The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by Yetta

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    Truthfully, I don't think it is the best situation for a beginner. I think a beginner would benefit more from one-on-one personal training, to make sure that their form stays correct through the entire move. If you already knew how to do everything, and you already had good form, having a program written out for you would work.

    Also, that is NOT how she portrayed the situation when they started. She has said repeatedly that they bought a package with a personal trainer. That is not how personal training works. That is more like group fitness.
  2. .
    I'm not certain that Travis didn't give her macros earlier, but she knows everything. She probably told him that she had the eating dialed in, no issues. He more than likely gave her macros earlier. Not sure, though.

    I agree that she would benefit from one on one training. Basically, what they are doing is like a Power Pump Class. Group weightlifting. Although, in Power Pump everyone is doing the same exercise at the same time, so it is easier to correct form. If I was trying to watch 8 different clients, doing 8 different moves at once, I would surely miss things that I should be seeing.
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    Well, you know that they will take Lolo to Kendra Scott's to get her birthday discount. And, since they are there, she will get herself something. She always does.
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    LOL Does she not realize that instructors that teach class (or film videos) don't lift the heaviest weight that they can lift while doing that? You need to be able to talk comfortably.
  5. .
    She is eating too much fat for the amount of carbs she is eating. If you aren't eating keto/low carb, you don't want your fat that high. She will be storing that fat.
  6. .
    I think that she couldn't finish her workout because she was in pain.
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    She is more upset over this than she was her mom's hospital stay/amputation. She is a selfish pig.

    I really think most of the messages about her form were people who mean well. They saw that she had bad form and was struggling and they didn't want her to get hurt. Even the comments here about it are more of a slam on the gym. She is so thin skinned, she can't take any comment that isn't kissing her butt.
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    QUOTE (justalurker @ 26/4/2024, 17:40) 
    QUOTE (Meow2 @ 26/4/2024, 02:39) 
    I'm getting caught up and this made me :hearty-laugh: I read it in his voice

    I have to admit that after a million years of watching Jen I think she has finally inspired me! it's time to start exercising more. 40 will be here soon and things aren't the same. I do eat better than her so there's that . I don't want to be waddling around or huffing and puffing on an easy hiking trail :lol: thanks Jen!

    Anyone who is as active as her “stats” say should NOT be huffing and puffing on easy trails, let alone looking so haggard after wogging a disney run. I maintain that she lets her treadmill keep running while she’s not moving, let’s workout videos play as if she’s doing all of the workout but she’s certainly not.

    This is one of the most embarrassing things I will never understand. How someone could spend on average 4-5 hours a day doing “exercise” based activities and she looks like THAT and sounds like THAT just normal walking.

    Unbelievable……. her ED is more obvious than EVER!!!

    She’s huffing and puffing because it’s a lot of work to haul all of that weight around. The Peloton theory wouldn’t work. It uses her watch’s heart rate to calculate her calories burned.
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    QUOTE (Birdistheword @ 4/26/2024, 09:13 AM) 
    The thing she doesn’t get- is this isn’t a criticism of her. It’s a criticism of her “trainers” who are progressively overloading bad form. She has complained nonstop for weeks about pain, but continues to add weight.

    She and Roy are not providing the advertising for Brandi/Trav that they think they are. I can have bad form in my garage with a YouTube workout.

    Exactly this! She should not be adding on more weight until she can do the move correctly. The fact that she has pain and numbness, but yet they are adding on weight, is a HUGE red flag! There is a difference in muscle soreness from working a muscle and pain from something being pulled, pinched or aggravated.
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    QUOTE (LikeAWreckingBall @ 4/26/2024, 01:40 AM) 
    I'm no fitness expert, so I welcome any correction, but with her consistently complaining of sciatic pain and even after doing several things to eliminate said pain, wouldn't the next step be to not increase weights or do workouts that will aggravate that area??!!

    Yes. I wouldn't keep adding weight to aggravate it further. If she was my client, and she had the continued pain and numbness, I would tell her she needed to have it looked at by a doctor.
  11. .
    QUOTE (Shampoo&Butter @ 4/25/2024, 06:42 PM) 
    Yetta - isn’t it bad form if the knee goes past the foot?

    I can't really tell from the front how far forward her knee is. They have changed the "knees stay behind the toes" rule for regular squats. You should keep your weight in the back part of your feet, but it is okay if it goes slightly past your toes. Not too far, though. On a Bulgarian Split Squat it would be the same. The main thing on them is to make sure that you aren't leaning forward from the hips. This puts strain on your knee. But, I can't really tell how far forward her knee is there.

    QUOTE (Birdistheword @ 4/25/2024, 08:22 PM) 
    Yetta- why would the load her up before she has good form? Seems like we now know why she’s injured all the time.

    She absolutely should NOT be moving up in weight when she is struggling with form. That is a recipe for an injury! She keeps saying that she has personal trainers, but it really seems more like a group fitness class, just with people doing different things. The trainers are there, but a personal trainer is with you the entire time and corrects your form. I have seen bad form with both Stacy and Roy in the videos that they have shared. Also, in most Progressive Overload Programs you don't go up in weight every single time that you lift. You stay at the same weight for a few sessions, sometimes more. Their need to jump weight every single session is crazy and foolish.
  12. .
    She should have been set up and ready to go at 10, but she is just too important to put her phone down.

    she's eating her lunch and saying "When I go out to eat, I still order the same things I did when I was strict keto". Most of the time, yes, that it true. The difference is, she used to go out to eat once every other week or so. And, for quite a while during the pandemic, she didn't go out to eat hardly at all. She cooked. The difference is now, she cooks about once every 3 weeks and everything else is take out, Minced or they go out to eat.
  13. .
    She knew she was driving to Fort Worth The traffic is. Why did she not count for that and leave earlier? That’s what a professional Does. She was too busy talking to her phone and putting makeup on her shoulders and her arms.
  14. .
    QUOTE (A little North Shore birdie @ 4/24/2024, 08:20 AM) 
    How is it that 5 out of these 6 pics all have the same robot-like face stamped repeatedly onto each body? Very weird. She looks drugged here.

    That is so bizarre! It's like when we were little and played with paper dolls (really dating myself, here). You had the paper doll and you just changed her outfits.
  15. .
    The weird thing is, I don't think that he REALLY wants her back. I think that he wants to get under Brandon's skin.
16670 replies since 2/12/2016