The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by ComfortablyNumb

  1. .
    The stigma she is referring to is that Covid is deadly.

    She says she doesn’t want to diminish the seriousness of Covid but then does just that by saying very smugly “it’s it’s a’s a virus” (like it’s no big deal). Don’t blame her guys! It’s just a virus. Her kids are happy.

    This is the tell tale smirk she makes when she’s lying. Same exact smirk after different statements. Pathetic gaslighter.

  2. .
    Jen shared because SHE wanted you to know you are not alone. What an ego.

    Alrighty then, I feel better because of Jen Ross.
  3. .
    One slide she shows a vegan cookbook she just received. Next slide, “I am not vegan!”

    What does dimwitted one expect?
  4. .

    Jen with all her secrecy and bullshit and surprise I’m (fill in the blank) here confuses the hell out of me. What does she want out of life? To shit it away running and traveling because...because why?

    I don’t get it. She posted awhile ago that “there is not one second that passes in a day where my feet do not hurt and I’m afraid it will remain that way indefinitely.”

    Yet she hikes 40 miles and runs marathons. So what is it? Does she EVER tell the truth? I’m super impressed by all those people running back to back races. But I bet you none of them keep it a secret. She is insufferable with all her lies. I can see why her marriage unraveled.
  5. .
    And she loves her big hips because now they come in handy to hold up her backpack. :eyeroll:

    Said no one, ever.
  6. .
    Emily was competing in triathlons and her body looked amazing. Jen’s body isn’t super athletic looking imo. She looks plump. No big deal but certainly not what I would expect.
  7. .
    She’s all alone in her fantasy of all fantasy worlds, Disney. And doing the one thing she said transforms her, running(walking). Filming herself in all her narcissistic glory, self absorbed, egotistical look at ME! photos.

    That is all she has that makes her smile like that. A fantasy world, no kids and all the expensive things. What a shallow life.
  8. .
    Wtf? She injured her naturally deformed foot as it came with her body? Speak NORMAL English for once.

    Notice she never says what her injuries are.

  9. .
    Jen’s a narcissist and narcissists obsess about what people think of them. She definitely gives plenty of f**ks, otherwise she wouldn’t be on YouTube ffs.

    My grandma used to say “if a man talks about his sex life a lot it’s because he doesn’t have one.”

    Listen to my granny Jen, if you have to post about what you don’t care about, then you definitely care about it, dumbass.

    And to the Jenion, I have no sympathy for Jen and never will because she’s an enormous liar. I absolutely hate liars.
  10. .
    QUOTE (Party of 7 @ 29/12/2021, 04:22) 

    Don’t forget the tell-tale delivery story video. Jen’s arm gets “tired” and she is relieved to pass CC out of her arms to Don, who cannot stop starting at CC with the most adoring eyes. Jen continues to blabber on to the camera with her dramatic birth story. She tells it as if she’s the only women who’s ever given birth. :eyeroll:

    She rarely looks at CC, Don can’t take his eyes off his new baby. But wait, at the end Jen does get that sparkle in her eye...for the mop.

  11. .
    I just watched the video, I didn’t think it was that bad. Charlotte says “aren’t you going to turn that off?” because her mom just said they were ending the video. What I do see is she is desperate to get mommy’s attention by acting out.

    Jen saying “mommy loves her exercise bike” is a metaphor for her whole effed up life and dysfunctional relationship with her kids. Their mom is in love with a piece of exercise equipment because it’s attached to the Internet and the Internet is Jen’s life.

    It’s still all about Jen. Jen relates to an exercise bike more than her children. What a stupid idea for a video considering their ages and that it’s Christmas. She just doesn’t get kids, even her own.
  12. .
    QUOTE (NorthShoreExchange @ 26/12/2021, 07:57) 
    Now she’s smoking meat herself :hearty-laugh:

    Sure Jan Jen Gene. Where’s the smoker? If Don can do it, so can she! Building fires, smoking meat and as she so carefully pointed out, SHE can multitask. Wow, no mom has ever done that!! She even includes a caption that says even though we can’t see it, she is making horseradish while holding a kid!! Wow!!!
  13. .
    Rise, as in her head.

  14. .
    QUOTE (WhyAmIHere @ 15/12/2021, 05:35) 
    QUOTE (NoLongerAvailable @ 15/12/2021, 04:11) 
    I’m getting so tired of seeing her sunglasses on her hat….

    Her hat is always so far down her face, she probably doesn’t even need/wear the sunglasses.

    Does this make anyone else rage-y ????


    My trigger is when she’s in a scenic area and says “I can’t, I can’t, or “come on, it’s so beautiful.” It’s so over the top dramatic and fake.

    In the end she doesn’t even mention the beauty of her hike or what a good time she had “with nature.” She just says I’m so proud of myself. Like, if I go the the fjords of Norway I wouldn’t say I was proud of myself. I would say it was beautiful. She is just SO WEIRD!
  15. .
    The p-rag nonsense was so transparent. She HAD to let us to know she’s one of the cool, experienced backpackers. What a warped ego. There is nothing special or head pat worthy about body function protocol while in the outdoors. But she REALLY thinks there is. Is the dumbass going to film a pile of her shit next? She’s a bad ass wilderness solo traveler!! Look guys, I shit in the woods! She is beyond insufferable.
2112 replies since 25/4/2017