The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by FakingIt_MakingIt

  1. .
    Shouldn’t her mega momma you can do it all to course be filmed at home? How many mommas are renting homes to work? If I was going to pay for something to teach me how to have it all while being home with my hoard of children I want to know how to do it from home.
  2. .
    My heart also breaks for that baby. I spent a chunk of time outside today with my little 13 month old planting the last of our garden. She loved to “help”. And last year she loved to “help” from her carrier. I can’t imagine spending all day puttering around the garden while someone else bonded with my baby. Something is seriously wrong with Becky. This is not a job. She’s not forced to go to work and put her baby in daycare. She doesn’t have to show him on YouTube but she doesn’t need to post 50 videos planting her graveyard either. She would have had just the same, or more, views planting in the existing garden and showing how to maximize the space there while being realistic about giving more time to motherhood.
  3. .
    What in the world was the wandering in the nightgown hahaha

    She’s a total loon.
  4. .
    It’s so weird to me that she has these giant beds but is planting things right next to the wood
  5. .
    Common sense would say drip line goes under the landscape fabric. Oh Becks.

    Also, the landscape fabric seems SO wasteful. Unless she’s super meticulous (she’s not) it’s all garbage in the fall. No way she carefully pulls it back, amends the soil, and plants in the exact same holes next year.
  6. .
    So on instagram she is taking the day to test a billion dough recipes to see what’s best…. Lady, go spend some time with your infant!!
  7. .
    I’d have anxiety too if I turned my beautiful million dollar view into some cheap looking garden cemetery and all but abandoned and missed out on my cute newborn for the sake of filming a repetitive and useless video that I’m obligated to make because I’ve blown a ton of money on said cemetery.
  8. .
    QUOTE (Houstonwehaveaproblem @ 1/5/2023, 01:38) 
    How in the world is Lucy doing all this traveling? Who has all the kids? I thought she was in poverty asking for grocery money and all I see is partying and traveling

    And couldn’t even attend her own *cancer* appointments because she had nobody to watch her hoard of children…
  9. .
    I know a few mennonites irl, none of them are as concerned with worldly things the way Lynette is.
  10. .
    I wonder if she’s not trying to get gastric bypass surgery. You have many Drs appointments, have to prove you can loose some weight in your own, stick to a meal plan, regular blood work….
  11. .
    I can understand why she’s complaining about those stairs, she’s probably worried her or Travis will bust them and fall through haha
  12. .
    Andrew looks like a totally different person away from Darlene and Steve. I’m so happy for him!

    I hope his loser parents see how happy he is away from them and I hope they feel guilty! Darlene especially. They’re both failing him but Darlene has made him her excuse for being a lazy sack of poop.
  13. .
    It actually wouldn’t shock me at all if Becky is pregnant again. She comes across as crazy manipulative, it wouldn’t surprise me at all if she trades josh sexy time for all these garden projects or time alone.

    There’s been chatter that this new house was in exchange for the first baby, maybe she is getting her green house for baby number two.
  14. .
    QUOTE (Elaine J @ 22/4/2023, 19:53) 
    I lost interest after the announcement of the soulmate relationship. The swift engagement though is a bit much and way too soon.
    What happened to having the time to heal, find yourself and experience living solo first?!

    In all fairness though, she has been living solo for MANY years. Even when “married” she was solo.
  15. .
    What is she talking about? Healthy girls in their 20s should wait until they’re 40 and like her? Huh? Not everybody spends their life in bed eating because they can’t cope.

    And working her way up to the fancier bike? What???
1648 replies since 11/1/2017