazy how far her looks have fallen.
  10. .
    The best part of this whole conversation of whether or not she is overweight is that she is at Disney World, surrounded by thousands of people, yet very much alone, doing something that is utterly vapid and not actually having fun at it, but she’s so freaking stubborn to insist that she spend an insane amount of money on worthless endeavors.

    It’s no different than when she hoarded makeup and nail polish and handbags, she just wants you to THINK it is.

    She’d impress me if she shifted to spending Don Dollar$ on assets. A vacation home. A better house. The backyard from the Pottery Barn catalog.

    Or things that actually make her an interesting person. Cooking classes. Parenting classes. Being a real art collector. Learning a foreign language. Choosing a cause and going all in on volunteering and raising money.

    She is truly a waste of a person and I really hate to say that about another human being but she absolutely contributes nothing to the world, not even to her own kids. She’s just a consumer, taking up space and making terrible noises.
  11. .
    What are these screwy mirrors in her “gym” that make everything look completely different than the mirror in her room?
  12. .
    I find it strange that Jen doesn’t really wear dresses and skirts anymore, pretty sure she blamed that on her caging, but Tensleigh wears a variety of outfits, dresses, slacks, shorts, long skirts, short skirts.

    I wish Jen would come right out and say whatever it is that Don supposedly restricted her with. With receipts. Because Tensleigh’s clearly not under the same rules.
  13. .
    What is her deal with she doesn’t know what’s going to happen tomorrow? 🤔
  14. .
    Her claim that scalp massage helped her hair…when? It’s looked awful for years.

    Surely she understands that every time she rakes her nasty hands through her four hairs, it transfers oils from her hands, which makes it all worse.

    I just don’t know how she doesn’t ITCH with all that dried up sweat all over her scalp.

    Her “routine” just to survive is so LONG and involved, it’s no wonder she can’t get anything done. Multiple yoga things, meditation, two way prayer journal, all the other journals, 11 hours of Peloton, some food in between, and all of that is supposed to be what is keeping her sane? It’s not working.

    I want to know how she explained not being media to the waiter. “I film food to show to my COMMUNITY of SUPPORTERS to demonstrate that my heart is with them and hope they don’t get their number called in the chaos lottery so they can keep paying for my lights to be on.”
  15. .
    QUOTE (AirportHashBrown @ 30/1/2024, 22:01) 
    Dear Bakery,

    Today I bought a new pair of comfy running shoes to go walk the doggies. I didn't put the receipt in my scrapbook. I didn't write an entry about it in my diary. I didn't use ex dollars for it. I didn't post an Instagram story of myself wearing them to show off. I don't plan on taking these off on a plane to stink up the aisle either.

    I love you,


    Will you set up your camera in the airport from whence you came, and nonchalantly walk by wearing the shoes?
2635 replies since 15/8/2016