The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by Beer Minrals

  1. .
    QUOTE (Carol Kay @ 8/14/2023, 06:13 PM) 
    Lisa and Tammy both have bald spots at their temples.Nothing will regrow that, not even Minoxidil. Traction alopecia that she’s trying to disguise with tinted hair powder.

    Is it definitely alopecia? I have never had much hair at the temples, even as a child. It bugs the heck out of me.
  2. .
    For crying out loud, put it away, Lisa! She thinks she’s living in a Betty and Veronica comic book wearing barely anything and trying to woo the guys at the beach. 🤦🏼‍♀️

  3. .
    I only watch through Jools and roll my eyes along with her. It’s the only way to watch and have a good laugh. Who shouts PAIRS! now along with Jools? 😂
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    QUOTE (CherieRose @ 8/9/2023, 06:09 PM) 
    She knows fall and winter are coming and the pool will be closed. Maybe she’s trying to prepare by getting extra crispy.

    She’s the color of burned bacon at this point. She can snack on herself as part of her meat diet! 😂
  5. .
    Yay, it’s the HR Manager at the Beach vibe-inspired outfit! 🤦🏼‍♀️
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    QUOTE (A.DoraBuhl @ 8/6/2023, 12:47 AM) 
    QUOTE (rfjox @ 8/5/2023, 07:12 PM) 
    I vehemently disagree. That phrase is used when one is feeling and showing empathy toward another. You are taking the latter day meaning that some use to categorize it as you are. A true southerner of the older generations do not mean it as you describe.

    I understand your position, being you are a southern woman. I was going by her body language and tone of voice, as well as the voiced phrase. I realize you no longer view her, so your statement is only based on what I had written, which is cool with me. (cool is Lisa's new word to use over and over again) LOL!

    Dora, your post wasn’t vibey, “my daughter Brooke who’s 23” or lucky girl enough. If you could add some of those in, that’d be great! :snickering:
  7. .
    I’d love to tan. Every summer is a bitter reminder of how different I am from most of the population. Skin cancer is in my family though so any time I go out, sunscreen is on. My grandfather was Italian and could tan and still got skin cancer on his nose. The procedure to remove it left a permanent scar.
  8. .
    Minor side conversations here tend to be more interesting than Trailer Park Barbie and her Zara hauls. :snickering:
  9. .
    I grew up with a no shoes in the house rule and just carried it over as an adult. I’ve seen how grungy a carpet can get even without pets (former in-laws wear their shoes), and it reaffirmed my decision.
  10. .
    Why is kindergarten starting on 8/1? That boy is getting cheated out of his summer!

    Here they go until mid to late June and have the summer off until after Labor Day.
  11. .
    Someone send Lisa a remedial elementary school grammar book as a sweet geeft.

    Speaking of which, does she still have suckers sending her gifts?
  12. .
    Her hair reminds me of Britney’s bedraggled gold mess. Cut that sh*t off and go to someone who doesn’t turn it 30 shades of brass! Man, it would take years off her if she found a halfway decent stylist. I realize she’s probably really gray and what she used to do probably won’t work anymore, but the owner of my salon supposedly is very gray yet her hair is the perfect blonde. Maybe some lowlights?
  13. .
    hotnbothered , I hope your pain eases up and you can get some relief. Hugs to you.

    Only Lisa would go to a movie and take a photo of her sparkly shoes. Do you think she lays down a designer rug in her house for nap time? She gets her Glow Worm, binky, sleepy socks and favowite bwankie and goes night-night!
  14. .
    originalredwinefreak , thanks for sharing that. It gives me hope!

    I was going twice a year, one for the mammo/sono, where they’d find cyst(s), and then six months later for a sonogram to make sure the cyst(s) hadn’t changed.

    I’ve never heard of going twice a year for a tendon. WTH?
  15. .
    QUOTE (A.DoraBuhl @ 7/26/2023, 12:40 AM) 
    QUOTE (Beer Minrals @ 7/25/2023, 10:52 PM) 
    Dang, I’m up the creek if menopause decides to wreak havoc on me. I haven’t had a period since January so I’m almost there. My mom took estrogen for awhile after her hysterectomy and then switched to Evista for her bones.

    I just don’t want the weight gain. I keep to 1200-1300 calories but maybe even that won’t be enough. I’m also afraid my hair will fall out.

    Stupid Lisa and her idiotic medical videos. Stick to Zara, dummy.

    There are as may variations to menopause as there are women living. Do your research and find what works for you. In the end, you can say you did the best you could with the choices you made.

    Yeah, unfortunately my breasts are very cystic. I always have to get an accompanying sonogram with mammograms and have had a cyst drained. I doubt I would ever feel safe taking the chance. 🫤

    Has Lisa ever mentioned getting mammograms? I suppose that’s one of those things she has to put out of her head like the “Yuck” doctor.
1903 replies since 25/8/2016