The Gossip Bakery

Votes taken by InsanelyRuthless

  1. .
    Selling her clothes on the thrift page while referring to her team posting them killed me. Girl no one wants your washed up 2017 express clothing… or maybe they do. Also the amount of time she tells us her weight hasn’t changed and she’s consistent. Didn’t she just get a mini tummy tuck. Good for her but I don’t believe she’s ever been 100 in her own skin

    Edited to add she’s also selling literal forever 21 omg stop
  2. .
    Totally random but is she filming aMIsh ppl? Isn’t that totally not cool and considered graven images?

    A strange nit pick and I’m sure she doesn’t know but I think that’s a real party foul.
  3. .
    Her attitude towards others feels like self loathing to me - she gets to feel higher than those who wear yoga pants.

    If she truly was secure in herself (maybe even her marriage) I think she’d be less prescriptive and see there are many ways women can live. By looking down on women for showing too much skin, wearing athletic attire, or having more than 12 pieces of clothing a season doesn’t make her any chicer. It makes her seem bitter to me and not full of light.

    I personally do like to dress for the day but sometimes it’s at noon - sometimes I just let loose a little and relax - balance! Being formal is a great skill - comes in handy. But being low key and just vegging is a gift
  4. .
    I know this isn’t the most active thread but I just watched about 7 of her videos this week - and wow. Despite her weight loss she still seems super unhappy in her own skin, I sense a lot of bitterness towards other women - the constant remarks about those who “watch Netflix” or dare to “wear workout clothes to the grocery store” are exhausting. It’s so unbecoming to spend your energy belittling women who dress differently, live a different lifestyle etc,

    It makes me wonder how far Jen’s life is from her expectation. I have a feeling she wanted to be higher status and social, with lots of events and successful friends. But now she’s saddled with 4 kids and a husband who might not have done as well as she had hoped. I don’t wish her anything bad. I just wish she’d wake up and see other people as worthy of respect whether they meet her “standards” or not.
    I cannot see this attitude doing well in working world, or even in the world of a spouse to a husband in the working world. I feel her desire to “live above” has even caused her to isolate her children from the rest of society by homeschooling (not shading home schooling - just what I think motivated it for her)

    I also find her newer religious zealotry interesting. I would have assumed she was COE or Epsicopal but she uses the language of evangelical Christianity far more. I am curious if this is too match her audience of homemakers and Christians. I think when she started out she appealed to a wider breadth of women but she seems so insular and provincial now.
  5. .
    One thing that struck me was Jen’s bizarre obsession with telling us about shirts she still has from tenth grade, watches she had from 16 etc. for a women approaching 30 and wealthy it strikes me as so odd.

    She had so much money and time to cultivate a sense of style and taste for herself and yet she blew it on junky tee shirts.

    She literally had parties and events going on too. She had reasons to buy clothes intended for women.
  6. .
    Hi can we all just imagine our high school ex posting pics of us to their IG stories? Or seeing it on a spouses ex stories? Bizarre and I agree keep it offline they didn’t ask to be there.

    Maybe Don got pissy with her, I feel like he’s been pretty nice to her since Covid started and maybe he finally lost it a little bit.
  7. .
    If someone already said this sorry but isn’t it telling Elizabeth Eat Fucking Pray Love Gilbert is her fav author.

  8. .
    Could Don have asked for an open marriage????
  9. .
    It’s Jen Mad libs. I’ll fill in “Works in Finanical Technology, Rapidly shedding the dad bod, Hypersexual dominant open to polyamory. 4/20 friendly”
  10. .
    The pic of her playing the piano is so scary I don’t even know.

    I need good screenshots to read y’all. Appreciate those who bring them!
  11. .
    I think the only way Jen could have saved the marriage is if she listened to some of us at the bakery. Especially our reaction to how she treated Don in the vegan debacle. Making him store the Bacon he brought home in the garage. That was symbolic of total lack of regard for him.

    Don is no peach but he sure is looking the ripest he ever has. Whoever mentioned him going on 90 day I could see it. I could see Don falling into a situation with a woman who would be would be far more willing from even a cultural level to play along and be married a millionaire.

    Jen sucked as a wife and even though Don sucked he gave her everything under the sun. Stuff doesn’t make you happy but having gratitude can and that woman has always seemed so royally ungrateful.

    Edited by InsanelyRuthless - 1/16/2020, 08:10 PM
  12. .
    I’ve been eyeing the threads all weekend but was traveling to my in laws to take care of listing my husbands grandmas house- and it stayed busy. This trip came with its own days of reckoning.

    I’ve been dying to say something I haven’t yet seen discussed.

    I’m not sure where/when (past year) Jen said said she asked Don if he’d sell the house and their possessions and move to a tiny house.

    We all talked about it at the time that. Why would he want to give up a home he had spent his years, money and time in and was raising his children in — of course he’d say no! A tiny house in the woods is not Don. It’s not what they built over the past decades and it’s not what he’d want

    That moment was a big red glaring red flag in their marriage.
  13. .
    I want to send Kimmy some Leslie Sansone tapes for Christmas! I’m not so shallow as to think weight is the most important thing but her health is clearly suffering and she needs to actually take care of herself (not fake self care) I notice a lot of these moms don’t get any activity. It’s a poor model for kids. Even if it’s ten minutes a day moving is so good for your mood and your body.
  14. .
    I looked forward to that video because it is peak Kimmy! Last year she neglected a family home sick, this year it was showing up just woken up in the evening to her in laws (not a good look.)

    I totally find it outrageous to say you’re going tighter on Christmas but buy more decor! Did she say she has three trees? Also the CASHMERE tree was hilarious - there was nothing special about it.
  15. .
    Has everyone been watching the Prince Andrew fallout?

    I was in London when I saw the program The Prince and the Paedophile and I was shocked it was very damning. I’ve been listening to wondery podcasts and totally have had Epstein brain. I found it disgusting he took advantage of young women and isn’t getting brought to justice for it. It’s so disheartening and I would be very upset if I were a Brit and paying tax dollars towards his comfort and protection.

    I love the U.K. but the Royal family can be unsettling.
357 replies since 27/4/2017