The Gossip Bakery

Posts written by White Wicked Witch

  1. .
    QUOTE (SayWhat! @ 10/3/2021, 00:27) 

    Thank you! You're obviously my kind of people!! I believe that we become stewards of our pets when we bring them home. I think most decent people treat their pets well
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    QUOTE (DaisyMay @ 9/3/2021, 16:43) 

    White Wicked Witch She is such a bitch. How are you feeling? I know you took a fall? Are you back at work?
    Does your Aunt run into Carol still? I think Lards got some money from Carol to put Bella down and groom Pom-Pom.

    Have a great day everyone! X

    I know my aunt has seen her. She last mentioned it at least a month ago. I didn't bring it up because there's nothing new. We already know Carol lives in Brookline and lori lied about her moving out there. But,I do hear they're starting to be more social now that the seniors have had their immunizations. So, there should be more gossip soon.
  3. .
    I hate this bitch. I'm the kind of person that adopts the "special" animals at the shelter that are older, have a history of abuse or handicaps. I don't give up on them because they're not perfect. I've given shots and subcutaneous fluids to my pets while shooting pills down their little throats. I feed then fresh raw meat. I probably spend as much on their meds and food as I do my own. I have ZERO PATIENCE for cunts like lard arse, fat, bitchy, completely unkempt and unlikable... Argh! If her life wasn't already a train wreak I'd be tempted to take it offline. She should be evicted. Arrested. Rotting in prison for all the crimes she's committed. Just, FUCK HER!!!
  4. .
    Baffles me that she's so obsessed with makeup, yet won't do anything with her hair or clothes. Heck, just showering would make a huge difference. But, no. Ragged clothes and smells like a horse stall. It's a vibe
  5. .
    Heard her sniffing. Covid?
  6. .
    So homeless looking...
  7. .
    Excerpt from an article I just read:

    When OWN TV therapist Laura Berman shared news of her 16-year-old son’s death by accidental overdose this week, warning other parents that he had purchased fentanyl-laced Xanax on Snapchat, it likely landed with parents of teens and adolescents as a punch to the gut.

    Pretty sure lard arse isnt getting her pills legally. This is her future.

    Edited by White Wicked Witch - 2/11/2021, 02:34 AM
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    Anyone else notice this thread isn't showing in the active thread list? Can someone fix that? Thanks!!!
  9. .
    Thanks for the well wishes everyone! I'll lay low for awhile and be good as new
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    Yesterday afternoon I got injured at work. My husband came to pick me up, drove me to my doctor, took me home, picked up my meds at the pharmacy, grabbed my favorite dinner at my favorite restaurant and tucked me into bed with a pile of books and the remote. Since then he's waited on me hand and foot. He's gotten me ice packs, picked up the heating pad each time I've dropped it and made anything I wanted to eat. I can't imagine how life would be without someone that cares about you that you also care about. The idea that I could be jealous of her is insanity. Just because nobody wants to be married to you doesn't mean marriage is bad Trigger.
  11. .
    She is the biggest (ha!) Trainwreck I have ever seen. Maybe some wouldn't talk about her because she's mentally ill, but she's such a bad person. Being mentally ill doesn't excuse being such a bad person. Low morals? How about NO MORALS! AND she has the choice to make about ther mental illness. She's not taking care of her mental health. She would never pay for a therapist and psychiatrist, never mind meds that would actually help her get her life in order. I've had court ordered patients like her. They usually ended up in jail (a few od'd). Certainly doesn't seem out of the realm of possibility for the sow, does it? I bet all her neighbors hate her. She could be evicted for some of her behaviors. Vile. She's just vile. Those poor animals.

    And I've always thought she was Borderline (in addition to other things), but her eyes the last year have been classic bipolar.

    Edited by White Wicked Witch - 2/4/2021, 12:33 AM
  12. .
    That crazy bitch. Sure is interesting the things she doesn't mention... like the fact that Carol didn't move out to hell (I mean Arizona) like she claimed. Or that her own mom is scared of her because she's so violent. Or that she's so lonely she has to spend her time talking to strangers and obsessing about a website. Yep, sure is interesting what she chooses to ignore...
  13. .
    We're rewatching Buffy the Vampire Slayer. There 90s fashion kills me.
  14. .
    Prada has combat boots out right now. Pretty sure lard arse has seen them on a youtuber and is trying to recreate it in her bargain basement way.
  15. .
    I think blocking only stops someone from messaging you. You still see their posts. Maybe there will be a better option in the future. Till then just scroll and ignore!
235 replies since 28/6/2017