The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by YouGuysSlayMe

  1. .
    He called her 'baby girl' in that poem.
    So barf-tastic.
  2. .
    QUOTE (Good Ol’ Suze @ 7/6/2021, 08:56 AM) 
    Let’s hope four vodka-crans into the reception Don both sings ho AND accidentally calls her Jennifer!!

    I like the way you think.
  3. .
    QUOTE (lurker1991 @ 7/5/2021, 10:32 PM) 
    I also feel like there is a meta element to this. If she posts, whatever she says or does, it will be picked apart and analyzed and she will be criticized and made fun of. In the past, this didn't matter to her because her desire to brag to others gave her more emotional fulfillment than the criticism detracted. But, she no longer has anything to brag about.

    If she doesn't post anything, she still gets tons of attention. People wonder how she's doing and when she's coming back. But specifics of the current circumstances of her life are not available for people to snark on. So, really, not posting fulfills her emotional needs better than posting does.

    The only way this pattern would change would be if the equation changed -- if posting gave her more emotional fulfillment (narcissistic supply) than not posting. If everyone stopped posting on this thread, maybe the equation would change. Or, as I said, maybe it would change if she found some other way of increasing her attention-seeking behaviors, such as Munchausen's. Or, of course, if she acquired something to brag about.

    She's probably been reading this thread the whole time...she may even be reading it right at this moment (hi, Jen!) She has literally nothing else to do with her life at this point. I believe that she is getting her narcissistic supply that way. Having dozens (hundreds?) of strangers wonder where you are, analyze your every move, and speculate about the most trivial details of your life, would make anyone feel special.

    Therefore, my radical proposal is that our best chance to draw Jen out is for everyone to stop posting in this thread entirely until she comes out with new content.

    As it is right now, we barely talk about Jen anymore.

    Most of what we talk about is stuff from her past, stuff that didn't bother her one iota back in the day.
    The only time she gets upset is when things that are steeped in truth are talked about.
    She could learn from what upsets her (but she won't)

    If she was scouring these pages, what she would actually see is a great deal of concern about her.
    And also a great many fabulous and useful ideas.

    We've watched and seen Jen manipulate people into walking on eggshells for over ten years now.
    As I don't know her personally, I don't care to tip-toe about her to spare her deeply empathetic feelings.

    I realize a lot of people have put NewDon and Tens on a pedestal.
    But the truth is, not all of us have.
    To many of us, Don seems as annoying and singular as he always was.
    And none of us know much about Tens at all.
    Mostly, it's simply speculation about how people hope she is.

    I don't think she reads here. If I did, I might think twice about posting. That's a personal choice we all have to make, I think.
    If you think she is being hurt in some way by the (nearly always honest) things being said here, then, yes, for sure, you should step away.
    But until and unless these threads are shut down in order to cater to Jen's terribly fragile ego and state of mind, I'll be continuing to post here. I image others will, too.
  4. .
    QUOTE (RikkiJones @ 7/5/2021, 04:13 PM) 
    I wonder why some know of Ten’s IG but won’t share info……..

    Perhaps your timing has been off, but, I've seen an incredible amount of sharing.
    An incredible amount.
  5. .
    Funny how differently we can all see things.
    To me, Don looks no better.
    Dadbod is still intact...or has made its return.
    And the beard is scraggly and unkempt.
    Plus...he still looks like a giant dick to me. lol
  6. .
    QUOTE (Good Ol’ Suze @ 7/5/2021, 01:10 PM) 
    QUOTE (lenore @ 7/5/2021, 01:06 PM) 
    If any bakers in the Chicago area needs spy-like wear let us know. I am sure we have some creatives here.

    Am I wrong to assume our outfits would be variations on this…


    I'm going with this mask:


    I want to fit in with the in-crowd.


  7. .
    QUOTE (Meow2 @ 7/5/2021, 10:43 AM) 
    my secret is out! :snickering:

    The hints were there all along.

    Name starts with Me
    Always with an 'ow'
    And TWO!

    How did we miss this for so long?
  8. .
    QUOTE (husbandontherun @ 7/4/2021, 04:07 PM) 
    Can we pleeeease ban that picture from being posted here ever again!?

    Dream on.

  9. .
    QUOTE (Meow2 @ 7/4/2021, 04:03 PM) 
    I was eating when I saw that :(

    I have learned never to eat when reading The Bakery.
  10. .
    QUOTE (Breakdown @ 7/4/2021, 03:48 PM) 
    No FB here so I'll have to use my overactive imagination to imagine Don's face altered. His doughy face + fillers = likely having nightmares for days


  11. .
    QUOTE (gardenhoe @ 7/3/2021, 11:32 PM) 
    QUOTE (ColdOne @ 3/7/2021, 02:37) 

    What video or occasion is this from? I don’t recognize it.

    This is the best gif ever.
    Prove me wrong.
  12. .
    QUOTE (ClingingToUtah @ 7/3/2021, 09:20 PM) 
    For those in perimenopause, keep the date of your last period with your medical records. You’ll need it when you’re filling out medical forms. My OBGYN said it’s increasingly becoming an important date.

    My standard answer for questions like this is: I don't remember.

    Because, you know, forgetfulness and menopause.

    It works for me.

  13. .
    QUOTE (Chachacha @ 7/3/2021, 06:33 PM) 
    So are you suggesting that despite being in an affair with T prior to divorce, Don was fucking around in Tinder? Meaning he was already cheating on T while in a relationship with her (albeit an affair). Does not make me hopeful how long the second marriage will last!



  14. .
    QUOTE (husbandontherun @ 7/3/2021, 12:25 PM) 
    So, do we think backup will ever come back after these discussions?

    This is him right now:

  15. .
    My very best tip for staving off hot flashes:

    Also, never forget that forgetfulness is one of the strongest symptoms of menopause. I always forgot that. lol
    I started carrying a small notepad in my pocket (I don't wear clothes without pockets) and that saved me a lot. I wrote everything down! And I still carry one but it's called an iPhone now.
    Like this:

    Pretty sure I'm the oldest one here, but a woman who tells her age would tell anything. Let's just say that 1969 was a hell of a year, and I remember most of it, in spite of. lol
4365 replies since 26/1/2017