The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by Yetta

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    QUOTE (merino wool underwear @ 4/23/2024, 09:52 AM) 
    QUOTE (Meow2 @ 4/21/2024, 03:39 PM) 
    any guesses as to what those jeans smell like? :toothless-chuckle-smiley-emotic

    like a tuna melt with a side of yeast infection.

    she is beyond gross.

    You can wear Jeans more than one day without washing but NOT in that Florida heat and humidity and especially not with little miss drip dry and crusted with sweat.

    And not for 5 days!!! Gross!
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    QUOTE (hardswallowtsk @ 4/23/2024, 09:01 AM) 
    thinking more about international TS, could it be SWEEDEN? Isn't there some you tuber instagrammer nomad from there she is obsessed with? If indianapolis dates fall on her run weekend then obviously that's a no.....

    Doesn't she have anyone in her life letting her know all her travel isn't a good look? Even if she has convinced herself it is her " job " I mean....The constant running away from her life is just super cringe... It's ALL she has.

    Where are her mom and dad and brother telling her to stop all this madness! The patreon is obv. funding these trips, but this is not something that will stay forever, eventually this will dry up as trends change and her followers stop paying her...She should be saving..But her regular life is so booring so i see why she does these extravagent trips to keep the $$ train rolling...

    Her Patreon money doesn't cover her travels. No way.
  3. .
    Seriously, does she EVER do anything for fun? Has she ever had actual FUN doing something? It's all "a system" or "a task".
  4. .
    Oh man....her stories this morning on Pickleball notes. I have never played Pickleball, but I doubt that it is so difficult that a person needs to write notes about it. It's a game. It's supposed to be fun. Now, I took golf lessons off and on most of my life, starting as a child. I played well. I won several local tournaments, but I never ONCE wrote down notes from my lessons. It is muscle memory. I practiced. I didn't write notes. She is so weird. She makes so much extra work for herself (writing notes and then setting tasks to read the notes and then actually reading the notes). Not a good use of your time.
  5. .
    I don't see her child support order being increased. They somewhat want the same situations in both homes, but not really in a situation where the means are way more than adequate. That is to keep one parent from living very luxuriously while the other is living in a modest apartment, struggling financially. I think he gave her a lump sum for taking the kids. It was such a burden, you know.
  6. .
    And, these muscles that she is admiring are just because she moved her leg. If you are sitting and you straighten out your leg, the muscle moves. What is funny is, she did the exact same thing a year ago, and now she admits that she wasn't really working out much. So, KK, your leg muscles were doing that a year ago, you big dummy
  7. .
    So, she wore those jeans on her Wednesday flight and then in the park Wednesday. She then proceeded to wear them Thursday, Friday, Saturday AND Sunday in the heat of the day at the park. She is so gross.

    I agree with the statement that she didn't pack shorts and intended to wear the ones in her owners' locker. When she had it delivered, they didn't fit.
  8. .
    QUOTE (Yetta @ 4/15/2024, 07:31 AM) 
    QUOTE (World Traveler @ 4/15/2024, 07:04 AM) 
    That escalator avoidance and her use of a broken treadmill for years just show what a hypocrite she is. She’s cautionary and avoids POTENTIAL injury if she uses an airport escalator while towing a carry-on, yet had no problem running on a rickety half broken treadmill. She makes zero sense, never does, and actually gets triggered all the time over every mundane thing in her boring life.

    And, she sometimes would walk/job backwards on the rickety half broken treadmill!

    Thread suggestion: The Sex Offender's Wife, Running on the rickety halfbroken treadmill of life....the Tracy Hensel Story

    Meow2 , could we get a new thread, please? Thank you!
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    BBBrooke was running with a friend. They genuinely care about each other. Jen doesn’t have that
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    QUOTE (Lone Woof @ 20/4/2024, 22:23) 
    Can Yetta, or some other Baker with training/exercise/nutrition credentials, please explain again how Jin can peloton for a couple of hours each day in addition to yoga and look like she does? Yetta has given her considered opinion before, but I just don’t understand.

    Is peloton mostly useful for cardio and yoga for movement, strength and balance? When I see Jen’s true-to-life photos (thanks Baker-sleuths) it truly looks like she does no workouts at all. I wonder what her a1c lab results would look like — Jin is only 42 and still young(ish).

    GIRL, you need to get things under control now before menopause changes everything. Unfortunately, GIRL, you have dug yourself a hole and you may not be able to get out.

    Because you don’t burn a whole lot of calories exercising and she is consuming MASSIVE amounts of food. Those foods are primarily sugar and other carbs, which her body is storing as fat. YOU CANT OUT EXERCISE A BAD DIET!!!
  11. .
    That bra is NOT a good thing for her, lol
  12. .
    That makes me angry. She should be picking her mom up and settling her in. I'm so thankful that I was able to be there for my Dad the last few years of his life. She really doesn't want to be bothered. Showing that text showed the exact opposite of what she thought it would show.

    I do remember last year when Paul picked her up, took her home and settled her in. I thought it was wrong. And, he was working then. I remember Traci said "His work is closer to the hospital than her house, so she had him do it".

    Why didn't she bring her mom to her house for a few days to make sure that she is alright? We know why.
  13. .
    She's wearing that horrible bra that doesn't support her saggy boobs and the top is catching on the top of the bra. Good look, lol
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    QUOTE (Birdistheword @ 4/18/2024, 05:16 PM) 
    I don’t think she wants to be keto. Roy definitely is no longer keto. They are done with that phase.

    I think that is why she’s so miserable. She’s eating the fat of keto (like her wings) but also carbs and it’s not working.

    Notice she doesn’t talk about what her girl crushes eat… cause I’m sure she knows and isn’t (or in Stacey terms “ain’t”) gonna do that. No m’aam.

    Well, Brandi has been eating Minced a lot, and she is 30 pounds heavier than she was in the pics that KK keeps showing. Maybe that should drive the point home that that food will put weight on you.
  15. .
    How does someone so homely think that they are so cute and adorable?
16667 replies since 2/12/2016