The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by blondie19

  1. .
    I posted the pics on her status. Oops.

    QUOTE (phoebetallulah @ 7/27/2017, 06:06 AM) 
    Maybe, I looked at her FB the other week and couldn't see the posts that were mentioned here where people weren't happy she wasn't getting back to them.

    Nope! I'm not friends with her and I posted them
  2. .
    Caught a few mins of Brooke's instagram live last night (and I think we should be able to discuss this here since it is public)

    - Is for sure getting her lips done as soon as she graduates
    - Broke up with her bf yesterday
    - Was sad so went to the store and bought a ton of ELF makeup (her mom couldn't give her some from her massive collection..?) she also said shopping makes her happy when she is sad.......
  3. .
    Wow that top LF is holding is the ugliest top I've ever seen
  4. .
    QUOTE (HighFlyinKitty @ 7/19/2017, 05:08 PM) 
    Did she really have used floss and no case for glasses or Invisalign? She is gross. I never understood her weird teeth cleaning routine after they eat out. Floss sticks and gum in the car? Why not have a travel toothbrush and go into the bathroom to brush? She is lazy with everything.

    And she said she carries candy for her teenaged kids?! Wtf? Do they both have issues and need to be soothed with candy like toddlers?

    Yes she had one of those floss pics that was used.

    Oops ladies I also forgot to mention at the start of the video she said, "Oh let me turn down the tv. I have cartoons playing"


    FOR HER GROWN CHILDREN. (Ok I know Will isn't that grown but I doubt he watches cartoons himself!)


    She is really attached to the idea that her kids are still very young. It is sooo odd.
  5. .
    What I collected from the cleaning out the gross inside of my purse video:

    - She has her Invisalign in there not in the case, and used floss?! So gross.
    - Expensive sunglasses without a case.... why buy expensive glasses if you can't take care of them?
    - Still going to Zaxby's daily.
    - Sooo many receipts! I could not believe how many were in her wallet and floating around her bag.
    - Candy for her "children?" aren't they old enough to get their own candy if they want it? Lisa... they are no longer 5.
  6. .
    Ladies, I am becoming a Coach girl. I love all of the bags now. They really have stepped up their game.

    Also, I know this I a Bag forum but my birthday was last Saturday and I wanted to show you the watch my boyfriend got me. I just love it and I think he did a great job!
    except in silver.
  7. .
    I'm so sick of the Nordstrom vides as well. All I got and plan on getting a $15 cocktail ring that was $40... unsure of brand.

    I caved an ordered the Lancôme ideal liner.
  8. .
    Thanks lovely ladies:)
  9. .
    found this bag on Poshmark unused for a killer deal...should I bite the bullet? I never have owned coach before. I know it's "basic" but like I said I'm in college debt so I can't buy a LV like I want. :crying-and-sniffling:

  10. .
    I would love to hear the details if you can share!!
  11. .
    I always feel so sad every time I see Lisa put a pic of or acknowledge Brooke- how about one of Will!? Poor guy
  12. .
    She's so lazy and boring. Her main goal in life is to be beautiful.
  13. .
    watching brooke live, she said she thinks Tati is ugly but HRH is gorgeous and she thinks the most gorgeous people are the ones that look like "they've had plastic surgery"

    she also said she can't work because she can't drive...

    she said she wants to work at chic-fila-a..

    lisa can get her salads for free then!!!
  14. .
    ewwwwwwww her camel toe :sick:
  15. .
    clearly Monat is not working! her hair looks drier than ever!
220 replies since 15/9/2016