The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by Snippet

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    QUOTE (Grammylikescake! @ 8/14/2023, 02:28 PM) 
    Builders are helping the buyer out by narrowing the choices of things that will go into the new house. The choices otherwise would be overwhelming to a regular home buyer. CCG just looked at a narrowed down list of materials and decided which ones she liked (or did at the moment.) In her goofball mind, she called that designing. More like selected. If there is no buyer lined up, the builder will have their designer select materials and finish the house. CCG has exaggerated her role , but then she always does that such as casually inserting the word architect describing her previous day J.O.B. That word can be used in a descriptive fashion but in her case she was trying to suggest educational achievements she did not earn.

    CCG loves to inflate her background to suggest she is better educated, more accomplished than she is in reality. Her naive subbies believe her and admire what she has achieved, ignoring the smoke and mirrors holding it all together. It is a fragile concoction that can easily be dismantled with just a routine kind of research. Some years ago her claim of owning the house she was living in was revealed to be hogwash just by looking at public records. She was renting the house and even the amount of her rent was discovered. So CCG is on shaky ground and everything she has worked to build could fall apart. Snotfest II is always lurking because she learned nothing since the last time she tried to pull a fast one. She may win in the short term but long term? She’ll never know when KARMA decides to come calling. 😈 She’ll just show up.

    I just cannot believe you people have all forgotten that she was an architect who actually was the city planner for Prosper and the vice president for city planning saw her plan and wanted all cities to be like her architectural design and then her brilliant ideas brought all the boys to her yard. :flcvoy01:
  2. .
    Isn’t it sad that Micah “choosed” the room she intends to be in for the rest of her life?

    What pathetic little lives. And CCG looks like she is wearing one of those joke trucker hats with the mullet attached. Ick.
  3. .
    I am often reading far behind, which means I rarely see posts that get deleted and this can result in some confusion.

    For the sake of catching up, this is what seem to be the key points of discussion so far:

    1. Lots of evidence that Joda lies about EVERYTHING, even things that she has no real reason to have to lie about.
    2. Because of 1, general consensus that her story about the impossibility of getting mail at her AirB&B is a cover for a scam focused on getting people to pre-order (and pre-pay) and then delaying delivering the book so she can either keep the money or use it without interest in the meantime. (I think it is also to increase sales before it is available because once it is out everyone will see what a pile of poop it is and no one will buy it then).
    3. General consensus that her brother hates her so much he is emigrating to Canada to avoid contact and keep his kids from her influence.

    I presume any deleted posts did not provide other info that helps us figure this out. I mean, the posters could repost that info without including what violated the code. The posting guidelines provide plenty of room for sharing information that doesn’t cross the line.

    Here are my own questions:

    A. What is the evidence for the argument she is having a house custom built? She would have to buy a lot or something, and isn’t that a matter of public record? Personally, I would be less surprised if she just rents and then falsely claims she owns, as she has done before.

    B. I heard Jr. say her shoes could be shipped to Meghan’s, raising my hope that that friendship is intact. Jr. needs friends in order to have any hope for independence. What do others think? Is anyone following that?

    C. Maybe her brother is moving away from Mommy Dearest instead of CCG. If MD is known publicly in that community as a fraudster, his own financial ambitions would depend on getting away from her. He just finished a degree and that may have opened his eyes on some things. Maybe he has his own worries about professional reputation (and a desire to be seen on his own instead of as related to fraudsters MD and CCG) that make a move to Canada good for him.

    I love reading everyone’s thoughts about this little drama. I appreciate the research done and shared and hope those who misstep will see IDES’s intervention by deleting posts that violate the policy as protective of the forum and of them. Please post again — just within the guidelines! Thank you, Bakers.
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    May I recommend as the new thread title: Crafty Girl: Different City, Same Groundhog Day Life of Dog Abuse, Armpit Views, Zero Clues
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    Who else suspects that the “Loki cannot stay at my brother’s” story is groundwork for an excuse to get rid of Loki? She sure as hell didn’t take his needs into account when she chose the place they are currently staying in.
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    QUOTE (Bargainhunter @ 21/7/2023, 17:09) 
    I agree I didn't get why the conversation was so funny. How much does she write she needs that many composition notebooks. Her deck of cards was in a pod. Really those would have fit in a purse.

    I think it was a nod at the Bakers always being able to find her OWN address LOL 😂
  7. .
    You know, if she is feeling lost and needs someone to make her decisions for her, I volunteer. Here are a number of things that would be positive steps forward that I believe she is capable of making.

    1. Get a haircut. Wearing your hair so long and scraggly when you are nearing forty AGES you. Get a shoulder-length bob, and it will be swingy and fuller and make you look much younger.

    2. Take a yoga class. You might just meet a friend, and it helps elongate and make you more graceful. It also helps with anxiety and you already have so many cute workout outfits to wear.

    3. Heal rather than ruminating. There is a good YouTube channel called “The Crappy Childhood Fairy” that is an excellent resource for those with CPTSD and it doesn’t require you to feel resentful of your family. She probably feels it would harm her current relationship with her mom to examine this, but the focus is on helping YOU understand the manifestations of CPTSD and overcome the ways they affect you today.

    4. Get some therapy. Informed with a better understanding of what you need (step 3), you can get some help to address the steps you need to take. This is often (even usually) impossible to begin without guidance from a real therapist — not a psychic, not a Tiktoker, but someone with real training.

    5. All of the steps above could be content. Just step one — “your hair journey” — could be so many posts with lots of comments from your subscribers about how cute you are — an ego boost that could embolden you to take the more challenging steps.

    6. Learn how to disengage from your daughter in ways that will help her get out of the depressive hole she has fallen into. Help her gain some self respect by requiring her to stand on her own two feet. Codependency is real. You are both harmed by it. Find your mother’s love and kick that girl in the backside.

    7. Practice thankfulness. Be grateful for what you have, find ways to share your blessings with the less fortunate, and focus on what you have already instead of on the acquisition of more. That is an endless treadmill that will never lead to satisfaction. More is often less — surely you can see that?

    8. Finally, read better books, books you can be proud to shelve with their spines facing out. Start with Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice. We all know you’ve only seen the movies. And if you cannot bring yourself to read it — girl, you NEED to read it! — then at least watch some other adaptations than the (perfectly fine) one with Kiera Knightley/Matthew McFayden too. I recommend Laurence Olivier/Greer Garson and Colin Firth/Jennifer Ehle as excellent Darcy/Elizabeth embodiments. You are denying yourself some of life’s greatest pleasures by watching Weekend at Bernie’s on a loop.

    Thus endeth the lesson.
  8. .
    Imagine how that vacuum stinks. Gag!
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    QUOTE (Cactus Bee @ 10/7/2023, 01:58) 
    I haven't been able to watch her latest vlog yet. Just couldn't bring myself to do it.

    Once I can't stand her voice (the vocal fry and uptalk are grating to me, like nails on a chalkboard), I decided to read the transcript. Have any of you done that?

    I found it very interesting. I've always thought she had a bit of a hard time conveying her thoughts and feelings, but... wow! It's even worse when you actually READ her nonsense, word for word. She can't form coherent sentences. She begins talking about one subject, then gets sidetracked by her hair, or appearance, or just can't seem to conclude any thoughts.

    I am very curious to read her subscribers' reviews on her BS "memoir" (whenever that thing is released, as the date keeps getting pushed and pushed) . I doubt she has a reading level beyond sixth grade. And she talks like a middle schooler, too.

    My theory is that the memoir pre-orders scheme was just a way to generate some quick cash for her move (someone here calculated about $10K) and that the “book” will never be seen. If she delays it long enough she may even evade returning the monies she already got. The same goes for selling stuff instead of moving it — a desperate grab for cash. She is likely maxed out on her credit. We all know everything she does has a scam angle attached to it somewhere.
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    QUOTE (Flowercat @ 2/7/2023, 22:28) 
    I think the ranting mensa jr was on about was some show was ending? And it meant the end of the world? 🙄. Joda doesn’t act like her mother so she didn’t tell her to calm down or anything. Didn’t edit it out.

    What I got was something about “they killed off Susanna.” I searched for that and “book series” and what came up was a YA book series that has been made into a tv show called The Summer I turned Pretty in which a character called Susannah dies between book one and two in the book series and between season one and two of the tv series (streaming in 2022/3). That’s likely it — having no life of her own, Mikah lives through fandom for this YA pablum.

    ETA: She had probably just started to stream season two and was outraged that the character had died.

    I agree Mikah’s reaction was quite the demonstration of her arrested development and the freaky dynamic between mother and child. Get a freakin’ grip, Atticgurl. And could you be any more passive aggressive, Crappygurl? Or is it just lazy? Either way, your lack of motherly concern in broadcasting your child’s maladjustment is appalling.
  11. .
    That Airbnb reeks of student housing. I cannot believe even for a moment that staying there will be anything other than a torment for her. I mean, compare it to AtticGrrl’s first apartment at Tech — that was much nicer. I give Giada a week before she starts to unravel and chafe. For someone whose whole identity is tied up in consumerism, this will be torture.

    IN FACT, IT IS A PERFECTLY NICE PLACE and sized for two people. But G will not be able to appreciate it.

    The other point of curiosity: how long until Meghan comes over?
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    AirBNB tour with a chunk of dead air in the middle?

    Looking forward to the intrepid tracking it down.
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    QUOTE (Athletic Calves @ 9/6/2023, 00:29) 
    Something occurred to me today- Giada is selling preorders of her book on Etsy that hasn’t YET been approved by Amazon! Her impulsivity led her to do something that very easily could never come to fruition.

    I’ve posted before that a friend self-published on Amazon. When she did her preorders, the title, cover photo and ISBN were all available (about 6 weeks in advance). Anyone could visit the Amazon listing for the book. Silly G-goose doesn’t have a cover photo or a title or an actual listing. Is it even ethical to sell preorders for something that may or may not happen? Can you imagine G having to refund all that money?

    She will use that infusion of cash for her down payment on a place in Texas — first and last month’s rent and deposit on the rental she will tell people she has bought.
  14. .
    As commencement season looms, I would like to say for all of us who point out Boo’s failure to graduate that there is no shame in trying and failing. The shame is in stopping to try. Shame can swallow a person whole — or make them hide in an attic.
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    QUOTE (RoMiBo @ 3/5/2023, 22:36) 
    QUOTE (Grammylikescake! @ 3/5/2023, 21:51) 
    I was just wondering if Megan’s job status had already been disc losed in a previous video. I do not look at all of CCG’s SM presence. Ditto for Mikah. So it just occurred to me that, as much CCG likes to blab, she might have mentioned it somewhere along the line. I agree she wouldn’t want to focus too much on Megan’s job search because of Mikah’s apparent paralysis in getting her act together to do something, anything to resume living rather than vegetating in Navarre. No ambition, no friends, no attempts to make friends or get a job, even part time. All we know is she reads a lot, watches a lot of TV and often complains of being very tired. She uploads to her YT channel sporadically and mainly focuses on cleaning her nest or a made up reason to report on what she has read. CCG would not want a bunch of questions on Mikah’s plans since apparently she “plans” to do more of the same. A whole lot of nothing. 😵‍💫

    Megan has a YouTube page also. Don't know any specifics.

    Megan’s LinkedIn page hasn’t been updated even to show that she has graduated. I would say that doesn’t bode well for her being engaged in a serious job search. As a Marketing graduate, surely she knows that you need to put a good face forward on the internet. Doing a web presence search is a pretty common part of the most basic background job screen.
1115 replies since 29/5/2017