The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by Yetta

  1. .
    QUOTE (JustAverageJane @ 5/4/2024, 11:07 AM) 
    I know the bakery says she is huge, massive, fat, beefy, etc but I'm willing to bet that in real life she is only 20 to at most 30 lbs overweight. She isn't ready for my my 600 lb Life. She could lose that amount of weight easily without weight loss drugs.

    No, Jen is probably 50-60 pounds overweight.
  2. .
    I have no idea what she thought was so hilarious about the dog.
  3. .
    I have NEVER seen anyone else write a reminder to add something to a To Do List. It takes longer to do that than to just do it. Same thing for so many of her "tasks". I think she just likes to look at a LOOOOONG list and make it look like she is busy. She really isn't busy at all.
  4. .
    I can't think of one redeeming quality about her. Not one.
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    QUOTE (Doubledippindoctorstacy @ 5/3/2024, 03:44 PM) 
    You know IF she was a busy woman trying her best to lose weight or whatever and sometimes was too tired to cook I would not bat an eye at her eating fast food once in a while. Or even if she just wanted it as a treat! She however sits on her FLAT ass all day long taking videos of herself and then tries to tell her followers that she eats clean while eating almost exclusively shitty take out and drive thru meals. Why doesn’t she see that is what the problem is? She is a fraud and a liar. Like when she was saying she was gluten and dairy free while eating gluten and dairy. She can’t stop lying. Also she’s a real big bitch.

    Exactly! She has all of the time in the world to cook a healthy, decent meal, but she is LAZY
  6. .
    Before she had her tummy tuck, she never showed her midsection. Now, she seeks out clothes to show her tummy area. The weird thing is, she has no muscle tone in her midsection, at all. She is thin, but she looks spongy in the middle. When she turns to the side she still doesn't have a flat tummy. She is thin, but she doesn't have a good figure. Her boobs are too big for her body and then she is a straight board the rest of the way down, with a soft midsection.
  7. .
    Good grief. Look at that ingredient list! butter blend made with corn syrup, soybean oil right off the bat. Then palm oil, corn syrup. So many inflammatory ingredients! If you want mashed potatoes, make them yourself! Peel them, boil them, add salt/pepper, butter and a little milk. NO ONE who eats that ingredient list should claim even 1/10th paleo!

  8. .
    Absolutely! She is so dumb about this! Total denial!
  9. .
    I started following her for the recipes she shared from the cookbooks. She used to cook most nights. That is why she had success with her weight. Now, she eats crap
  10. .
    Didn't she say that she was taking a certain number of clients and she was doing meal plans for them? She shouldn't do that. She could get in trouble for that. I am certified in weight management and I can guide people somewhat, but only registered dieticians should do actual meal plans. Plus, her nutritional information is so out of date, no one should follow it! Egg whites instead of whole eggs (most of the nutrition is in the yolk), salmon 5-6 times per week (way more often than it should be eaten) and then asparagus spears with the salmon. She never varies what she eats and it always looks dry and unappetizing.

    Edited by Yetta - 5/3/2024, 10:50 AM
  11. .
    They eat take out 90% of the time! THAT's why your body fat % keeps going up!
  12. .
    Wow. I have so much to say, LOL. I would say that going to the gym 3 hours per week is average or a little less than average of what most gym attendees do. The people that come to my class go more than that.
  13. .
    I went and watched her stories yesterday, about her cousin. I haven't watched her much in weeks. She is so boring, nasty, mean and unlikeable.
  14. .
    She creates so much busy work for herself, unnecessarily, I might add. She portions out a scoop of her BCAA and glutamine into a small plastic canister. When she makes her drink up, she dumps the canister into the water and tosses the empty canister into a basket.

    So, how does that save time? She still had to scoop out one scoop out of each tub. Why not have the canister sitting within reach, scoop each into the water and be done? It would actually take LESS time. You aren't screwing the lid on the plastic container, putting it in a basket and washing it out later. She said that once every few weeks she fills these up. That would be 10 minutes she could allocate to something else, in her tight daily task list!
  15. .
    Goalz for Stacy....someone who yo-yos every year, gaining 20-30 pounds over the winter and then hurries to lose it come May. Yeah, that is goalz! LOL
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