The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by Marshmallow-magic

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    Oops sorry I meant an appreciation video 😂😂😂 auto correct hates me
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    You know it’s bad when you have to limit your comments on an application video 🫣
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    I follow someone on IG with binge eating disorder she’s been battling it for years and she’s a larger lady, she’s currently in therapy and working through her issues with food she’s been on a variety of diets and even hit her goal a couple of times but always put it all back on and at the moment she’s doing very well with making healthy choices and walking. It has to be a lifestyle change and until Jess realises this and implements positive changes that she can live with long term alongside working on her issues with food she will never be successful.
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    QUOTE (RogerSterling @ 28/5/2023, 05:00) 
    QUOTE (Twirly Squirrely @ 28/5/2023, 02:56) 
    They could approach Asa.

    If he agreed to do that, he would be the biggest fucking moron and simp known to man. I'd hope even the mere suggestion from the two would result in him immediately showing them the door and telling them to never contact him unless it's regarding the kids.

    Yeh I wouldn’t put it past those freeloaders asking for child maintenance later down the line and Asa giving it because you know it’s not the cute little Childs fault and he/she is mine too 🙄 those two brazen takers are more than capable of pulling the emotional blackmail card if it suited them.
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    QUOTE (KSGirl @ 27/5/2023, 18:35) 
    Im not convinced one bit that it was a brand new device. It was already coated in fingerprints when he pulled it out of the bag. But I'll give her the benefit of the doubt and maybe that was from setting it up. Probably not. But maybe.

    I was actually kind of surprised that she didn't put Nate in the extended year. She usually jumps on any chance to get away from her kids. But maybe they didn't offer it to Lucy so it didn't seem worth it to her. She was cracking me up when she was going on and on about how great the school is and how they really "get" Nate. Well, first of all, it doesn't take long to realize that he is very smart and can do a lot (although his own mom can't seem to grasp it) but also like, it's been 3 weeks. Who are you trying to convince? Us or yourself?

    Give it a few months and she will be the topic of gossip in that school amongst the staff because Jess is most certainly holding him back and it’s not like David’s relative anymore it’s about Nate’s rights and helping him excel.
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    QUOTE (Queen Beeeee @ 27/5/2023, 12:44) 
    QUOTE (Gnat411 @ 27/5/2023, 10:59) 
    Why would William donate to the slush fund, Archewell? William is too smart to get involved when he knows the foundation is not on the up-and-up. He does have MI5/6 intel. I could be wrong but it sounds like more made up PR/lies from Me-again’s camp.

    That information wasn't leaked. A statement was made, apparently, from William's Office after Harry bleated on about all the money William got because he settled out of Court.

    Maybe William settled to avoid all the publicity oh wait ….
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    QUOTE (organizedhoarder @ 27/5/2023, 02:55) 
    It's all so crazy to me. There were 6 kids in my family. When dinner was on the table you ate it or at least tried. I don't remember anyone complaining but I was the youngest so hard to remember. We even ate stuff like liver..I was hungry that night. No choices just dinner.
    I remember going to a friends house to sleep over...first hot dog I ever ate. Let's just say...YUM !!

    Oh definitely the same at my house when I mentioned the picky dinners they were just a good way to get my (autistic) sons to try a variety of foods in a fun way, we’d laugh at the ones they found awful and cheer at the ones that scored high it was just a means to an end we’d cook the good stuff I should have clarified that but my comment would have been a book 😂😂
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    I agree if you’re paying for professional advice you go to a professional they're grasping at straws at this point.
    I wonder when they will hit bottom because with the cost of living crisis even people with a decent job are feeling the pinch.
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    I found it helpful to do what we call a picky dinner when my sons wouldn’t eat I’d get them involved and we would make small portions of a few different foods such as a fruit and veggie platter and small savoury dishes we would all get involved and everyone had to try a bit of everything and score it kind of like a game it was a fun way to get them to try new dishes.
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    I agree that she’ll be back they may try a couple of schemes for easy money then fail AGAIN and realise the only easy money they ever made was online, they have no skills to speak of what choice do they have jobs like waitressing and Walmart require experience these days so yeh they’ll be back.
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    OMG a baby is the last thing they need 🙄
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    I don’t get the buying of multiple quote pictures/signs sure I’d buy one if it meant something to me or it was an inside joke but why so many 🤷‍♀️
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    I don’t understand Jess most parents go above and beyond to encourage their children’s passions some travel all over.
    Poor Nate he deserves better prioritising one child over another is so wrong you’d think she would have more empathy for Nate, it’s usually the regular kid that misses out in families with neurodivergent children because they have so many appointments and therapies.
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    QUOTE (Hazel Garbanzi @ 25/5/2023, 15:19) 
    I also thought of that picture as payback. Maybe she had told him off about the stupid expensive trip that was his idea, and that she wished she was back in the US.

    Yeh or blamed him for molly’s death because she would milk it dry and it wouldn’t be her fault she would have to find a scapegoat even though she’s a fully grown adult 🙄
    Probably a bit of both as in this was your idiotic idea and now look what’s happened to my molly 🤢
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    I’m just gonna take a seat in the corner any spare popcorn 🍿 you know where I am.
2541 replies since 15/3/2017