The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by martiniflightlikedon

  1. .
    QUOTE (ColdOne @ 12/21/2022, 06:26 PM) 
    I don't know why she insists on visiting these places where she marinates in all her losses--her grandparents, NYU, her marriage. It makes for a melancholy Jen video as usual.

    all she has in her life is Loss
    I don't think she could go anywhere without those fEeLinGs coming up because it literally surrounds her like a little eeyore cloud
  2. .
    Imagine going to NYC and eating at .... RUTHS CHRIS ?!?!?!
  3. .
    Didn't we have a list of when Jen was gonna reclaim? I know NYC during Christmas and The Rockettes was on there
  4. .
    Watching Jen discover in real time that the world is not sunshine and rainbows is really something else.
    I know she likes to blame Don for caging her from the world, but she was a grown ass adult who was capable to reading a book every once and a while.
  5. .
    I can't fathom being that obsessed with my looks and my body
  6. .
    Damn she absolutely hates Don and her "former life" -- just lambasting going to eat out at restaurants all the time and how she doesn't like to do that while traveling as much
    BABBBEEEEE you lived for the dinners, you are such a phony
  7. .
    QUOTE (MommyTensleigh @ 12/21/2022, 12:56 PM) 
    Still catching up but as always so many bakers are on point and are saying exactly what I am thinking! Growing up we only got gifts from Santa never from mom and dad too. Don’t you think that’s weird and can begin to stir suspicions? It’s got to be some type of manipulation tactic maybe because the kids get Hanukkah gifts from Don and Tens and then Santa comes? Either way there’s a nasty motive behind her deranged madness. And I too hate how she’s basically saying everyone is as stressed as her, no one really has a nice house and we are all being forced against our will to “breathe and be calm / happy this time of year”. Keep telling yourself that Jenny, you certainly aren’t like the rest of us who are enjoying the season while balancing work etc. Lastly I found it interesting that her elderly parents were picking her up to go to the concert - in general it’s nothing odd but in her case I was getting vibes like they need to give her a ride so she doesn’t try driving off the road because she’s so distraught seeing how fab all the Rosses are now without her.

    It's very normal to get gifts from mom and dad 🧐🧐🧐🧐
  8. .
    QUOTE (WhyAmIHere @ 12/20/2022, 11:17 PM) 
    Also, who gets the kids the gifts from Santa? Don? “We’ll see what Santa brings” after she wraps her 4 gifts each.

    she did mention she got them Santa gifts. I don't know why she said it like that, but earlier she mentioned the santa gifts go unwrapped
  9. .
    Thats not even a kids book, thats like a toddler book. THEY WERE SO CREEPY
  10. .
    Where Da Nuthouse
  11. .
    Whose instagram is triggering her SO hard? She talked a lot about how people who have "perfect lives" online are not as perfect in real life
    She repeated it so many times.
    "I promise you they're having curveballs" as if it was some manta she has to keep saying to herself
  12. .
    QUOTE (luggagewarehouse @ 12/20/2022, 08:55 PM) 
    more notes

    She wants to hang all of her RunDisney shit on her office wall. Odds are good she'll get to that before hanging up a single other photo of her kids.

    "By the way, don't sleep on magnatiles" I love when Jen tries to give parenting advice lolol

    She's says she's "doing the work of two weeks in one" and repeats that she won't be able to get anything done the week of Christmas - a., whose fault is it that she decided to book a christmas cruise + two other trips earlier in December and b., literally what work? wrapping a few presents?

    "I'm gonna be real with you. I'm having a hard stress level week and I want to preface this by saying there is nothing in my life truly and respective to a lot of other folks that is that stressful. Really, I'm very blessed and I'm grateful for that. But I don't want to discount my own feelings. And that is that I am really frickin stressed out! I've got a lot of moving pieces this week. Like I said I'm doing the work of two weeks in one, literally, and it's already A LOT. And I feel like things keep not working out. and it's not big things, it's just a lot of little things, it just feels punilative [note: that is the exact word she said, I listened three times. Does she mean punitive?]

    literally no parent is sleeping on Magnatiles. Its one of the most popular toys ever
  13. .
    Why won't she just say what she is **SO** stressed about?! Is it because she knows its fucking embarrassing ?
    Why is she so stressed about living up to social media? Babe, all you post about is your sad vacations. Your Sadcations if you will
    There is nothing for you to live up to...and if you feel like youre comparing yourself to other people, its because you do absolutely nothing so yes I'm sure it makes you feel inadequate

    Just admit you hate christmas because you're alone. No one who loves Christmas and loves giving their kids fun memories gets that stressed out by doing said fun memories.
  14. .
    Can we move on from KB's mom, and anything dark sided for now...
  15. .
    SOrry, i'm still gonna harp on this
    It's our job as parents to create good humans and good citizens and part of that is exposing our kids to the world. Teaching them about different cultures, races, backgrounds, lifestyles, religions ETC ETC
    The best way to do that is through real world experiences!! And you really do NOT have to travel internationally to do so; Chicago has so much international culture in its backyard

    she likes to wax poetic that her families culture is theater ... THEN TAKE YOUR DAUGHTER TO A PLAY?!
5094 replies since 6/12/2016