The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by Identifying as Single Mom

  1. .
    Hahahahaha Jen thinks she can just delete videos and rewrite history without the receipts for her kids to look at one day and compare to the fake history book journals, and the bakery foils her dastardly plans again!

    Something is very much up. She’s had the kids for at least three weeks at this point.
  2. .
    So much community, she doesn’t even announce the person who recommended the charity, doesn’t know who that is. This is why no friends.
  3. .
    Good grief, what an awful thumbnail.

    Mods, could we get a new thread before the tea finishes percolating please??
  4. .
    I can’t believe she hasn’t gotten all of that stuff out for the chicklets to play with. What a waste.
  5. .
    LMAO about her being “on an allowance” for a “personal spending budget” that she got deposited every couple of weeks in her bank account, and then she started making enough to stop the allowance (for one month) and now she has to budget for a month at once instead of every two weeks and it requires a whole explanation.

    Awkward talk about her nest egg and how she doesn’t think they’ll ever be separate.

    And now she hopes to take on “more financial responsibility” and cover the vacation budget. Did she ever actually do that?

    Blabbering about how she’s set aside money for her birthday shopping in LA.
  6. .
    QUOTE (Meow2 @ 7/1/2024, 22:35) 
    QUOTE (Breakdown @ 7/1/2024, 22:16) 
    Family scrapbooks can be cool to look through, but not through Gene's revisionist lens. It's useless. And incredibly self-centered, self-serving.


    it can be fun to look back through old albums and reminisce but her kids are more likely to need therapy after reading her psycho journals. pre and post divorce she was painting a very deliberate picture of doing it all and there were signs all along that the family didn’t love her 🙄 the photos of the kids and their experiences were an afterthought

    Her kids are going to Google one day and find the bakery. And find the old saved videos. And find mama’s YouTube channels.

    If they do anything with the scrapbooks, it’s going to be to bring them to therapy as show and tell. The second my mom dumped us at school, she ran away to these random places, and we’d come back to her house and there was a big empty room and a big empty backyard and whenever she WAS home, she spent a bunch of time on her bike and treadmill to nowhere - here’s evidence of her “stack.” Couldn’t read a parenting book or take a parenting class or go to a therapist to teach her about attachment theory, but she had plenty of time to fly all over the continent, go to Disney World multiple times a year, and go on the internet and act like parenting was something difficult and time consuming.

    And that’s all beside the revisionist history.

    I can’t wait for the day CC finds that Erin Condren planner with her daily weights and measurements from infancy. She might possibly be the only child in the world with such a waste of time and energy on that level of minutiae.
  7. .
    Doesn’t do her a whole lot of good to be wishing people magical miles when the race started hours ago.

    Just come out and say you need attention Jen.
  8. .
    Equally disturbing to me is her bags of “ephemera” for each year, in waiting.

    (The fact that she refers to them as ephemera, which literally means insignificant stuff that is not supposed to be preserved, is hilarious to me.)

    You can’t go back and “journal” about random receipts from 2019. That defeats the whole purpose.

    Besides, the way she “journals” is so flowery and vague that I’ve long wondered if she does fake scrapbooks just to show her followers. Because the December Daily from 2019 when she was pretending all was fine, was so beyond fake and we all knew it in real time, I remember us talking about it. Her flowery magic in the children’s eyes for Christmas nonsense. Even if her kids sit down with her stupid journals and scrapbooks one day, all they are are revisionist history notebooks written by a poser.
  9. .
    QUOTE (Don'sDollars @ 6/1/2024, 01:20) 
    Listening to the end of that video and she is such an asshole. Fuck right the fuck off. "I'm sorry if I made you feel some kind of way"?! My 2024 word of the year is going to be DONE. As in I'm DONE with Jennifer Boyles Ross.

    That is SO Jen Ross’s Erin Condren Covid “Do Better” moment.

    It’s also exactly why she does not have a single friend. It’s right there on video, Jen. Take that to your divorce coach/pseudo counselor and ask her why you still don’t have friends.
  10. .
    Who pays for a sticker that says feelings are kind of my jam? What does that even mean?
  11. .
    That stupid house was the pinnacle of Jen’s impulse shopping.

    Terrible layout, WAY too big for her and two part time circumstances, so many things that scream cheap flip, the vertigo-inducing bathroom tiles, the mausoleum fireplace, the kitchen with no pantry and awkward useless cabinets, and all the money she dumped into countertops and moving the laundry and whatever else it is she got done.

    She rushed that so much, I’m partially convinced that she rushed because Don was in an apartment and she wanted to appear to be the more responsible parent or some fake nonsense.
  12. .
    If Paula is a real person, then she also needs to be treated for believing in this pseudo relationship she has with a “content creator” who doesn’t give her the time of day. It’s bizarre to be someone’s online bouncer when you don’t even know them.
  13. .
    She’s got no voice and she’s got the kids. We’re not getting a scolding. She’s going to play pretend in her cult like nothing ever happened.
  14. .
    QUOTE (SoProudOfMyself @ 4/1/2024, 15:14) 
    There was 96 comments when I went to bed and 104 this morning. Some of those comments have over 150 likes. Wonder if Jen's videos ever get that many likes anymore?

    That YouTube ad revenue from more views than she’s gotten in months will help her keep the lights on!
  15. .
    That comment she responded to isn’t even “not kind”. Maybe she’s in a financial mess is something a friend wonders about another friend.

    Her Patreon description says it is “a safe space to gather and share our stories. We, the wonder crew :hearty-laugh: , honor kindness, value connection, and love whole-heartedly. You are welcome here.”

    Nowhere on her Patreon page does it say you can’t WONDER about what is going on in the creator’s life. Is it only a safe space for Jen?
2633 replies since 15/8/2016