The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by CherieRose

  1. .
    New thread.
  2. .
    Thanks to The Wookie and Midwest Mom for the title!
  3. .
    I'm not confident in Lumberton PD handling it well. That town has so much crime (the entire county as well), and a suspected serial killer. Women's bodies have been found for years now. They've turned into cold cases.
  4. .
    Michelle was a blonde. Maybe that's why she looks so different to me. The lighting makes them all look rather scary.
  5. .
    At the least the dr should be checking if it’s cyst with a scan or biopsy. Lisa listens to men 💯 and it’s not wise. Male doctors don’t listen to women as well as female doctors. They’re often dismissive. “Come back in six months.”
  6. .

    I’m not seeing Michelle or Annika in the pics. Unless they look very different. Her brother was there, mother Medhus, and Yacket.
  7. .


    She put on too much birthday makeup. 😄
  8. .
    Gigi must remind her of her PPD and just difficult times in general. She’s never spoken about her being easy or a joy to parent.
  9. .
    Evidently she kept a record of everything he did in a journal, and it’s been handed over to the police.

    Also this. There’s a lot of details of the abuse coming out. He’s just as sick as his father.

    Reddit is digging into their past. So the brother has DV charges too…?
  10. .
    Yes, it's posted above.
  11. .
    LOL She does look four feet tall in that pic!
  12. .
    It should be common sense to keep things out of their reach.

    I can’t stand someone who blames their kids for all of their own poor choices.
  13. .
    It was a bunch of people standing around in a backyard. They hired a band, but everyone at the party looked lame.

    I didn’t see HB anywhere.
  14. .
    That’s an old name you rarely hear anymore, and then Bijou meaning jewel.

    So she named her little flower jewel.
  15. .
    Not doing enough… 🫢 Did they not get everything on her registry? How dare they.
14363 replies since 3/11/2016