The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by WhereDoesDaddySleep

  1. .
    QUOTE (jsym @ 8/7/2018, 20:53) 
    Housewife, my ass! Don works full-time (sort of), she's at home all day, every day and he has to buy milk and cheese for their daughter.

    She forces him to buy the dairy, yet reserves the right to eat cheese and ice cream again :nono2:

    She truly has zero principles. Well, outside of the preservation of her ego.
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    I want video of Poopsie tasting that pie.
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    QUOTE (Depl @ 7/2/2018, 09:15 PM) 
    It does seem at least like one of those apps where you can enhance the smile and get rid of bags. I feel like she made the eyes slightly bigger too which is why he doesn’t quite look like himself

    How sad

    It's so sad. How would you feel if you grew up and figured out your mom had shopped your baby photos?
  4. .
    QUOTE (popsugarlikejen @ 21/6/2018, 19:28) 
    I am betting she DOES wear the dress
    It will hide her post preggo tummy

    AND I don't think it was technically sold in the Pregnancy dept of a store
    she has worn that style dress for many years

    There’s no way she still fits in that dress.
  5. .
    QUOTE (Depl @ 10/6/2018, 14:44) 
    I’ve posted this before but I think she’s just a garden-variety narcissist (IMHO of course)

    Don was the perfect sucker for her and he will continue to be.

    I first got sucked into watching Jen because there was something about her I found comforting and familiar. Then earlier this year I realized my dad is a covert narcissist. That’s all I see now when I try to watch her videos. So I come here for summaries :lol:

    I feel so bad for the kids. My dad mostly kept to himself, wasn’t super involved in raising us. I can’t imagine having a primary caregiver be such a self-absorbed monster.

    It’s actually great that she put Charlotte in school so early. Maybe that will mitigate the damage.
  6. .
    10+ stories to say NOTHING. She really has a gift.
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    QUOTE (Flossy Rossy @ 5/26/2018, 08:29 PM) 
    QUOTE (iShipNikkiB&Bradley @ 26/5/2018, 20:08) 
    She's overfilling her NutriBullet so it can't blend properly (I have the same one). That's why she has to chew her smoothies.

    Counting down to the day she has a blender blowout and we never see a smoothie again :lol:

    She said she's purposely doing that so she can chew it.
    So she can get the benefits of chewing her food.

    OMG I can't believe that's a thing she said. Why not *eat a salad* like a normal person. The entire point of a smoothie is that you don't have to chew it!

    Even then, she shouldn't be overfilling the blender. When there's no open space the torque from the blending has no place to go (so to speak, not a physicist here) and the lid will unscrew from the cup. Then, oops, smoothie all over your new white kitchen!

    I've done it. It's not a happy occurrence.
    QUOTE (UseGuises @ 5/26/2018, 08:32 PM) 
    Nope, this imbecile is intentionally chewing a smoothly blended drink because she read somewhere that chewing stimulates the activation of digestive enzymes.
    While that may be true, this should normally occur from chewing SOLID food.

    She's also blending away all of that beneficial fiber that would do her some good.
    The only reason she would need to blend and concentrate the micro and phytonutrients from all those fruits is if she had some kind of deficiency.

    If she switched to blended green drinks it would reduce the sugar carbs but still kill the fiber.

    And like she needs to add coconut water to the mix?

    Jen just wants everything to taste good. She wouldn't adjust her palate to enjoy bitter greens, everything has to be delicious.
    As she said about the sweet potato "it tastes like candy"...there's your clue Jen.

    I've made some pretty tasty all veggie smoothies. But yeah, Jen does not have the palate for it. Such a sugar addict. It'd help if she'd eat full meals of nutritionally dense food.
  8. .
    She's overfilling her NutriBullet so it can't blend properly (I have the same one). That's why she has to chew her smoothies.

    Counting down to the day she has a blender blowout and we never see a smoothie again :lol:
  9. .
    QUOTE (Lucky_Me @ 4/23/2018, 10:29 PM) 
    QUOTE (iShipNikkiB&Bradley @ 4/23/2018, 04:23 PM) 
    To get it back to Jen, I thought the screenshot at the beginning of the thread was fake...

    Nope, I took that one. I hit pause on the video at just the right moment to get that creepy look on her face! :sorry_smiley:

    I even went back into the previous thread to understand its context :lol:

    Well done. It's super creepy.
  10. .
    Meanwhile the Duchess of Cambridge just delivered an 8 lb. 7 oz. baby and she barely looked pregnant. Jen had a 6 lb. something-ounce baby and thought she was "heavily pregnant". sigh ...

    Kate is tall though - 5'9".

    She is definitely a marvel though, in heels and hose ~7 hours after giving birth.

    To get it back to Jen, I thought the screenshot at the beginning of the thread was fake...
  11. .
    I think she meant that IG story to be self deprecating, but wow did it come off as angry.
2756 replies since 17/12/2016