The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by Yetta

  1. .
    oh Yikes! What is that on her cheek in that picture??
  2. .
    Oh, Bunny! My brother and his wife have a pet squirrel! Her name is Lola. My SIL works at a vet clinic and someone brought it in. It was less than a week old and it's mama was hit. My SIL bottle fed her and they ended up keeping her. She is litter box trained and snuggles like a kitty cat! When they are gone, they put her in a large cage that is like a cat run that takes up almost a whole room. She is a very spoiled squirrel!
  3. .
    Gosh, I went to college 30 minutes from my home and my parents came once or twice per school year. Once on parent's weekend and they came over on my birthday to take me out to eat. I was in a sorority and they were not involved in that at all. We took care of everything. There were no moms hanging around any of the fraternities. That is just weird.

    My son went to school 4 hours away and he played football. We drove up and went to some games, not all because we have other children and lives, and we were not involved in his social life at school.

    My daughter went to school 20 hours away and I admit it KILLED me to leave her there the first time. It was my baby girl! But, I resisted the impulse to fly down there. That first year she didn't even fly home at Thanksgiving. Her roommate lived near there and she went to her house with her. She flew home at Christmas and on Spring Break. I went on my birthday weekend that year. That was it. I was not involved in her sorority at all.
  4. .
    Mumbles, prayers that your daughters liver enzymes return to normal! My brother suffered horribly fro Crohn's, which is different, yet similar to UC. They have a similar diet. Our family just changed. No complaining, you just do it. I don't get Marnie at all.

    Marnie could only WISH she was a member of my beloved DCC!!!
  5. .
    I've only used it once, but the + sign worked this time.
  6. .
    Girl Moms Rock!
  7. .

    Angie from HotandFlashy rocks the cuffed jean look. Marnie, take notice!
  8. .
    I just read about Mimi! Poor girl!
  9. .
    I watched the Nordstrom "ad". Wouldn't you think, if you were PAID to do a video, you would remember to turn your phone to silent? If you forgot to do that and it rang, wouldn't you silence it, re-film that part and edit it so it wasn't in there and it didn't happen again? It went off 3 times? Maybe 4, I lost count and it was last night. It's very unprofessional, especially in a sponsored video!
  10. .
    Rowdy is totally their fault. Weims can be great dogs with the right owners. They need LOTS of exercise and training. I have a friend who has 2 and he has attachments that clip to their bikes so that they can ride and safely run the dogs, without them pulling them over. They go 5-7 miles twice a day, usually. They are the wrong family for a Weim.
  11. .
    OMG, these threads crack me up. I finally got caught up. I was trying to do that last night and was on page 35 of 42 when I fell asleep.

    I was a football mom with 2 boys playing. You couldn't have paid me any amount of money to go into the locker room. My boys would have been embarrassed.

    I think her hair looked much better up. She should have just worn it up.

    I have been watching a much smaller blogger/Youtuber from Austin. Marnie should watch her. She actually blogs, works part time and has young children. Her videos are very good. You ladies might like her. Her name is Lisa J. Marnie wouldn't like her because the girl is beautiful
  12. .
    ooh, MY EYES! MY EYES!!!! HELP!!!!
  13. .
    Marnie should watch Dominique! She might learn a thing or two!

    Welcome, Freeshane! I had a busy day at work and I couldn't believe it when I saw we had 20 pages in this thread already!

    As a #boymom and a #girlmom, Marnie is full of sh*%. All of the mom's I met were great. My boys played football and my daughter was a cheerleader, and NONE of the moms were crazy. A few were a bit snarky, but not near as bitchy as Marnie! Most were great ladies. I guess if you are nice to other people, they are usually nice to you back.
  14. .
    ^^ what is so funny about that, I was on YT JUST before I popped back here and a video that popped up in my sidebar was a doctor removing "stuff" from a man's ear. It was actually fascinating! Then I read this!!! How odd is THAT?
  15. .
    We go pretty crazy for HS football around here. people wear the school colors on game day. When my boys played and then my daughter was a cheerleader ,i wore buttons with their picture in their uniforms on it . I did NOT hover over any of my children in college. My youngest, my daughter even, went to college far away. It was a 22 hour drive to move her in.

    Mumbles - any news on your daughter? I'm praying for all of you
16670 replies since 2/12/2016